The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1819: More bullying less (four more)

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The struggle between eight rude men and Liu Zhongdian's great disciple Wang Zhong was clearly not a matter of time and half. These eight guys have the advantage in strength, but the numbers are very different. Therefore, it is really not easy for them to want to break through under the obstruction of Wang Zhong and others.

Similarly, although Wang Zhong and his team are dominant in number, it is difficult to control these eight guys one by one, and it is equally difficult to control them.

Therefore, this battle will take at least a while.

However, in general, the longer the battle lasts, the more advantageous it is for Ziyun Palace. After all, the other strong men in Ziyun Palace are on their way, waiting for others to arrive, then this Eight big guys will definitely not have a good life.

"Almost, judging from these big shots, these guys are undoubtedly the people of Detian Palace. Unexpectedly, even Detian Palace wants to step in at this time. It seems that in order to gain some benefits, each The big forces are really risky! "

Yuan Feng has observed the battle situation in the corner till now, basically the origin of these eight guys has been determined.

At the exchange meeting at the beginning, he had seen the shots from Batian Temple ’s disciples, and the routines of the eight people and the bears of Batian Palace were almost the same. It is really strange to say that these people are not the ones of Batian Palace. It's strange!

"I had no injustice and revenge with these people, but there was no need to injure their lives for no reason. In that case, I still watched the battle in the dark honestly. It won't be long before I want to come. At that time, it was even more unnecessary for me to shoot! "

Yuan Feng doesn't like to fight with some people who have no ability to fight back. Now these guys, just take out one, he can directly kill them in three or two moves, let him kill these people, as if ordinary killing It makes no difference.

Moreover, the last time he shot and rescued Wang Zhong and others, he has been slightly suspected by the strong men of the Ziyun Palace. Although it was eventually ruled out, if it is done again, it will really be self-defeating. .

Anyway, he was watching, as long as Wang Zhong and others were not substantially harmed, it would be inevitable for some ordinary Yanji Palace disciples to be killed or injured.

In fact, speaking of his heart, he didn't have much interest in the battle between Ziyun Palace and the major forces, but since he has chosen to become the disciple of the master of the Liuhe Palace, he has to do these things. Get involved.

Fortunately, his cultivation is still shallow, and the Lord of Hua Di will not arrange any tasks for him, and it is no problem to do more or less work like watching the battle.

"A group of people in the Black Palace have been destroyed before. At present, these eight guys in the Heavenly Palace should be able to win most of them. After all, it depends on who will come to support them later."

With the power of Wang Zhong and others, it is impossible for them to win the eight tyrannical disciples of Batian Palace. As for what kind of team came to be able to destroy these eight people with Wang Zhong, it seems that in the entire Ziyun Palace Not many.


Almost as soon as Yuan Feng thought of it, a ray of light suddenly appeared from above, and then, a huge breath came down again. Seeing it, a large team with 20 or more people appeared on the battlefield.

"Hehe, brother Wang Zhong, let me help you, and you and I will destroy these abominations together."

Twenty people descended from the sky. One of the smiling middle-aged men was laughing and laughing, but he was taking out his own soldiers, and waving with his hands, he was with Wang Zhong, sandwiching the rough man on the opposite side intermediate.

With the action of this smiling middle-aged man, other people have also found their opponents. Basically, the situation of six or seven people besieging a person in the heavenly palace, and if so many people can't stop the area Personally, the quality of the Ziyun Palace disciples is really worrying.

"Brother Qiao Ke, you are here exactly. Today you and I joined forces to kill these younger generations and make my reputation in Ziyun Palace !!!"

Seeing that the reinforcements had arrived, and it was still the team led by Qiao Ke of the Five Elements Palace, Wang Zhong suddenly looked happy, and his heart had a lot of confidence in killing the eight big men in Batian Temple.

Qiao Ke's strength can be described in an unfathomable way. Even if he can't say that he can defeat him, the two of them are now leading the team to kill these troublemakers. It is just around the corner.

"Okay, today you and my brother fought side by side, let these people who are not important know the power of my Ziyun Palace !!" Wang Zhong's words, but also said that Qiao Ke was full of warfare, and the Five Elements Hall also lost his disciple disciples This also made him feel very unhappy, and now he found the enemy, if he did not bite each other a piece of meat, but he could not help the brothers who died.


Honest people get angry, that's the most terrible thing. Don't look at Qiao Ke's usual smiley expression, but once he launches fiercely, even those killing gods, there is no way to compare with him.

The sword was cut off sharply, but the Batian Palace man who was fighting Wang Zhong was directly blown away by a sword. Obviously, in terms of strength, it seemed that the opposite Joe was not under him at all. Let him who is strong in strength cannot accept all of this.

However, he could not allow him to think too much. Just when Qiao Ke's sword just came out, Wang Zhong's attack was closely followed. The cooperation between the two can be described seamlessly. .

"Ah !!! You brothers and sisters, please ask for happiness! Kill me !!!"

There are more and more powerful men in Ziyun Palace, but there are only eight people on their side, and the balance of victory and defeat has already seen. Up to now, the eight of them can only do things on their own, leaving one counted as one.

This is also something that can't be helped. After all, they still underestimate the power of Ziyun Palace and the courage of Ziyun Palace. From the perspective of the major forces, Ziyun Palace has already fought two battles with Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace. Even if it is not badly injured, they should not dare to attack other forces. You can make a fortune if you come in.

However, where do they know that although Ziyun Palace destroyed Yanyan Palace and Luan Xing Palace, this is nothing more than the consumption of some resources, but there is no loss of one soldier at a time.

In addition, they want to suppress the Ziyun Palace by relying on more people. This is simply not feasible. How can the strong men in the Ziyun Palace eat them?

With the disciples headed by Ba Tian Gong yelling, all the people in Ba Tian Gong started to die. Originally, they all wanted to get some benefits, but the reality is often so cruel. Who could have thought that the Ziyun Palace actually organized the manpower to give them a counterattack?

Not to mention, after the disciples of the eight Batian Temples strove to their deaths, the people in Ziyun Palace really felt a little hard. There were even several times when the big men of several Batian palaces almost fled.

Both Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke no longer concealed their respective strengths, but completely revealed their own strengths. They can really be described by the word fierce. To the naked eye, their opponents are already scarred, and eventually they are afraid to escape.

At this time, the people in the Heavenly Palace can only rely on their own strength to support them, but they can't ask the super strong men in the door for help, because they were unnamed, and the people in the door of the demigod were also flat. Dare not to run here brazenly to rescue them.

To put it bluntly, this time they went out to perform the task, but they carried huge risks, but compared to the benefits they could get, the expected risks were not so great.

"It is indeed an old qualification in the Ziyun Palace. Whether it is Brother Wang Zhong or Brother Qiao Ke, the strength of these two people really has to be admired. It seems that the big man in this Temple of Heaven is really going to explain this time. Ah! "

Yuan Feng has been in the corner all the time, and the battle is now, he knows that these guys in the Temple of Heaven, this time can only consider themselves unlucky.

Others may not feel it, but he has already been aware of it. At this moment, in a dense forest not far from this spiritual vein, another team in Ziyun Palace has also been far away. I drove over and lurked outside, it should be in order to prevent these big men from escaping.

Strong enemies are ringing around, these eight talented disciples of Batian Palace are destined to be tragedy!

"Well !!!!!!"

In the time of speaking, a big man in the Tiantian Palace suddenly grabbed the gap, separated from the battlefield, and fled straight away. Several disciples of the Ziyun Palace quickly chased them up. I don't want to let the other run away.

However, just when the big guy in the Batian Palace just flew out not far away, a swordman came on his way. The speed of Jianmang, coupled with his rapid flight, did not allow him to escape this attack. In a moment, the massive block of this celestial palace was directly divided into two, and then was joined together. Dao's Jianguang stirs the mist of the sky.

At this point, eight talented disciples of Batian Palace have finally suffered casualties.

"Hahaha, brother Wang Zhong, brother Qiao Ke, I'll help you and wipe out these guys."

As the big man who was about to escape was killed by a sword, a long laugh came suddenly, and then a team rushed from a distance, and when he saw the team arrived The people here at Ziyun Palace couldn't help but look happy, but the remaining seven of Batian Palace were all ashamed.

Almost all the strong men in the Ziyun Palace are here. This time, a few of them are really inevitable!

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