The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1612: Dreamlike

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The screams still echoed above the swamp, and it could be heard that the black dragon was really not badly injured. It seems that the golden swordman is still lethal to the creature that lives under the swamp. Pretty big.

With this sword alone, Xiaolong was scared to hide under the swamp, and apparently he did not dare to show up easily for a while.

Jing Tian's consciousness has gradually begun to blur. When she saw the horrible dragon who rushed down towards her, she knew that she was going to die, and when the death really came, she suddenly felt this The world is full of endless attachments. If she can, she really doesn't want to be eaten by a World of Warcraft.

However, when she was desperate, the screams of Warcraft and the golden light coming from her body made her instantly sober.

The blurred eyes opened slightly, and she saw the black dragon dragon suddenly fall into the swamp. Then, a man's figure broke into her eyes.

It was a man who didn't look outstanding, but gave a sense of abnormal security. The man's face was filled with endless confidence. In his hand, a terrifying long sword was flashing sharp. Li Mang, and at this moment, the young man was fluttering, but was flying towards her.

The speed of the man is extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, that is, he has come to her, and at this moment, she has begun to fall down, which is difficult to control.

The poison has already invaded her body. At this moment, her strength is beginning to dissipate, even if she wants to stay in the air. However, although her body is falling downwards, at this moment, her original fear is Suddenly nothing left.

"Am I dreaming?"

Everything in front of her seems unreal. In fact, she really has such an expectation in her heart, but expectation is only an expectation after all, and it should not happen so easily.

"It must be fake. The fog here is so weird. How can he not be affected by the fog at all? It must be that I have hallucinations."

Although she hopes that everything in front of her is real, she still believes that all of this is nothing more than imagination at the time of dying.

May I ask, who can not be affected by the fog here, and dare to run into the fog? I am afraid that only the strong men in the semi-god realm have such a means, and the strong men in the semi-god realm do not seem to care about their lives.

With such an idea under his heart, Jing Tian no longer thinks too much, and when his body sinks, he faints directly.


However, just when Jing Tian just passed out and her body shape was about to fall sharply, a huge infuriating match suddenly formed into an infuriating handprint. Waiting for her body to fall, the infuriating handprint would It was to hold her and pull her out of the sea of ​​clouds.

Strangely, Jing Tian felt as if she had fallen into a warm embrace, but unfortunately, she didn't have the strength to open her eyes at this moment, and gradually lost the ability to perceive everything around her.

Endless darkness struck, and in the end, she passed out completely, and never knew where she was.

"Ah, good, why have to run to such a place?"

Above the swamp, Yuan Feng held the sword with one hand, and the other hand held Jing Tian's slim waist. Fortunately, he arrived in a timely manner. If it is a little later, the woman in front of me may be extinct.

"Swallowing Heavenly Martial Spirits !!!"

The long sword in his hand was directly put away by him, and his free left hand slammed against Jing Tian's back. The time spent speaking, the swallowing of the martial arts was rapidly operating, and Jing Tian's body was extremely poisonous. It was also visible to the naked eye that he was sucked into his body, and refined by the devouring martial spirit.

Jing Tian's poison is very deep. If he does not clean up for a long time, even if he can be cured in the future, I am afraid that the root cause of the disease will fall. Therefore, he has to do it directly without even preparing time.


Almost immediately when Yuan Feng rescued Jing Tian and healed the other's poison, a ray of light suddenly swept from the mist. Then, an unusually embarrassing figure appeared in front of him and Jing Tian. Office.

"Release my sister and sister !!!"

A weak female voice was heard in the weakness, and it slowly rang in Yuan Feng's ears. When he heard this voice, he couldn't help but glanced at the speaker with a smile on his face.

"I let go of her, then she is really going to die. If you don't want her to die, just stay aside honestly. Also, your injuries are not minor. It is better not to talk in a mess and wait for me to heal. After she goes to save you. "

The words fell, but Yuan Feng didn't even look at each other even watching, and began to clear the poisonous gas in Jing Tian's body.

He has been watching the situation here, but after the two women fell into the swamp, his World of Warcraft eyeliner has been difficult to see too clearly, but at least, Zhao Zijun in front of him, he is still very familiar.

Jing Tian's situation is very dangerous, and Zhao Zijun's situation is also not optimistic. Moreover, Zhao Zijun had just been here by the black dragon, and the injuries in his body were heavier than Jing Tian, ​​but her foundation was indeed stronger than Jing Tian.

Zhao Zijun also had a good look at the situation at the moment. Obviously, the swordman just now should have been issued by the young man in front of him. At this moment, the other party seemed to be treating Jingtian.

Although I don't know where this man came from, from the other side's performance, it is obviously not malicious to them. Moreover, this is not an ordinary place. In such a sea of ​​clouds, it is possible to whine all the time. If there is any malicious intention to them, it is not necessary to come in at all.

The main thing is that the other party helped them repel Jiu Long and rescued her teacher and sister. This is what she saw with her own eyes, and it is impossible to fake it.

"Can he be protected from these fogs?"

Zhao Zijun, who calmed down, couldn't help but be more interested in the young man in front of him. How horrible these mists are. She has already experienced them for the time being, but judging from the performance of the other party, people are not affected by these mists at all, it seems that they are still using them.

"Well? The cultivation of the habitat? This ........." After she started to observe Yuan Feng, immediately, Yuan Feng's cultivation was also explored by her.

The cultivation of Yuan Feng ’s habitat is really a bit too eye-catching. She just took care of her fortunately, but she did n’t watch Yuan Feng ’s cultivation carefully, and after seeing it, she said that Cultivation is simply unbelievable.

"Where does such a weird person come out?" Watching Yuan Feng carefully healed Jing Tian's wounds, her eyes couldn't help but be full of strange colors.

This time, she was truly in despair. Originally, she thought that she and Jing Tian were bound to die, but now it seems that the appearance of the young man in front of her seems to bring them a glimmer of opportunity.


Thinking of this in her heart, the injuries in her body also made her a little bit unbearable. You know, her poison is as deep as Jing Tian, ​​and she is very hurt all over her. She can persist until now, almost by virtue of persistence. Supporting. At this moment, when someone was rescued, her persistence was naturally relaxed.

A bite of black blood spurted out, and Zhao Zijun was also black before his eyes, and in a flash of his figure, he was about to fall towards the bottom.

"Well? Come here !!!"

Yuan Feng originally thought that the other party would be able to persist for a while, but he didn't expect that the time between talking and the other party couldn't hold on. Seeing this, he couldn't help but hold Jing Tian in his arms for a while His right hand was slightly lifted, and then Zhao Zijun's body was directly pulled by him, and caught in the other arm.

"you you…………"

Although Zhao Zijun couldn't hold on, her mind was still relatively sober. She felt that she was being embraced by a strange man. She couldn't help but tremble and almost jumped out of her heart.

"Don't move, don't care so much at this time, even if you want to die yourself, don't pull me to be buried."

Feeling that Zhao Zijun had a tendency to struggle, Yuan Feng frowned and screamed at the other side. He was holding two people in one hand at a time. If Zhao Zijun acted wildly, although it would not cause him much trouble, it would definitely not be without effect.

Shouted by Yuan Feng like this, Zhao Zijun didn't dare to continue to move, and then he was let Yuan Feng hold it honestly, without a trace of movement.

She also knew that Yuan Feng had to save them both at this time, and I was afraid that it would be somewhat difficult, and if it was chaotic at this time, God knew if it would affect the other party.

Anyway, Xiaominger is almost gone. At this time, she doesn't have the energy to think about so much. As long as she can survive, the others will wait for a while!

"Get up !!!"

Holding the two women one hand in one hand, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. Between the movements of his body, he started to run his own magical skills, and a few flashes of work were just out of the swamp.

Most people in this kind of environment are almost waiting for death, but for him who is free and easy, leaving this swamp is nothing more than a piece of cake.

In the blink of an eye, the three left the sea of ​​clouds, and the entire swamp slowly calmed down. However, there are two people in this swampland, I'm afraid I won't forget this life.

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