The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1601: In hand (four more)

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Among the deep caves, Liu Hong of the Eight Diagrams Palace and Yang Xi of the Nine Palaces almost used up their milk-feeding strength and swept away from the cave. At this moment, they really regretted running into the muddy water.

However, no matter how regretful it is now, it's useless, because the purple dragon scale beast mother in the deep of the cave is now completely dead. The only thing they can do at this moment is to find a way to escape the cave and stay away. This land is wrong.

It is a pity that they have made an irreparable mistake this time. Since the Purple Dragon Dragonscale Beast has burned all its power, then naturally it is not intended to let them leave alive. After all, if they leave, it will Burning all your vitality at once seems to become worthless.


Almost just between a few flashes, the Purple Air Dragonscale Beast has already caught up with the two who fled quickly, and when it caught up with the two, the Dragonscale Beast's tail swayed suddenly. The road ahead for the disciples to pass on to the aunt is blocked directly.


At this moment, the purple dragon scale beast is just like a demigod Warcraft. The horrible momentum is really scary. With a light groan, the great courage caused the two great disciples to tremble, and looking at it, a purple dragon breath spewed at them.

"Boom !!!"

The purple dragon's breath looks nothing unusual, but when the dragon's breath was sprayed on the two, the two big disciples, as if they had no weight at all, were directly bombarded by the dragon's breath on the stone wall. It turned pale, but it became paler.

"Ah, huh, how can it become so strong? It still makes people alive!"

"It's not good, the big thing is not good, it's trying to kill the two of us and never suffer the future !!!"

The two great disciple disciples can all see that this purple dragon dragon scale beast obviously wants to kill them with one heart, so that they can no longer harass its children. As for its own life, after this period of time, in the end, I am afraid that it will be difficult to continue, and even if I can survive, I am afraid that the state will plummet.

"Boom !!!"

In the time between the thoughts of the two, the dragon tail of the purple gas dragon scale beast swept over again, and the two people who had just been fixed on the wall had almost no time to react, but they were again dragons. He swayed and flew away.

The purple dragon scale beast has iron heart to destroy them. Judging from the current situation, if they can only escape by relying on their own strength, it is really an unknown number.

A Super Promise World of Warcraft that has burned all its vitality, even if it can't catch up with the man in the semi-god, it is almost approaching. To deal with such a person who is not afraid of life and death, it is simply an unimaginable torment.

The two disciples who were invincible in the weekdays and attacked were almost a living target. At this moment, the purple dragon scale beast was flogged, and the two strong ones jumped up and down. No opportunities are found.

But having said that, fortunately, the two big powers are both strong enough. Although they were hit hard by the opponent, they can really save their lives in a short while.

The purple dragon scale beast wants to destroy both of them, of course, it may not be such a simple matter. How exactly this battle will end, it is hard to know for a while.

However, whether it is the mother of the purple dragon scale beast, or the two great disciples of the Eight Diagrams Palace and the Nine Palace, they would never have thought that when they swept away while fighting for your life, the cave Deep down, there was another figure hiding in the dark, but they didn't find it.

"Is this, is this God helping me? It seems like something went well, right?"

In the dark corner, Yuan Feng's figure slowly emerged from the space. However, at this moment, his face couldn't help but be filled with suspicion, and there was an unbelievable look under his eyes. feel.

"Everyone ran away, this is to provide me with a god-given opportunity!" Looking at the cave outside, he could feel that the purple dragon scale beast had been chasing the two, now Already far from the cave. It seems that although the purple dragon scale beast has burned its power and made it extremely powerful, it still cannot think of it. At this moment, someone in the cave has been hidden in advance.

"Thank you very much for both of you. I thought I was going to have a fierce battle!" Watching the two men and one beast rushing away, Yuan Feng really didn't know how to describe his mood. No doubt, World of Warcraft was led away, and now he can do almost anything he wants.

Originally, he was still thinking of a fight with the Purple Dragon Dragonscale Beast, but he did not expect that this one would be replaced by these two guys. But it's better, he doesn't need to do it by himself, it should be easier to get it, and it doesn't need to consume his own strength.

"Never mind, although there is a danger of being in danger, but now I can't care so much!"

While two people and one beast hit the outside, where would Yuan Feng hesitate? If you do n’t do anything at this time, when will you stay?

Thinking of this, while moving the shadowless power to the extreme, he quickly approached the nest deep in the cave, and soon, his figure passed through the space barriers and came to the Purple Air Dragon. Among the scales' lairs.

At this moment, the cub of the purple dragon scale animal was obviously not scared, but it was crouching in the corner, waiting for the return of his parents.

"Little guy, I'm sorry ha, from now on, I'll change a nurse for you !!!"

After looking up and down on this little Warcraft, Yuan Feng found that this little guy who was just born was not long enough, and the strength of this little Warcraft is of course not about the slightest resistance.

"Give me it !!!"

After a little hesitation, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, the small purple dragon scale beast cub was directly brought into his body world by him, and he was raised for the time being.

He was very clear that the purple-gas dragonscale beast mother animal that had burned vitality was absolutely certain to die, and although the big guy outside was very strong, I was afraid that it might not be able to achieve any benefit. After that, this little guy will have no luck. In this case, it is better to let him take the little guy back, and it will be good to train in the future.

"Hey, little guy, there are too many places to spend resources on cultivating you in the future. In this case, I'll charge you some support first."

Putting away the cubs of the purple dragon scale beast, Yuan Feng said nothing, and raised his hand to start collecting the heaven and earth spirit treasures in the whole cave.

The entire cave is not less than a hundred meters in diameter. Such a large cave is filled with various treasures. How many treasures are here, even if the disciples from Ziyun Palace meet, they will feel it. surprise.

Yuan Feng wouldn't have any kind of politeness. All the babies here are now owned by him. As for the disciples of the Seventh Grand Master, it is nothing more than a wedding dress for him.

The wind tumbled away all the treasures in the cave. Yuan Feng said nothing, but he hid his body again. He knew very well that if the two purple dragon scale beasts were seen here, I am afraid that Will the whole cave be opened in a moment?

"Let's watch it change, and we don't know what will happen next."

With his body hidden, Yuan Feng simply hid in a corner deep in the cave. He believed that even if the two purple dragon scale beasts were vigilant, they would never be able to detect where he was.

After hiding it, he couldn't help but feel the situation outside. However, the outside was chaotic at the moment, but he didn't dare to explore with his heart, so he didn't know what the outside had become!

In fact, at this moment, the atmosphere is lively, whether it is outside the cave or inside the cave, but the seven major disciples who should have taken the initiative should be the opposite, and all of them have become passive. Party.

"Hoohoo !!!!"

Outside of the closed cave, the dragon of the purple gas dragon scale beast has already been completely angry, and now I heard the movement coming from the cave, and now it is obviously no longer angry.

The breath sent by the mother animal made it understand that its partner, who had burned all his powers at the moment, was afraid that it would be difficult to survive. But when he thought of it, he hated the five people around him. It is difficult to say that it is exhausting all the water.

While roaring again and again, this purple dragon dragonscale beast also struck five disciple disciples. At this moment, their battlefield has been out of the hole. As for where they hit, I am afraid they don't even know.

"Xing Xing, the situation seems to be a little bit wrong, what's going on in the cave? I don't think it's right?"

Outside the cave, the eyebrows of the five **** disciples are all frowned tightly. According to the truth, if there is no trouble in the deep part of the cave, then the two of the Bagua Temple and the Nine Palace may have already come out. It was, however, that the movement inside the cave did not sound like a sound favorable to those two.

"Don't think about it so much. Hold this big guy down first. You must not let him suppress us!"

Where does Xing Dongqing have energy to manage it now? At this moment, the five of them were chased by a Warcraft, and now he has nothing to care about.

"Stuck on for a while, at least, let's wait until the two of them come out!" With his eyes narrowed, Xing Dongqing made a simple decision again, but this time the decision was good or bad, but it was We still have to experience it slowly!

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