The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1602: Tragic (one more)

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For the seven major disciples of Ziyun Palace, this time they undoubtedly miscalculated.

The two purple gas dragon scale beasts have just finished production. This is something they never expected. Although the purple gas dragon scale beast mother that has just experienced production is in the weak stage, but it can't hold it to fight for life. When the dragon scales When the beast's mother had burned all her vitality and vowed to protect her cubs, the disciples of the Seven Masters were already doomed to tragedy.

Whether it is the five great disciple disciples outside the cave, or the other two inside the cave, all of them are completely entangled by the two purple dragon dragon scale beasts. The five outside are slightly better. As for the two in the cave Man, it's not just that entangled now!


There was another bang in the deep cave, and with the sound of the sound, the two great disciples of the Ziyun Palace and the Eight Diagrams Palace and the Nine Palace were once again blown away and finally hit the stone wall of the cave. The blood flowing all over the body is simply terrible.

In the face of a burning purple dragon scale beast, the power that these two legendary disciples take pride in seems so insignificant. For them, all that happened today is almost It was a nightmare.

"No, Brother Yang Xi, I can't stand it. In this way, we are really going to be killed alive by this Warcraft!"

The Gossip Palace Liu Hong was really anxious. His whole body seemed to be falling apart now, and his strength had already begun to dissipate. If he continued to do so, he would end up in a state of escape. .

Before he came to this place, he never dreamed that such a situation would occur, but the world is unexpected, but this action has really brought him such a great risk.

"Brother Liu Hong, it looks like the guys outside will not come in to save us. This time, we can't say we have to sacrifice it !!!"

While resisting the onslaught of dragon scale beasts, Liu Hong and Yang Xi also had time to make a simple exchange. At this moment, they really have reached the point of life and death. One accident is that they will never be over.

"Hey, nothing more, no matter how good the baby is, no matter how precious the resource is, it's nothing more than an eyeball. Let's let go early and run away!"

The two great disciple disciples both understand that if they continue to do so, they will surely die. Therefore, what they should do now is actually very clear in their hearts.

Looking at each other, they both saw a hint of firmness in each other's eyes.


Almost immediately between the two eyes, there was a sudden surge of storm on their bodies, and then the wounds on the two bodies disappeared quickly with the naked eye.


The bodies of the two great disciples were instantly wrapped in a strong breath, and as their momentum soared, the purple gas dragonscale beasts that had been attacking them all could not help but pause.

The Ziqi Dragonscale Beast was obviously frightened. It burned its life and was trying to solve these two big troubles, but if it couldn't solve these two big troubles, then its child would really be in trouble. At this moment, the two powerful men suddenly surged in momentum, and of course they were surprised by the changes of the two.

However, at the time when the purple dragon scale beast was in doubt, the two disciples of disciples sighed at the same time. Between the words, an illusive hole appeared above their heads.

This illusive hole does not know where it leads, but when this hole appeared, the faces of the two great disciples were completely restored as usual, as if they were no longer worried that they would die.

The holes were formed, and the two great disciple disciples both took a last look at the purple dragon scale beast in front of them. Afterwards, the two did not hesitate any more, and between the flashes, they entered the holes and disappeared.


As two young men entered the hole, the two illusory holes disappeared immediately, and deep inside the cave was the female beast with only the purple dragon dragon scale beast. The slightest change.

Although the Ziqi Dragonscale Beasts are extremely powerful, their knowledge is limited after all. They still know too little about the methods of human warriors.

Obviously, the two great disciples of Ziyun Palace must have used the ultimate means of life-saving at the last moment to leave this dangerous area, and their destination, Bacheng is their own hometown, Ziyun Palace!

This is also true. For the disciples of Ziyun Palace, they all have the last life-saving trick, but this life-saving trick needs to be at the cost of burning power. Just like Liu Hong and Yang Xi this time, in order to summon the teleportation mystery, each of them burned a small part of their strength. From now on, their strength will be greatly reduced, and they may even fall into the realm.

Such a cost is not small, but it is also a matter of no solution. Who has made them come to this step? There is really no other way to think about it?

Whether it is Liu Hong or Yang Xi, they are very clear. If they fight the mother of this purple gas dragon scale beast again, God knows whether the other party will use more horrible means. If this big guy directly blew himself up, If they end up with them, then they have no chance to escape.

Therefore, after some calculation and measurement, they still obediently burned their power and escaped early!


The opponent disappeared, and the mother of the Purple Dragon Dragonscale bewildered looked around for a long time, but in the end it was a long groan, and then hurried back to the depths of the cave.

It can feel that the two powerful human beings have really disappeared now, and since these two guys are gone, of course they have to go back and see their children.


With the swing of the dragon's tail, the purple dragon scale beast disappeared instantly, and when it appeared again, it had reached the deepest part of the cave and returned to its old nest.


However, when the purple dragon scale beast returned to its old nest and saw the sight in front of it, this huge World of Warcraft suddenly issued a terrifying scream, and the entire body was all at once. Falling heavily on the ground, as if drained of all power.

"Woohoo !!!"

The wailing sound continued from the mouth of the dragon scale beast. Then, the mother of this purple gas dragon scale beast started to spit out blood. Obviously, the previous power was burning, coupled with the urgent attack at this moment, but It is enough to kill it.

At this moment in the cave, in addition to the bare stone walls, neither the previous Tianlingdibao or its dragon-scale beast cubs had even a trace of breath, and such a scene, it It is impossible to accept it anyway.

"Woohoo !!!"

The burning of power and the impact caused by the disappearance of the cubs finally let the last vitality of the Purple Dragon Dragon Beast finally dissipate. Then, this rare spirit beast who does not know how many years has been cultivated is a gentle The ground lay on the ground, apparently the lamps had dried up.


Almost the second after the death of the purple dragon scale beast's mother, a figure at the corner of the cave slowly walked out and came to the purple dragon scale beast.

"Hey, big guy, I'm really sorry, but at the last moment of your life, you didn't let you see your child, but you can rest assured that I will take care of it for you."

Yuan Feng's face is not very good. Although he has obtained a lot of gains this time, and even a cub of a purple dragon scale beast, he is really not happy at all.

Although in the final analysis, purple dragon scale beasts are all World of Warcraft, which is quite different from humans, but no matter what, the scene in front of them is really a bit cruel. What else can happen in the world that will be more painful than separation of the flesh and the bones, and no one will see your child?

However, it was not him who caused all this. Even without him, this family of three purple gas dragon scale beasts could not stop.

"Dust returns to dust, and when you die, it is a skin pack. In that case, you can fulfill me again !!!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng can't help but toss the sadness under his heart aside, and when he raises his hand, he closes the purple dragon scale beast.

He needs the energy of Warcraft to practice the Nine Turns of Xuan Gong, and this purple gas dragon scale beast is undoubtedly the best cultivation material, and naturally he should not miss it.

"It's almost there. We should come to the end if we want to fight outside?"

Folding the body of Warcraft, Yuan Feng's gaze could not help but glance outside, he knew that after the changes in the cave, outside the cave, it will inevitably see soon.


Almost as soon as Yuan Feng thought of it, an indescribable sound of Changxiao was passed in from outside the cave, and when he heard the sound of Yuanxiao, Yuan Feng's face shivered, and his heart was inevitable. Some sadness.


With the sound of a long howling, a terrifying explosion rang through the world, Yuan Feng in the deep cave only felt that the whole cave was slightly trembling, and then it collapsed directly.

"Booming !!!"

The entire cave collapsed, and Yuan Feng was buried, of course. With his strength, there shouldn't be too many problems in the future.

ps: There are too many things to deal with during the day. Xiaoyan is basically staying up late at night to rush the manuscript. This is really exhausting. Sleeping well is a luxury! !! !! Whoo! !! Seek comfort! !! !!

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