The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1609: Strange woman

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In the wild forest field, in the endless depths of the vast mountain forest, two pretty figures are walking aimlessly between the mountains and forests while walking, and the two are chatting while chatting.

Both women are wearing sarongs and looks, and they can be regarded as first-class in a place like Ziyun City, but at this moment, these two women appear in the wild forest area, but it seems a bit Out of place.

"Sister, let's go out. This mountain forest is too dangerous. If we really have trouble that can't be solved, we don't even have a person to ask for help."

One of the two women looks very young, and the experience is obviously not very rich. She is close to the other woman, and her little hand is always holding the corner of the other woman. It seems that the environment here is very fear.

"You girl, I knew you were so timid, I won't bring you here this time, and now I always can't calm down, where else can it have any meaning of experience?"

Somewhat upset by the young woman, the woman walking in front couldn't help stopping, complaining to the young woman.

"Sister Shi is already very good, why do you have to come here to experience it? We came to Ziyun City, where we are not familiar with life. Such a place is really too dangerous."

Complained by the woman, the young girl couldn't help but chuckle, but did not fear the other side. It can be seen that the relationship between the two women should be very good, basically the kind of saying nothing, so even if they complain, they speak naturally.

"Hum, you girl can talk." Hearing the girl intentionally or unintentionally affirming herself, the young woman couldn't help raising her chin slightly, with a proud look on her face.

"Sister and sister, with me covering you, you can safely follow me boldly. This wild forest area is very suitable for practice. We must seize every opportunity to improve and improve our strength as much as possible."

The young woman was talking, her pride on her face converged, and the serious look made the young **** the side forget to complain.

"Sister, I will work hard to cultivate. The young master has just succeeded in the throne a short time ago and we need to assist her. I will not let the young master down."

The girl's pretty face was suddenly full of perseverance, but at this moment, she suddenly seemed very tall.

"That's right, Jing Tian. The young master will definitely come to Ziyun Palace to participate in the exchange meeting. We will wait for her here in advance, even if she does not want us to participate, but we must also have sufficient strength. Only if you do n’t, you will lose the face of the young master, but will help you. ”

They were sneaking out this time. Originally, in their current situation, they did not reach the point where they came to Ziyun Palace to participate in the event, but if they were 'just' in Ziyun City at the beginning of the event Then, at least they can have a chance to see the scale of the event?

"I see, Sister Zijun, let's go deeper, there must be a stronger Warcraft in it, and only with stronger magic hands, can we grow up faster."

Jing Tian is totally fighting now. She is still very clear about her strength. Compared with ordinary geniuses, she is indeed very strong. But in fact, if compared with those super cows, she Obviously a lot worse.

First of all, she has always rarely engaged in real battles. Even if there is, it is also a discussion between the brothers and sisters. How can such an comparison be compared with the battle of life and death?

Those who are qualified to participate in this exchange event are the big and powerful people who have real heads and faces. They want to help their young masters to share their concerns, so they must first have sufficient strength and combat effectiveness.

"Xiao Tian is really more and more sensible, but we ca n’t be too anxious. We still have five years. We want to be able to practice our divine power. At that time, even if we are not able to overpower everyone, we can at least be considered top. Is that right? "

Zhao Zijun's heart can't help but be a bit complicated. She has confidence in herself and her sister, but she knows better that there are too many talented people in the world, and what is her decision? Right or wrong, but can only wait to see it in the future. No matter what, her heart is definitely kind.

After some communication, both women continued to march toward the depths of Manghuang Forest. They have been in Manghuang Forest for some time. During this period, their strength has improved. , Especially Jing Tian, ​​what she lacks is actual combat, and here she has many opportunities for actual combat. Naturally, her strength can also increase.

Deep into the wild forest area, that's not something anyone can do. What a huge quantity of Warcraft in the wild forest area, and how terrible the quality is. The whole Ziyun City knows this. The reason why everyone dare not easily enter the wild forest area.

However, Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian obviously had real materials. Along the way, the two of them preferred to take action in places with more Warcraft, and all the Warcraft they encountered were basically destroyed by them.

At this time, if the disciples of Ziyun Palace are present, I am afraid they will be surprised by the horrific fighting power of the two women. You must know that the standards shown by the two women can definitely be regarded as the standards of Ziyun Palace disciples. Now, even the strength of some preachers may not be comparable to them.

Obviously, the people of such strength, the origin of the two women, will definitely not be too ordinary.

Deepening all the way, the two women did not know what range they had reached in the Manghuang Forest, but over time, more and more Warcraft died in their hands, and the power of Warcraft became stronger and stronger As more and more Warcraft are killed by them, their fighting power is also growing rapidly with the naked eye.

Their power is a relatively special power. On weekdays, everyone is accustomed to the world, and no one will go idle and fight with others. However, times have changed and a new era has come, but they have to make some changes.

On this way, the two women were hardly obstructed too much. In this way, of course, their confidence became more and more sufficient. In the end, they had a kind of heaven and earth, only I have the esteem.

"Sister, stop and rest. Hurry up but don't reach it. Don't be too quick."

I don't know how far into the wild forest area, the figures of the two women have reached a trickle, the environment here is very quiet, and there is no danger of feeling, it is just suitable for rest. .

What kind of environment can be found in the wild forest areas, and the trickling water like this is almost the most common environment in the wild forest areas.

"Wow, can you finally rest? It's almost exhausting me these days."

When he heard Zhao Zijun say he was going to rest, Jing Tian couldn't help cheering, and flew straight to the clear stream in front of him. In the talking room, he adjusted his clothes and started cleaning his cheeks and body.

The killing along the way, she has gradually adapted to this **** breath, but of course, if she can, she still hopes that she can be clean and refreshing. Woman, who wants to be too shy?

Zhao Zijun didn't join in for the first time. Seeing Jing Tian ran to the side of the stream to enjoy the coolness of the stream, she first glanced around. When she found there was no danger, she smiled slightly and walked towards the other .

Jing Tian has too many things to learn, and these are not something that can be taught in a short while. Fortunately, she is beside her. Slowly, she will teach her what she knows. In this case, at least the other party can have some independent survival skills.

Of course, after all, she didn't know much about it. Many things were also explored.

"Sister and sister, don't worry about it. Don't let your guard down because it looks safe. You will never know what terrible enemies are hidden around you."


A few steps came to Jing Tian's near, Zhao Zijun explained to the former with patience, and when the voice fell, she suddenly raised her hand. Suddenly, she had two wings on her back and hid in the middle of the dense forest. She was beaten down.

This is a World of Warcraft that is only repaired by Dongtianjing. Although there is no great danger, it will definitely be killed when it appears at the place where they will rest at this time.

"Hee hee, if I were alone, I would be extremely careful, but now that I have a sister to protect me, I am not worried about any danger!"

Jing Tian's eyes glanced at the World of Warcraft that fell from the canopy, but there was a slight disapproval in his eyes. Speaking of which, she also noticed that there was a hidden World of Warcraft here, but she was absolutely shocked that World of Warcraft was not a big deal at all, so there was no noise.

"You girl, your life is your own. Only you can be responsible for yourself. You can trust me in other aspects, but in terms of life, you can only believe in yourself."

Zhao Zijun apparently suffered from a loss, and her brow was tightly wrinkled between words, and the whole body was obviously not very good.

"Okay, okay, sister, I take a note."

Jing Tian seemed to see Zhao Zijun's dissatisfaction, and he didn't want to think about it, but he hurriedly spoke soft words, for fear that the other party would be angry.

"Well, let's wash it quickly. After the wash, we will take a break, and we will continue to go deeper."

She waved her hand, but Zhao Zijun didn't mind. Although she had a feeling of hating iron and steel, but in fact, it seemed that she was a little bit extreme.

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