The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1833: Opportunity (three)

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In fact, Yuanji Palace's unique management method cannot be said to be all benefits and no harm. After all, everything is absolute. If this business method is all good, but there is no trace of harm, then every major force may be early. It's already operating in this way.

In fact, Yuanji Palace ’s gathering of disciples ’family influences around Yuanji Palace was also a mixed story, except that Yuanji Palace ’s implementation of this business method was earlier, and at that time It is possible to carry out this kind of management without the boundless boundlessness.

If at this time let a major power also operate in accordance with this concept, then let alone be a benefit, it is good not to drag down their own power.

Speaking of them, the quality of the disciples under the gate of Yuanji Palace is also uneven. Moreover, these disciples are in an intrigue, and no one will completely serve them. In this way, the forces behind these disciples are naturally intolerable. Situation.

The fighting between these great forces around Yuanji Palace seems to be a common occurrence. In the middle of the battle, some are just petty, and some are end to end, while others are battles of life and death.

In fact, since Yuanji Palace used this method to manage martial forces, it has been unknown how many good-sized forces have perished in this battle.

Of course, their demise may be annexed because they are not as good as others, or it may be because they have done too much, but were secretly removed by Yuanji Palace. After all, Yuanji Palace will never allow anyone to escape from their control. What's more, no one is allowed to threaten their status.

Once a large force grows out of control, they will try to remove it, which is also the situation of the major forces.

However, in general, Yuanji Palace will not easily attack a certain subordinate power. After all, the existence of each surrounding force is actually a part of the power to protect Yuanji Palace, and it is they who spent It is obviously a pity for those who have undergone training to remove it by themselves.

In any case, the fighting and competition between the major forces will never be broken, and it is precisely because of such competition that the strength of these forces will continue to improve, and the rule of the Yuanji Palace will be more and more Of solid.

The disciples of Yuanji Palace, of course, have the distinction of respect and inferiority. The whole Yuanji Palace, like other great forces, also adopts the principle of the centralization of the palace masters. Except for the palace masters who are high above, the rest of the demigod Almost all exist as veterans.

Obviously, the disciples of the palace master are, of course, the disciples with the highest status, and the disciples of the demigods are more or less the same. Correspondingly, the family power of the disciples of the palace masters is, of course, more high-profile than that of the disciples of ordinary veterans.

And in the middle, the senior veterans, or the princes of Yuanji Palace, are of course divided into registered disciples and legendary disciples. Of course, the status of discipleship disciples is higher than that of registered disciples. Correspondingly, their clan power is superior to the clan of named disciples.

After several years of development, the families of several major legendary disciples under the main seat of Yuanji Palace have now taken shape on the periphery of Yuanji Palace, and the family power of some of the elder legendary disciples has gradually stood. With a firm foothold, there will naturally be various alliances among these big family forces, and there will also be irresistible grievances.

The position of a Yuanjigong disciple among the martial arts has now been linked to the strength of their respective families, but a complementary situation has formed between the two.

The Helian family is a first-class big family on the periphery of Yuanji Palace. The family's younger son in Yuanji Palace is a highly qualified demigod elder disciple in Yuanji Palace, named Helianji.

The veteran disciple named Helianji was the only disciple of the veteran named Wuxian. It is said that the helenji protagonist has not been with the veteran Wuxian for a long time, but he has won the martial arts. The wise veteran valued. Here it is said that the origins of the Helian family are among them, but the specific origin is not known to outsiders.

The Helian family itself is a super big family. After Helianji became a disciple of the veteran Wuxian, the Helian family moved to the outer area of ​​Yuanji Palace with the help of veteran Wuxian. The rapid rise, to this day, the Helian family has completely established their foothold in the outer area of ​​Yuanji Palace.

Speaking of which, like the Helien family, the situation in which the family disciple is the only disciple of the demigod is the best for family power. It is not difficult to imagine that this is different from teaching a disciple by a master or a group of disciples. If only one disciple is taught, then, of course, more energy can be devoted to one person, instead of splitting the limited energy into many disciples.

The Helian family has indeed stabilized, and there is no force against them, but one thing is more embarrassing, although Helianji has not only been with the veteran Wu Xian for a long time, but the Helian family The young master is not very outstanding till now.

The cultivation of the Promise is natural, but when it comes to strength, Hellenji is definitely the worst echelon in the Yuanji Palace's disciple, even if it is not at the bottom.

Fortunately, Elder Wu Xian was more fond of Helienji's only disciple. Otherwise, the development of Helien's family outside Yuanji Palace would not be as smooth as it is now.

The Helian family's mansion is located on the north side of Yuanji Palace. This huge mansion replaces the family of a fallen Yuanji Palace disciple. It is said that this family's Yuanji Palace disciples offended Yuanji Palace. A little apprentice that the Lord had not received for a long time was then destroyed by the Lord of the Yuanji Palace.

Although this matter seems to be a rumor, everyone who knows it knows that this matter is indeed true, and the original big family is still a big family with a lot of details. It can be seen that the disciple of the offended Yuanji Palace master must also be an unusual master.

The flow of people at Helian House on this day was unusually lively. Before the gates of the tall and magnificent mansion, one by one, the strong men went in and out, and each one seemed very simple. Obviously, today's Helian House must have something unusual happening.

"Hehe, Master Min, you are here. Please come in quickly. The master will be very happy to see you."

Before the luxurious palace door, a spirited half-old man stood with his hands on his shoulders and stood on the side of the palace door. When he saw the strong men coming from a distance and entering the house of Helien's house, He basically arches his hand, and can be regarded as saying hello to the other party.

However, when he saw a strong man with a sufficiently high status, he immediately smiled, took the initiative to greet him, and sent people into the mansion.

No, just before a middle-aged man came to the mansion surrounded by several young people, the half-old man hurried forward and said respectfully.

"Oh, it turned out to be the treasurer of gold, but unexpectedly it was the treasurer of gold who greeted the guests in person, and the treasurer of gold was polite."

The man named Min Jiazhu is light-footed. The whole person looks extraordinary in temperament, and the imposing manner around him shows the nobility of this person.

"Don't dare to be dared to be, but Xiao is just a merchant Jia, the owner of Min, please." The treasurer of Jin was humble, as if he was really a humble old man.

However, as the manager of the largest business firm in the Helian family, this treasurer is definitely not an ordinary person.

The Helian family has a large shop on the periphery of Yuanji Palace. This store deals in various transactions. The goods of Helian family are all inexpensive and have a market in the outer area of ​​Yuanji Palace.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the heads of some big families will often visit this shop, and it is this treasurer who is responsible for receiving these noble people.

Can be entrusted with a heavy task, and can also be trusted by the Hellen family, the position of the gold treasurer in the Hellen family is naturally conceivable.

"There is Lao Jin the treasurer!" With a slight smile, the man named Min Jiazhu arched his hands, and then led a few young people in the family towards the mansion.

Today is the day when the Miss Helian family and the son of the well-known family Wu family are married. They are all big men with heads and faces. Even the Yuanji Palace may send someone today, all those who come to congratulate, of course All must be orderly. Although the Min's identity is not ordinary, he has to lower his posture.

After the group was let into the mansion, the treasurer immediately recovered the old **** that was before, and returned to stand under the gate. Seriously, among these great forces around Yuanji Palace, it is really not much that he is qualified to make him a respectful respect.

In the next time, there were several men and women coming from everywhere, but these people were not qualified to let the treasurer personally greet them. Basically, a few ordinary disciples from the Helian family were bringing these Everyone greeted them.

"Well, isn't this the treasurer of gold? I never imagined that you would be here in person today. The treasurer of gold is polite!"

Another group of people came from a distance, headed by a man who looked very young, and behind this young man, he was followed by two equally young men, but only in the two Among the followers, there is a young man who is very special, because his cultivation, it seems that only the level of yin and yang.

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