Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian are obviously ironclad and want to make a big breakthrough in the wild wasteland. Speaking of which, whether it is Jing Tian or Zhao Zijun, their experience is not too rich, but like this one now The experience is precious to them.

As time passes, the time when the two came to the Manghuang Forest is a few months at a blink of an eye. Among them, the two weak women have now become extremely tough and faint, Everyone has a touch of blood, but it feels so tough.

The impact of the environment on people is beyond doubt. If these two people can really persist for five years in places such as Manglin Forest, then they will have an earth-shaking change after the expiration of the training period. .

Along the way, the two women made fewer and fewer shots, but each shot was full of weight. For them, the ordinary Promise of World of Warcraft can only be regarded as a small play, as for the Warcraft below the Promise, they are too lazy to care about it. Many times, they all discovered that the World of Warcraft had a peep at them, but they didn't take it seriously.

Obviously, they would never think of these caves, which are dare to approach them, are actually very problematic, but they do n’t know where they are ...

Between the jungles, a young man was strolling leisurely among the green grass and red flowers. Around his body, an eight-claw Warcraft and a purple dragon-scale beast, plus a little mouse, were all old. Follow him honestly, each end of Warcraft looks very obedient.

Obviously, in addition to Yuan Feng, such a combination is afraid that it will not find the second one.

"Xiao Li, ten miles from the left, give you three minutes to end the battle."

At a certain moment, between this person's three beasts walking, Yuan Feng, who was walking in front, suddenly raised an eyebrow, and then ordered the small scale of the purple gas dragonscale beast.

"Woohoo !!!"

After receiving Yuan Feng's instructions, Xiaolin did not delay at all, and in a low hum, she went straight out, and the blink of an eye was gone.

At this moment, the purple gas dragon scale beast has made an indescribable great improvement compared to the previous one. However, the standard of Yuan Feng's mind is still a lot worse for the little guy, so Yuan Feng still has to perform it once. This exercise will do.

"Well, the reaction is getting faster and faster. It seems that it is not far from breaking through to the yin and yang realm!"

After the purple dragon scale beast rushed out, Yuan Feng couldn't help but glance at the other side's disappearing direction and nodded secretly.

The progress of the dragon scale beast, of course, as the owner of the other party, he can see more clearly. Obviously, the dragon scale beast is definitely a legacy of Warcraft, and the small scale should also be able to inherit the blood of the previous generation, so it can progress so fast.

"My side is almost always petty, but the two women are really fierce!"

After Xiaolin went out to perform his assigned task, Yuan Feng's mind could not help but go out again, and the target he observed was, of course, Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian who were undergoing life and death training in the wild forest.

Speaking of which, a few months ago, his World of Warcraft eyeliner discovered the existence of Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian. Since then, he has been controlling World of Warcraft eyeliner and has been watching the actions of the two.

I have to say that he has always been sincerely amazed at the vigorous performance of the two women. Two weak women, even willingly ran to a place like Manghuanglinyu to experience life and death. He didn't know what the two were trying to figure out!

On several occasions, he saw that the two were in danger, and they were almost ready to help, but the impulse was finally suppressed by him because he knew that if there were no such death line swims Go, these two women, it is absolutely impossible to really grow up.

Sometimes, he even wondered whether he should also let his two confidantes do such a practice. If he can persist, then he can really rest assured.

However, after thinking about it, it is better not to try such dangerous experiences. After all, he doesn't need his own confidante to be involved in danger alone, and with his guard, he doesn't believe that someone can hurt them.

"How long do these two girls want to experience here? The current area is already an area close to the interior of the barren forest. If you continue, you may really be in danger!"

The mind sank into the body of the investigation Warcraft, and Yuan Feng continued to observe the two women as before.

During this time, observing the actions of the two women has become part of his practice in the wild forest. Although the main task is still to find breakthrough opportunities and strengthen his Warcraft partners, but observing the actions of the two women, Nor will he delay his own task.

The performance of the two women really made him respectful and admirable. Until now, he did not know why he had to observe the two. The reason he thought for himself was that it was rare to see human warriors in the wild wasteland, and it was all a matter of looking at the boring stuff, but in fact, it wasn't true, I'm afraid he couldn't tell.

"Forget it, and observe them for a while. If there is nothing unexpected, I'll take them one step faster and go to the deeper part of the wild forest area to play."

After a while, Yuan Feng's face could not help but reveal a bit of bitter smile, and thought involuntarily.

Frankly speaking, although it is true that observing the two women did not consume too much energy, it is the so-called indifference. The mind divided between the two will inevitably affect other actions. This is undoubted. of.

"Well !!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, a flash of light suddenly flashed, but it was the purple dragon scale beast just sent out by him, and he had successfully returned from his mission.

"Woohoo !!!"

The immature Ziqi Dragonscale Beast does not have a good call, but fortunately Yuan Feng can still understand.

"It's not bad. It's only been less than two minutes. It seems your little fellow has made progress and is worthy of reward." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng patted the dragon scale animal's forehead. Lingbao was taken out by him and thrown directly into the mouth of the dragon scale beast.

"Crunch !!!!"

Dragon scale beasts are definitely coming. It is now in a critical period of growth and it really needs a lot of energy to speed up the pace of growth. Moreover, Yuan Feng has Xiaojin, a powerful assistant in it. This Tianling Dibao is just how much he wants, and even if Xiaojin is on vacation for a while, the energy stored in him is enough for three heads of Warcraft to use for a long time. .

"Squeak !!!!"

Just when Yuan Feng was giving out rewards for the dragon scale beasts, while thinking about going on, Xiao Ba on the side suddenly screamed and heard Xiao Ba's cry, Yuan Feng couldn't help it With a slight tightening, his complexion suddenly changed.

"Well? Anything?"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng immediately got the information passed by Xiao Ba, and after getting the information passed by Xiao Ba, he only knew where the problem was.

"Uh, it seems they are really in big trouble this time!"

The message from Xiao Ba was nothing else. It was the situation of the two women. Yuan Feng wanted to observe the situation of the two women. He had to deliberately pass through Xiao Ba to finally understand through the eyes of Warcraft eyeliner. To everything, Xiao Ba, as the main body of Warcraft Eyeliner, can always get the news from Warcraft Eyeliner.

At this moment, the two women did encounter some troubles, and they were not ordinary troubles.

"Let's see how you solve it, if not ..."

After licking his lips, as soon as Yuan Feng raised his hand, the three-headed Warcraft companions approached him one by one. Then, one person and three beasts approached slowly in one direction.

In any case, he has also observed the two women for a long time, and everyone is considered to have some fate. Of course, if he can, he can't just watch the two women die.

At the same time Yuan Feng took her three Warcraft partners close to the target, two unknown women came to a very dangerous situation.

Here is a misty swamp. It seems that this swamp should have existed for some years. The gray mist inside it has been precipitated for countless years, but it is like a sea of ​​clouds. Although dreamy, it is murderous.

At this moment, just above this sea of ​​clouds, a dragon-like Warcraft is driving the endless grey cloud of sea mist, just like a real dragon, writhing in the sea of ​​clouds. However, if someone is here, you will find that this dragon is not singing a one-man show. If you look closely, you will see that there are two white figures fluttering in the sea of ​​clouds. .

The two white figures were like two small boats floating in the raging waves. They were looming along with the sea of ​​clouds. Obviously, the situation of them was not very good at this moment.


In the sea of ​​clouds, half of the body is hidden under the sea of ​​clouds, and half of the body is exposed from the sea of ​​clouds. The dragon shouts a loud roar, and as its roar sounds, the entire swamp, hundreds of miles in radius, changes. It was extremely violent. At this moment, the bodies of the two women were almost drowned by the sea of ​​clouds.

ps: I drank at my father-in-law's house for two days, and now the whole person is not good. Adjust it as soon as possible and resume normal updates immediately! !! !!

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