The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1821: Back to class (one more)

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Yuan Feng joined Ziyun Palace, in fact, the purpose is very simple. As for the seat of the master of Liuhe Palace, he is not rare at all.

The Ziyun Palace does not belong to him. It is also a coincidence that he worshipped under the gate of the Ziyun Palace. However, if he wanted to make him the master of a large palace in the Ziyun Palace, he had never really thought about it.

To put it in a big word, for Ziyun Palace, he really didn't look down on him. In his heart, he wanted to develop his Qingwu Palace and become an invincible super power.

Like his relatives and friends, he wants to make them all demigods, or even immortal bodies that transcend demigods, and if those relatives and friends have reached the demigods, the Ziyun Palace, what? What about the feet?

Of course, right now, he doesn't have the strength to wait for whatever he wants, but such a wish cannot be realized at once. However, he is not in a hurry. Anyway, there are so many opportunities and opportunities. Everything can come step by step. Sooner or later there will be a day of realization.

Regarding what Wang Zhong said about the future Lord of the Sixth Temple, Yuan Feng did not answer this question. Don't say that he is not interested in the future of the Sixth Temple, even if he is really interested, he will never To compete with Wang Zhong.

In the next time, Yuan Feng followed Wang Zhong's group and continued to look for troublers sent by other forces. However, it is a pity that maybe the two previous wars have already let those other big forces. Somewhat alert, for the next time, they did not find a new target.

"Ah, that's a big idea. It seems that the previous wars have been unearthed by other great forces. At this moment, they know that my Ziyun Palace is looking for them everywhere. Naturally, we won't find them easily."

This is the peripheral area of ​​a spirit vein. At this moment, Wang Zhong, the great disciple of Liuhedian, took a group of teachers and students, and has been squatting here for a long time. It's a pity that for a long time, they haven't seen the shadow of an outsider, let alone a troublemaker.

"Brother, I see that since those people dare to come to trouble in the area under my jurisdiction of Ziyun Palace, there must be a super strong person behind them. In this case, for those who happened before, those behind them are afraid they have already been Tell them that we want to be like again before, and I'm afraid there will be very few opportunities. "

On the side of Wang Zhong, Yuan Feng was sitting there with a golden knife, but the expression on his face was a little sigh. From the perspective of a bystander, he said that this action was definitely directed by superpowers behind the scenes, and although those who instructed could not easily set foot here, they did not seem to be preaching for their disciples. What a difficult thing!

Batian Palace suffered such a large loss, and the Black Army Palace was almost destroyed. If these two things are not awakened one by one, it can only show that these people are not considered well.

"My brother said so much, it seems that this time I counterattacked at Ziyun Palace, but at this moment, it is about to come to an end!"

Frowning and thinking for a while, Wang Zhong also very much agreed with Yuan Feng's speculation. After all, if this was not the case, then these teams would not have found a target.

"Well, since those guys who know each other have left, it will save me a lot of energy to wait. How good is it to dig some treasures of spiritual veins at that time?"

It is not bad for them to leave quietly. At least, from now on, they don't have to continue to lose their own people in Ziyun Palace. As for those who have died, what if they avenge revenge?

"Ha, brother, this sentence is true. Speaking of it, the younger brother learned from the brother after this period of time, but he has learned a lot of truth, only to accumulate enough materials, is to try to impact the Promise . "

Time has passed for more than a month. Although he has not reached the state of shocking the Promise, he still hopes to retreat once, relax himself completely, and straighten out the next course of action.

The Ziyun Palace is afraid there is nothing to do. After taking over everything that was originally in the Yanji Palace, it won't be long before the Ziyun Palace will gain a foothold here. By then, even the major forces will not succeed Already.

"Oh, is your brother going to impact the Promise? This is really anxious. If you want me to say anything, you can still accumulate as much as you can, and when you have full confidence, it is not too late to make a breakthrough. . "

Hearing that Yuan Feng wanted to impact the realm of infinity, Wang Zhong couldn't help but stand up for the first time, but he didn't support Yuan Feng at all.

Where Promise is so easy to be promoted, how long has Yuan Feng been promoted to Yin and Yang. At this time, if the impact of Promise is impacted, the chance of success is really small and poor. Even if there are extreme spiritual ginseng, it may not be successful.

"Thank you, Brother, for reminding me that my brother is retreating. He just wants to straighten out his thinking. If the situation does not allow him, he will definitely not act recklessly."

Nodded gratefully, Yuan Feng can only make up an excuse, it should be a good lie!

"That's fine. My brother is a man of modestness. Even if he wants to come, even if he doesn't say it, you will definitely have your own judgment. Since that's the case, there aren't many brothers ...............?"

There is still something to be said to Yuan Feng, but here it is, his complexion changed slightly, and then he hurried to find out a hand and took out a delicate piece of messaging jade.

"Well? Is it Master's messaging jade?"

Seeing that Wang Zhong came up with the messaging jade brand, Yuan Feng recognized the use of this jade brand at a glance. Obviously, this one is undoubtedly the channel of communication between Wang Zhong and the Lord of Liuhe Palace.


With the jade card in his hand, Wang Zhong couldn't help but secretly use his power to absorb the contents directly into his mind to digest it. After hearing the message from the master of Huadai Temple, he shook his head and flashed a little on his face. Be clear.

"Brother, but does Master have any instructions for him?"

Seeing that Wang Zhong had read the information in the messaging jade plate and put it away, Yuan Feng hesitated slightly, but still asked his own questions.

"Hehe, it ’s indeed Master ’s message. His senior said, we can withdraw from the Yan-wing Palace. As for those who have disturbed, they have indeed been under the guidance of others, leaving the original Yan-wing Palace. . "

Wang Zhong's face couldn't help but a flash of regret. Obviously, he could not leave all the people who came here, which was a small regret for him.

"Sure enough, since Master sent us back, it is not too late, let's go back now!"

This time he went out, he can already see what he has seen. As for watching Wang Zhong and others fighting, it is basically not fun for him to watch children fight.

Most importantly, judging from the overall situation of the area under the control of Yanji Palace, he is also enough to get a treasure that is better than the qi of the day.

"Yeah, I can help you, I'm afraid there are only so many. Maybe after returning, Master His elderly should give you special instructions for repair!"

Nodded his head, Wang Zhongdang corrected his face first, and then he said, "Masters and brothers, the master of the palace has orders to return to the Yan-wing Palace, and we are on our way."

As the words fell, he first determined the direction of the Yan-winged Palace, followed by a movement of his body, and flew away in the direction of the Yan-winged Palace.

"Have you gone back? This is the best way to fight such a meaningless battle. It is really useless at all, and finally you don't have to suffer so much!"

"Relieved, it seems that in the next time, there is no need to continue to worry about it. When I returned to the Yanji Palace, no one should run there to spread the wild."

Regarding the instructions given by the class teacher at the time of returning to the DPRK, whether they were disciples or registered disciples, they were basically very happy. Who would be willing to fight outside all the time? What's more, the people they are dealing with have not harmed their vital interests, and they really do not have to fight desperately with each other.

Therefore, after Wang Zhong acted, everyone hurried to get up and followed them from behind, as if they were afraid of falling behind.

"Go back, or go back, maybe that cheap master can really give me some substantive suggestions, or give me some darlings who have an impact on the Promise. Then, I will impact the success of the Promise. The rate is one more point! "

At the foot, Yuan Feng also hurried to keep up, and in his heart, at the same time, he was looking forward to returning to the Yanji Palace to accept the instructions of the demigod.

Up to now, his practice has basically relied on his own understanding and exploration. Even if he is occasionally instructed, it is nothing more than simple inspiration. Speaking of which, he really has never accepted the instructions of the Demigod!

People in the demigod are not only strong, but also rich in experience, and they are not comparable to those of Wang Zhong. They can definitely learn more than those who are at that level.

Of course, staying with the demigod all day long also poses a lot of risks to him, but he has confidence in himself and even if he wants to come, he will never find it His difference is just that.

"I hope everything goes well. It's better to let me advance to Promise earlier. Then, I don't really need to be afraid of people who are demigod!"

Thinking about it, his yearning for the demigod could not help but become stronger again.

ps: Five chapters were added yesterday, and as many as possible today! !! !! Ask for strength! !! !! !!

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