The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1822: Huaying's guidance (second)

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The Ziyun Palace ’s counterattack operation was so large that it failed to escape the investigations of the major forces. When it was discovered that the Ziyun Palace actually began to fight back, the major forces were very wise to withdraw their people back. \ For the major powers, the performance of Ziyun Palace is enough to allow them to re-examine this super power, and it is best not to be too anxious for actions against Ziyun Palace, otherwise In that case, they can only suffer. In this regard, both the Kuroshio Palace and the Batian Palace have absolute say.

There is no impenetrable wall. The major forces have been informed of the obliteration of the obsidian palace and the royal palace. With this lesson learned, if they continue to fight against the Ziyun palace, it is undoubtedly unwise. decision.

For Ziyun Palace, their purpose can be considered to be achieved. Although they failed to eliminate the strongest of the major forces, no matter what, the people of the major forces took the initiative to retreat, and finally Ziyun Palace could be eliminated. A lot of trouble. As for revenge, the dozens of guys in the Black Palace and the Heavenly Palace are enough to vent their anger.

After the people from the major forces came to make trouble, Ziyun Palace's takeover of Yanji Palace was soon back on track, and the major disciples were placed in suitable positions. The original Yanji Palace, However, under the takeover of Ziyun Palace, it returned to the normal running track again.

It can be seen that this time, Ziyun Palace is iron-hearted and wants to turn Yanyan Palace into a branch of itself. In fact, Ziyun Palace has already had such an idea. This incident is nothing more than this. Just an opportunity.

The Ziyun Palace is becoming more and more powerful, and the number of strong Ziyun Palace is also increasing. With the scale of the top ten palaces alone, it can no longer accommodate so many people. It is actually necessary for the Ziyun Palace to develop external branches. Issues to consider.

The headquarters of Ziyun Palace, plus the current Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace, if these three forces can operate, then these three forces will become a stand-alone situation, when the three forces are interdependent and interdependent In response, I am afraid that it is any major force, and I do n’t want to think about the Ziyun Palace.

Of course, these are the last words. Ziyun Palace wants to completely turn the two treasures of Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace into its own territory. The road in it is very difficult and dangerous. It depends on their luck and the courage of other great forces.

In any case, at the moment, the Ziyun Palace can be regarded as complacent. The Yanji Palace has been calmed down. There will be no major problems when you come to the Luan Xing Palace. The question is how to slowly develop these two branches in the future.

Every disciple and named disciple has been assigned a division of labor. They will be sitting on the side of the Yanji Palace for a while. When it returns to the headquarters of the Ziyun Palace, it is not clear at this time.

However, not every disciple of disciples has a task, and one of them is an absolute exception. This person, of course, is only Yuan Feng who is cultivated in the yin and yang state.

"Fenger, your performance during this time, Zhonger has already reported to me. I can't think of your young age, not only the potential is too great, but your vision is also extraordinary. I am really happy to be a teacher."

In a secret room of the Yanchi Palace, behind the hands of the master of the Liuhe Palace, Hua Huan, he looked at the young man with a smile on his face, and this young man was undoubtedly his little disciple, and he had just joined the Ziyun Palace not long ago. Yuan Feng.

"The disciples are unfamiliar with learning, I'm afraid that is exaggerated."

Hearing the applause of the Lord of the Palace of the Gods, Yuan Feng couldn't help bending down slightly, but he didn't feel good about himself. In fact, what Wang Zhong saw in his performance was nothing more than the tip of the iceberg. If these people were to know his true strength and background, let alone praise, it would not be too much to kneel him.

"Very good, both capable and humble, Fenger, it seems that it was a very correct decision to accept you as an apprentice for the teacher."

For the performance of Yuan Feng, the master of Huadai Palace was simply satisfied. Because there were too many things before, he had not had time to examine his disciple carefully, but now that everything is over, he can finally talk to himself seriously This little disciple talked.

Seriously, for a talented disciple like Yuan Feng, he can be said to be 11 million satisfied. Leaving aside other things, the sword art mood of Yuan Feng's sword realm alone is what makes him extremely satisfied.

Wang Zhong told him before that Yuan Feng is definitely a piece of jade that can be carved carefully, but as long as he is well carved, Yuan Feng in the future is likely to become a master beyond the ten halls.

Although such a word sounded a bit of a blow to him, but this word was spoken out of the upright Wang Zhong's mouth, and naturally he would not blame his big disciple.

Having said that, since Wang Zhong's evaluation of Yuan Feng was so high, he naturally had to look at Yuan Feng differently.

"Fenger, because of the busyness of things before, the teacher did n’t give instructions on your cultivation. The next time, you will practice with me for a while. If you do n’t understand anything, the teacher will give you the spot. answer."

Since he is very satisfied with Yuan Feng, he is of course going to cultivate Yuan Feng well. The previous Guru Lingshen was just a little bit of his trivial, and he wants to make Yuan Feng extraordinary. Need to pay more.

Regardless of his own character, but since he has already accepted Yuan Feng as a disciple, he must fulfill his duties as a master. After all, Yuan Feng's future achievements are also closely related to him.

"Thank you, Master, your disciples will definitely practice seriously and live up to His expectations."

Hearing Hua Hua's instructions for his cultivation, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed with excitement. Setting aside other prejudices, the guidance of a demigod is really precious to him. If he wants to come with this guidance, his future cultivation will definitely take a lot less detours.

"You are my disciple, naturally you want to train you as a teacher, why should you say thank you?" He shook his head, and the master of Huadai Palace raised his hand to signal Yuan Feng to sit down on the spot, and he took a few steps back, Slowly sat down cross-legged.

After the master and apprentice sat down, the face of the master of Huadai Temple couldn't help but slowly become serious.

"Fenger, your situation is a little different from ordinary people. Although with your sword art conception, once you enter the Promise, you can basically stand at the top of the Promise level. However, it is not recommended for you as a teacher. Into the Promise. "

When it comes to cultivation, the look of the master of Huadai Hall is indescribably serious. If he wants Yuan Feng to become a talent, then he must arrange the best cultivation methods and methods for Yuan Feng. In short, since Yuan Feng became his Disciple, then he must not harm the other person.

"Don't advance to Promise too soon? This ........."

Hearing the words of the Lord of Hua Di Palace, Yuan Feng's brow could not help but frown. Obviously, he didn't quite understand why the other party wanted him to enter the state of infinity later.

"The disciples are dull, and they have asked Master to show them clearly."

With a positive look, Yuan Feng also listened seriously, he believed that the other party would never pit him. Since the other party said so, it must have his truth.

"Fenger, your current advantage is above your swordsmanship artistic conception. The swordsmanship artistic conception of the swordsmanship concept has not been reached even as a teacher. Therefore, your swordsmanship conception is indeed to There are too many geniuses. "

Speaking of Yuan Feng's artistic conception of swordsmanship, the master of Huadai Palace really felt the admiration from his heart. As he said, even he himself had not reached the state of the sword realm, and Yuan Feng was in the habitat It has reached that state from time to time, of course, very rare.

"The disciples are also lucky, so they were fortunate enough to understand the artistic conception of the magic sword." Shaking his head, Yuan Feng still maintained a modest attitude, but did not say much!

"Oh, luck or strength, in short, your sword is not fake, but this is not controversial." He waved his hand, and the master of Huadai Palace signaled that Yuan Feng did not need to deny, and then continued. "Fenger, although your swordsmanship mood has reached the state of the swordsmanship, but this state of affairs is not the ultimate swordsmanship. This point, you should also know in your heart?"

"Cultivation is endless. There is no strongest, only stronger. Disciples naturally understand that."

The artistic conception of the Sword Realm is definitely not the ultimate state of the sword art. Anyone knows this, but what kind of realm is above the Realm of the Magic Sword is not what he can know now. Already.

"It ’s good if you understand these things, so for the teacher, I hope that your next practice is best to focus on the practice of swordsmanship. As for cultivation, if you want to accumulate enough, you will be supplemented by the pole given to you by that time. Dao Lingshen, promotion to the Promise is naturally a matter of course. "

Hua Yan's idea is very simple, that is, let Yuan Feng's main practice of swordsmanship, as for the improvement of cultivation, can be put behind.

"Master said ..." With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng could faintly guess some eyebrows at this moment, but he did not dare to be too sure if Hua Yan did not say.

"The realm above the realm of swordsmanship can't be reached casually, but if you have enough swordsmanship artistic background, then by using Xiuwei's breakthrough, you can completely impact the stronger swordsmanship artistic conception. I So, do you understand? "

The breakthrough of cultivation leads to the breakthrough of swordsmanship. This is his idea. It is also a feasible way for Yuan Feng to advance to a stronger swordsmanship artistic conception. This is his tailored training path for his little disciple. .

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