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Yuan Feng returned to Qingwu Palace this time. He really just wanted to see his mother and two confidantes. As for the others, Yuan Qingyun and other elders are practicing, and his friends ca n’t see him at all. The difference between his avatar and the deity, in their hearts, he thought he was always around.

After a brief report of his experience during this time, Yuan Feng then proposed to leave.

With my mother and two confidantes, of course, I will not be bored for how long, but now he has other things to do, but he can't stay here for too long. Moreover, he now has the status of a disciple of Ziyun Palace. If the people of Ziyun Palace find that he stays in Qingwu Palace for a long time, it will not be a good thing for everyone in Qingwu Palace.

Perhaps, only when his cultivation reaches the limitless state, and he can completely fear the strong man of demigod, at that time, he can rest in the Qingwu Palace with confidence and stay as long as he wants, How long has it been!

"Mother, Mengchen and sister, this time I leave, but I don't know how long it will take. When you are in Qingwu Palace, you can tell my avatar about anything. Talking about it, avatar is part of me. You have no need to base him thousands of miles away. "

After a short reunion, Yuan Feng had to leave, and before leaving, the three women in front of her naturally needed some comfort.

He certainly knew that they didn't want him to leave, but Waner was his close girl and one of his closest relatives. He couldn't ignore Waner's safety because of the people in front of him.

"Fenger, do what you have to do with confidence. I will wait for you at Qingwu Palace with Dream Dust and Yuner. Anyway, your avatar will always sit in Qingwu Palace. You don't need to worry about us. "

Now that he knew Yuan Feng had to leave, Jiang Qingwu, the mother, would certainly not let Yuan Feng leave with her heart. Although her heart is full of perseverance, but she knows what she should do!

"Yuan Feng, you have to come back sooner this time, and you have to let the avatar report your situation to us regularly."

No matter what Yuan Feng said, they still could n’t take the avatar as his own. Unfortunately, the power of the avatar is not only less than the seventh realm of nine transfers, but also less of the help of swallowing martial arts. Otherwise, Yuan Feng can really let the detachment go out and let the deity stay here.

"Know, this time I will often ask the avatar to report my whereabouts." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng reached out and touched Yunyun Mengchen's cheek, and his eyes were full of perseverance.

"Brother Yuan Feng, you promised that Mengchen and my Baoqin have not been honored yet. Come back next time, if you haven't got your Baoqin back, don't blame us for not welcome you."

Mu Yuner stepped forward at this moment, staring at Yuan Feng. When Yuan Feng left before, he once said that he would help them pay attention to Baoqin, but now it seems that he obviously did not complete the task.

"Uh, this ......... Rest assured, once I have a chance, I will never forget it."

Hearing Mu Yuner's questioning, Yuan Feng couldn't help but touch her nose, and she couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. He really forgot about it, but then again, at the time of the Ziyun Palace, he really didn't see the Qin Lingbing. If he did, he would have taken it back to the two women. .

"Okay, mother, Mengchen and sister, time is not short. I have to leave. When I return next time, I may have been promoted to Wuji. At that time, I just wanted to stay here for as long as possible. How long can I stay here. "

Correcting his look, Yuan Feng knew that if he did not leave heartlessly, the three women in front of him would not let him go, but for their sake, he had to leave.

"Well, don't leave again when you come back next time."

With a slight smile, Jiang Qingwu beckoned to Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, and signaled that they should not be entangled with Yuan Feng. At this time, and afterwards, she could make the two girls converge a little.

"Haha, okay, then the child will work hard to achieve the Promise of Promise as soon as possible, and no longer have to be afraid of the demigods. By then, the mother wants the child to stay as long as possible.

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng's eyes finally glanced at the three, and then he took a few steps back.

"Mother, Mengchen and sister, I will go too !!!"

The voice dropped, his body moved slightly, his voice was still there, but the figure disappeared.

"Hey, when can this child really rest?" Seeing Yuan Feng's figure disappeared, Jiang Qingwu could not help but sigh, but there was a hint of distress in his face.

Where is she unclear? Yuan Feng is so buoyant everywhere. The ultimate goal is not to make her own strength further, and then she can protect everyone?

"Be sure to come back early !!!"

Yun Mengchen and Mu Yun'er looked sternly outside the closet space, and everyone's faces were dull.

"Mengchen, Yuner, let's continue to cultivate. If we want to make Fenger uncomfortable, then we must improve our strength to help him solve problems."

In any case, she is an elder, and certainly cannot be as emotional as Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner. Since she can't help her baby to solve her problems, at least, she also needs to take good care of Yuan Feng's two confidantes?

Speaking, the three of them all had their eyes fixed, and then they practiced the mysterious skills again ...

After leaving Jiang Qingwu's trio, Yuan Feng did not leave Qingwu Palace for the first time. Instead, he found his avatar first, and handed over some of the babies he had obtained in Ziyun Palace.

He was in the Ziyun Palace this time, and it was quite fruitful. These treasures are not very useful for him. They might as well be left to the avatars. If the people in the Qingwu Palace need them, they will have the best use.

It is a pity that he has not been able to collect some sulking qi, otherwise, it can make the avatar take the Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong further.

However, this is not a big deal. Although the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong of the avatar has not been promoted, but in terms of the power of the avatar now, it is really enough to protect the Qingwu Palace.

After handing over all the babies to the avatars, he took a moment to glance at his elders, and now they are all in the cultivation, so he didn't bother.

After doing all this, Yuan Feng left and set off on his journey to Yuanji Palace again.

"The Yuanji Palace, as a super-power with a long tradition, is not afraid that there are not too many demigods. When I go there, I must be careful. I must not expose myself to too much. Row."

On the journey again, Yuan Feng left everything in Qingwu Palace to the side and thought about going to Yuanji Palace.

What you want to do is like going to Yuanji Palace to see Waner. This is not a joke, especially if there are people who know him in Yuanji Palace. If those people see him, it may not make him feel better. .

Of course, the only thing that scares him is the superpowers of the semi-godder. As for the people below the hemigod, he is absolutely fearless. Even if he really encounters the semi-godder, he can do it Fight for a fight, and by then the deer will die, but it is still unknown.

Nowadays, his sword skills of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong and Fang Jian Realm are both stunts. In addition, in terms of his increasingly powerful power, the power of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is becoming more and more amazing. Enough time to set up, then even if the person of the demigod falls into the mysterious formation, I am afraid that it will take some time to get out.

So, in general, this trip to Yuanji Palace, he is still relatively energetic.

"From the previous situation, Wan'er in that Yuanji Palace should also be a person with status, but I don't know how important the so-called minor master's identity is for her. If Wan'er's right to speak If it is strong enough, then this trip may not be as dangerous as imagined. "

While working on the road, Yuan Feng is also considering all possible situations. Only by counting everything in place can you ensure that this action is foolproof.

Of course, he still hopes that Waner's status in Yuanji Palace can be higher. In this case, as long as he can contact the other party through some means, he can let the other party take the initiative to meet him.

With the blood curse magic power in his body, he can control many people under the demi-god realm, and he really does not believe that there is no one in the whole Yuanji Palace who can contact Waner and be cursed by blood curse Controlling people.

Having figured this out, he no longer thought about other things. The Xiaoyao and Wuying magical powers reached their extremes, and they quickly rushed in the direction of Yuanji Palace.

The magical skills of Xiaoyao are truly amazing. This horrible skill is really not achievable by ordinary people. Yuan Feng can only be fortunate that he owns the Devouring Wuling Spirit. Without the assistance of Devouring Wuling Spirit, even if he is no matter how talented he is, it is absolutely impossible to train this **** skill.

Yuanji Palace is too far and far away from Ziyun Palace. You must know that even the demigods of Yuanji Palace have a long time to reach when they are driving the space-time boat, and his strength is half a distance away. There is still a long way to go in the divine realm. Such a hurry, of course, will take longer.

Along the way, Yuan Feng sometimes stops to rest and sometimes stays in some more special cities. First, I can learn more about the different customs and customs of the world, and secondly, I want to serve Yunmeng and Muyun. Children pay attention to the piano soldiers.

Not to mention, in such a purposeful situation, this journey did not seem boring at all.

ps: There is something temporary during the day. Xiaoyan worked hard to code and strive for a good update. !! !!

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