The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1820: Indifferent to fame and fortune (five more)

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Ziyun Palace The disciple of disciples around Yanji Palace almost all came to the spiritual vein where several people in Batian Palace are located. When seeing so many Ziyun Palace disciples coming, some of the strongest in Batian Palace , But simply gave up the idea of ​​running away.

With so many disciples in Ziyun Palace, how could they escape? At this moment, the only thing they can expect is to pull a few disciples from Ziyun Palace to do the backing, which is not dead.

There is no doubt about the victory or defeat of this battle, but then again, the eight disciples of Batian Palace really have great strength. Although all eight of them have fallen in the end, the side of Ziyun Palace also paid three more. The life of a named disciple finally ended the war.

In general, the trade of the eight geniuses of Batiangong was replaced by three named disciples. This sale, Ziyun Palace obviously made only money. However, for Ziyun Palace, each of their disciples spent a lot of resources to cultivate them. Therefore, every loss is actually a blow to Ziyun Palace.

After all, whether it is Ziyun Palace or Batian Palace, this battle is a loser. The difference is who loses more and who loses less.

After the war, the people of Ziyun Palace had a short gathering, and the team of Ziyun Palace gathered here was just four, almost all the Ziyun Palace disciples on Yanji Palace Great collection.

"I didn't expect the people in Ba Tiangong to come here to make fun of themselves. This time, their eight talented disciples were destroyed, and they can be regarded as revenge for my brothers who died in Ziyun Palace."

Liu Zhongdian's great disciple Wang Zhong opened his mouth first, and while talking, his face couldn't help flashing a stunned look. There was no way, although the eight people in Batian Temple were eventually killed, but some people fell on their side. For this, he was unwilling to see 11 million.

As for the identity of the eight people in Ba Tian Gong, Yuan Feng can guess, and of course he can guess.

"Hey, what if you can destroy these people? It's nothing more than adding casualties. Besides, my brothers and sisters who died in Ziyun Palace are not necessarily the ones who were injured."

Qiao Ke also showed a trace of emotion, shook his head and sighed.

These people are used to seeing life and death, but even so, when they watched the fall of their brothers and sisters who were with them day and night, their hearts were also very sad.

"The two brothers don't need to be so emotional. The current situation is very serious. It is inevitable that some people will die. We just need to remember, but for anyone who dares to move my disciples in Ziyun Palace, we must let them Pay the price. "

The great disciple of Qixingdian was also able to come up and explain to the two.

Both Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke are a little pessimistic, and this time is the time when the Ziyun Palace needs to be strong. Such emotions are obviously impossible.

"Hehe, Brother Han Feng said so much. It seems that Brother Wang Zhong and I are a bit emotional. No matter what, this time we have wiped out the enemies of this group, Brother Li Yi and others. I reported a part of it. Next, let ’s continue to look for other forces, and then quickly send a message to others. Then, like this time, we will get together and die. ”

Qiao Ke's emotional adjustment is fast enough. Why doesn't he know that he needs to adjust his mentality at this time to kill as many enemies as possible? As for the casualties, it is indeed inevitable.

"Also, in this case, everyone will be separated for the time being, and they will get in touch as soon as they meet the enemy."

Wang Zhong also had no objection to this. When he spoke, he nodded to the crowd, and then he turned his eyes behind him. "Masters and brothers, let's go!"

The words fell, but he deliberately glanced at Yuan Feng in the team, and then he flew into the distance and swept away.

When Shicai was fighting, his mind also paid attention to Yuan Feng. Fortunately, Yuan Feng was more obedient and did not rush. Otherwise, he really did not know whether it was time to fight or whether he should protect Yuan Feng.

"Let's go too !!!"

When Wang Zhong took the lead to leave, Qiao Ke and others also took their own team and swept away in other directions. This time, they were eager to give a little color to those big forces who felt itchy.

Do not underestimate this group of people. You must know that each member of these teams is a leader below the demigod, and even some of them are expected to impact the state of the demigod and underestimate this group of people. Strength is definitely the most stupid thing.

A group of people came and went quickly. In the blink of an eye, the only place left was the disciple of the Ziyun Palace who was responsible for the management and mining of the spiritual veins here. It was led by the three disciples named Huo Qi, the famous disciple of Liuhedian. .

"Yes, it's dangerous. Thanks to all the brothers who arrived in time, otherwise, let's not say the three of us are glorious and wealthy. Even if it's this little life, I'll be afraid to explain it!"

Without the presence of others, the three of Huo Qi dared to breathe a sigh of relief, and everyone's face was filled with the joy of the rest of the life after the disaster.

"It's really thrilling. If Brother Wang Zhong is here half a second later, maybe the three of us may not be able to stand here to speak."

Huo Qi was the most emotional and fortunate one. He really decided at that time to return to the people in Ba Tiangong and obey the other party's arrangement. Fortunately, Wang Zhong and others appeared in time. Otherwise, this time really Have them look good.

"It is said that there will be a blessing after the disaster. Brother Huo Qi, I see that after this time, the luck of the three of us will surely be very good. Maybe I really have the opportunity to become a disciple!"

"Would you like to become a disciple of disciples? For the time being, don't study it. Walk around and clear the battlefield. We'll still manage this vein in good faith."

Huo Qi didn't believe that there would be blessings in the future. Everyone needs to create and dig for the future. If they rely on luck alone, they may not have the chance to become disciples in this life.

Therefore, after stabilizing his mind, he said nothing, directly convened a group of disciples at Yanji Palace, and began to clean up the battlefield ...

Aside from the situation of Huo Qi and others, Wang Zhong and his party were said at this moment.

After annihilating this team of Batian Temple, everyone's mood was not bad. The only disciple, Wang Zhong, headed by Liu Hedian, was not very emotional.

"Brother Yuan Feng, the battle for Shicai, do you have any feelings?"

Between flying, Wang Zhong couldn't help turning his head and asked Yuan Feng, who had been following him. Although Yuan Feng has formally worshiped, as a big brother, he will help Yuan Feng wholeheartedly, not only to help Yuan Feng in strength, but also to help Yuan Feng in experience and experience.

"What do you think? Somehow there are some of them." The figure fell behind Wang Zhong. At this moment, Yuan Feng's expression was calm. He raised his eyebrows and calmly replied.

"Let ’s talk, what are your feelings?" After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Wang Zhong raised his eyebrows, but was curious about Yuan Feng's impressions.

"The eight guys in the Heavenly Palace are all very good. If you are one-to-one, I am afraid that only you, Brother, and Brother Qiao Ke from the Five Elements Hall can beat them. As for the others, I am afraid it is difficult Is their opponent. "

At Wang Zhong, there are some things that need to be concealed, but there are some things that are not necessary to conceal. At least, these feelings and understandings of him are nothing to say.

"Oh, even though my master is not high, my eyesight is really amazing."

The first sentence that Yuan Feng uttered was to make Wang Zhong's heart sway, and to value Yuan Feng, he added another point.

First of all, Yuan Feng can see at a glance that these eight people are from the Heavenly Palace. This eyesight is enough to be complacent. You know, even for him, he dared to determine the identity of these eight people later.

In addition, Yuan Feng can see that the strength of these eight people is extremely strong, which is undoubtedly a very important point.

"Brother is ridiculous!" Shaking his head, Yuan Feng continued, "However, although these eight guys are very strong, unfortunately, they are too few in number to stop me at all. The siege of the disciples' mad siege shows that no matter how strong a person's strength is, he can never be regarded as one thousand. "

In the end, Yuan Feng's face flashed with emotion. This is indeed what he realized this time. No matter how strong a person is, under the siege of a group of people, it is equally inevitable. Therefore, if you want to continue development for a long time, only by setting up a super power of your own is the immortal kingship.

"Hahaha, okay, it seems that I'm carrying my master beside me. There is really no waste of thought. The master can have so many thoughts, very good, very good !!!"

Wang Zhong is undoubtedly very satisfied with the answer given by Yuan Feng, because Yuan Feng basically said all these points that he had summarized earlier.

"Master, your qualifications and potential are unparalleled. Your future achievements must be much better than your brothers. From now on, as long as you practice carefully, in the future, the position of the master of the Liuhe Hall will be no one to compete with you. of."

Suddenly his face became serious. At this moment, Wang Zhong suddenly expressed his attitude to Yuan Feng. Obviously, he was clearly telling Yuan Feng that his king, Zhong, would never compete with him for the seat of the new temple master in Liuhe Palace.

"Uh, this ........."

When Wang Zhong's words came down, it was Yuan Feng's turn. He didn't expect that Wang Zhong had thought so long, except that even the seat of the future master of the Liuhe Hall was given to him. Brother Wang Zhong, it is not ordinary enough.

ps: Five more arrivals, friends who are still online, blossoming, rich and rich! !! !! !!

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