The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1611: Appear in time

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The tumbling sea of ​​clouds instantly drowned two young women. At this moment, the two women can be described as precarious.

"Sister, this dragon is so good, we can't beat it."

In the sea of ​​clouds, Jing Tian and Zhao Zijun's hands were tightly grasped together. For them, the immediate danger is absolutely never before, and in this sea of ​​clouds, they must not fall. Single, otherwise, waiting for their ending will be very miserable.

"Its strength is not much better than ours, but here is its territory. It occupies an absolute geographical advantage. This is the biggest trouble we face."

Zhao Zijun's cheeky face has become dignified at this moment. It is obviously a very wrong decision for them to enter this swampland by mistake. Now think about it, and blame them for being too confident. There is no danger that can cause them trouble, but now it is better, the sea of ​​clouds wraps them up, and it is difficult for them to leave even if they want to leave.

The clouds here are not ordinary clouds. First of all, the fog here is very dense and dense. Among these clouds, they feel very difficult to move. As for the toxic nature of the fog, it is a secondary factor. .

Speaking of them, they have all seen the dragon in the sea of ​​clouds. If they are fighting outside with a knife and a gun, they may not be afraid of each other. But in this mist, Chen Long did not resist them at all, watching the posture of each other, as if to drown them completely in the sea of ​​clouds, so that they lost themselves.

"Sister, it's all sister's fault. I really shouldn't bring you here."

At this moment, Zhao Zijun had no hope of being able to get out of difficulties. There was no way. The environment here was too weird, flying could not find a direction, and moving and moving could not be moved, even the target dragon, They don't compete with them at all. If they continue to do so, they will definitely die.

"Where did the older sister say? It wasn't the older sister who brought me here, but I wanted to come by myself. If I stay at home all the time, I'm afraid I won't be a master in this life."

While carefully guarding against the dragon's attack, the two women couldn't help but say a few words. For Zhao Zijun, she really regrets bringing Jingtian to her. If it wasn't for bringing her each other, then they wouldn't have to fall into such a dangerous situation!

However, Jing Tian obviously did not blame the other party. Seriously, when she made a decision to come out with the other party, she had already thought of any possibility, including death, of course.

Even the strongest might die, and she is no exception. In order to be able to share their concerns with the young master, even if it really falls, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

"Hey, you girl ..."

Hearing Jing Tian's words, Zhao Zijun had nothing to say. In some ways, Jing Tian's words are not false. If you have to find a reason for this incident, it should be said that their strength is somewhat lacking.

"Ang !!!!!! Hey !!!"

In the time between the two women's talk, a loud dragon's voice came again, and with the sound of the dragon's voice, the wind blades were like a sharp sword, from all directions in an instant. Radiographed towards the two women.

"Be careful!!!"

"Dangdang Dangdang !!!"

Although the two women were talking, their minds were always alert to the surroundings. When the wind blades hit, they were both in a state of mind, and the swords in their hands kept waving, blocking all the wind blades. Come down. It is a pity that in such an environment, Xiaolong can make a large number of attacks without any movement, and they are unable to survive.

"Sister and sister, try your best to save energy and look for possible breakout opportunities !!"

The situation is not clear at present, the only thing they can do is to prolong time as much as possible, and look for possible breakthroughs to escape from this **** swamp.

In fact, what they don't know is that this swamp land is actually a famous place in the wild forest area. Here, more than one or two super powerfuls have fallen. It is said that Ziyun The palace has more than one named disciple, because of the carelessness, explained in the swamp.

The entire Ziyun Palace knows that this swamp area is definitely a place that can be regarded as a restricted area, and even a disciple of disciples will not come here to seek stimulation.

Jing Tian and Zhao Zijun kept their physical strength as much as possible. Their idea was very simple, drag as long as possible, and when there was an opportunity, they broke out directly.

However, it is a pity that if such an environment can break through so easily, it would not be dangerous.

"Puff puff!!!"

As the two women clenched their teeth, there was a tumult in the whole sea of ​​clouds. Then, the original gray mist suddenly became dark, and the two women were drowned in the black cloud and mist.

"Not good, these mists are wrong !!!"

When the black mist wrapped the two women, they were already stretched, and all of them changed their colors instantly, because they had discovered that the sudden black mist had an unimaginable ability to corrode.

Feeling the corrosive power of these black mists, both women hurried to run their power to the extreme. Unfortunately, the corrosive power of these mists is too strong, and their power to run around them will soon It was corroded by a lot of hands, and these mists would start to corrode their bodies.

"It's over, Sister, are we really going to die here?"

Jing Tian's face was slightly blackened. Obviously, she had just been attacked by the black mist, and she had been infected by toxins at this moment. Even if there was no other danger, she might be worried about her life.

"Sister, sister is sorry for you ..."

Zhao Zijun's face has also become a little black, there is no way, the gray poisonous mist here has restricted their movement, and the black mist now makes it difficult for them to move even with large movements. At this time, they, Even if you want to desperately, because once there is a slight slack, the poisonous gas will invade the body instantly. At that time, even if it burns life, it must be corroded into a pool of blood by the black mist.

"Sister ........."

Jing Tian still wanted to say something, but when it came to his lips, he couldn't say it anyway.

She never expected that she would die this way, but when everyone died, it was no pity to die for the persistence in her heart. What a pity, that is, without them, their young master, I am afraid they will become even more single, there is no one available!


When the two women were bitterly looking, and they didn't know how to save themselves, a roar came. Then, a black giant hair tail appeared from the sky and suddenly appeared in their eyes.

"Well !!!"

The black giant tail slammed directly on the arms that the two girls pulled together, and with this draw, the hands that the two girls pulled together were hit directly. However, this is not over yet. The dragon that was hiding in the depths of the clouds obviously took the absolute initiative. When the giant tail swept away, it was Zhao Zijun who was a little stronger and swept away.

"Sister !!!"

Seeing that Zhao Zijun was swept away by the dragon tail, Jing Tian could not help but anxious and shouted subconsciously. However, it was this shouting effort, but the black mist was soaked in the body, and suddenly, her entire body began to darken.


The poisonous gas attacked the heart, Jing Tian's uncontrollably spit out blood, and at this moment, their fate was clearly doomed.


Both Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian lost their ability to resist almost completely, and almost gave up their struggles. There was no way. Under such circumstances, no matter how much they struggled, it was undoubtedly useless.

With a roar, a cricket dragon suddenly rose from below the sea of ​​gray clouds, and the cricket's skull instantly enlarged in front of Jing Tian's eyes. Obviously, by now, Xiaolong under the sea of ​​clouds can finally harvest the fruits of his victory.

The two Promise Powers fell down, this time they can eat a full meal, and their strength can be further advanced!

"Sir, I'm going to take a step !!!"

A drop of slightly turbid tears slipped from the corner of the eye. At this moment, the scene was sweet, but there were too many unwilling.

"Hoohoo !!!"

No matter how many black dragons, when Jing Tian closed her eyes and waited for her death, she became more excited and roared, then went straight to Jing Tian and swallowed it.

"Sin beast, it ’s so crazy !!!"

However, just when the black dragon was about to bite the mouth, a loud drink came suddenly from a distance, and with the sound, a touch of golden sword-monger was like a round. In the scorching sun, the head of the dragon suddenly cut off.


The golden sword-mang is like Changhong Guanri, wherever it goes, all the darkness is lit. Even the mist in this sea of ​​clouds seems to have evaporated a lot from the sword-man. Sweet, I just felt a slight warmth all over, and that feeling was definitely something she had never experienced in her life.


The golden sword-mang is really too fast and too fast. The time spent talking, this sword-mang has been chopped on the dragon's body, and left a bare wound directly.

"Woohoo !!!"

Where would the black dragons think of this change? When it tried to avoid it, it was too late.

With a scream, the black dragon dragon fell directly under the sea of ​​clouds, but hid back under the swamp.

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