The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1600: Crazy Mother Beast (three more)

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The figures of two young men appeared deep in the cave, forming a confrontation face to face with one large, one small, and two heads of Warcraft in the depths of the cave. When the two human warriors broke in, the female purple air dragon The scale beasts were vigilant for the first time. All the scales at this moment turned into blade-like heads, facing the two great disciples of Ziyun Palace.

"His ... is it a big one?"

"Good guy, for a long time, the two purple dragon scale beasts here gave birth to a cub. No wonder the big guy on the outside is so desperate, and the mother on the inside hasn't moved."

"Purple aura of phoenix just produced, I am afraid this guy is desperately trying to protect the cub?"

"How about desperately? It seems that this dragon scale beast has been greatly affected after its production. I am afraid that half of the combat power cannot be exerted. Why should we both be afraid of her?"

At the first time, Liu Hong of the Eight Diagrams Palace and Yang Xi of the Nine Palaces saw the big and small two-headed Warcraft in the depths of the cave. When they saw that there were still two heads of Warcraft, they were all startled. However, when they found that one of these two World of Warcraft turned out to be a newborn baby, they slowly let go of their hearts.

A purple scale dragon beast that has just been produced is bound to have great vitality. You must know that whether it is human or Warcraft, as long as it is powerful, it will be more affected during production. It is a weak human or Warcraft, and the impact will be smaller.

Judging from the cub of this purple dragon dragon scale animal right now, the mother animal hasn't been producing for a long time. It can be said that the two of them should be lucky this time!

"Brother Liu, you and I worked together to destroy this big one and capture this small one. What did Brother Liu like?"

Nine Palaces Yang Xi could not help but lick his lips and proposed to Liu Hong in the Eight Diagrams Palace. At this moment, their main attentions were all focused on the two Warcrafts, especially the cub, if they could get this guy back, then they would make a lot of money this time.

As for the spirit treasures in the cave, although they are also yearning for them, compared with a living purple dragon dragon scale beast, these treasures have become objects outside the body, but their attraction is much smaller.

You know, once you can tame this purple gas dragonscale cub, then they will not find as many babies as they want to find in the future? This is a profitable business.

"Well, destroy this big one, and then divide evenly. I hope that this little guy exists, only you and I know. If a third person knows its existence, you and I will be condemned!"

Liu Hong's eyes were also slightly brightened, but it was the first time he agreed with the other party's proposal.

A total of seven princely disciples have come here, but there is only one cub of the purple dragon dragon scale beast. Now that they have been discovered by them, of course, they must be in control of them, and as long as they control This purple qi dragonscale beast cub, the baby in the entire cave, they can be divided equally with the five people outside.

Such things as vows, in fact, are not too binding, but at this time, such vows can be regarded as two people expressing their attitudes. In any case, practitioners are more taboo about such things.

"God knows, you know I know !!!"

Looking at each other, the two were just hitting each other, no need to think otherwise.


Seeing that Liu Hong and Yang Xi murmured there, the mother of the purple gas dragonscale beast apparently felt something wrong. Although she did not speak well, she could understand their expressions.

Judging from the expressions of these two guys, they clearly wanted to count on it, and of course at this time, it certainly does not allow this to happen.

"Well, big guy, do you think your power can scare us? Today, let's see if you have a few pounds or two, kill !!!"

Hearing the roar of the purple dragon scale beast mother, Liu Hong and Yang Xi both turned their heads and looked at the two World of Warcraft. During the conversation, they both stomped at the same time, both facing the purple dragon scale. The beast rushed up.

"Brush !!!!"

The two great passers-by disciples both used swords, and with the two flashes of light, the entire depth of the cave was instantly filled with a sharp breath. It is vividly displayed.

"Om !!!" The two sword-mans are almost the mother beasts that have cut to the purple dragon dragon scale beasts from two completely different directions. Each sword-mancer is extremely tricky. Under these two sword-mans Ordinary Promise people are basically the result of death or injury. As a female animal who has just finished production, these two swords are undoubtedly enough for it.


Seeing the two horrible swordmangs chopped at himself, the mother beast of the purple dragon dragon scale suddenly roared, and the roar rang, a purple mist sprayed directly from its mouth, facing the two Jian Mang greeted him.

"Oh !!!!" Two shocking swordsmans collided with the purple mist in a blink of an eye, and as the swordsmans and the mist contacted, a muffled noise suddenly spread, and when I went to see it again, the mist And the two swords, all disappeared.

"Well? There is still this hand !!"

Seeing their two swordsmen, they were directly neutralized by the purple mist. The two great disciples were startled, but they also understood that the purple dragon scale beast is not an ordinary Warcraft. If there is no way to do this, it is also a bit untenable.

"A two-pronged approach !!!"

Although the two of them came from different palaces, but now that they can be united together, it naturally shows that the relationship between them is OK, and when facing the enemy together, the Ziyun Palace must also have the same external tactics. Yes, at this moment, the two of them cooperated, but they didn't feel rusty at all.

"Brush brush !!!"

He did not hesitate because the sword awn was taken down by the purple air dragon scale beast. The two strong men's figures moved instantly. They were rushing to the front of Warcraft. The horrible sword light was like raindrops. The beast's mother was wrapped in the middle.

"Puff puff!!!"

The mother of the Purple Dragon Dragonscale did not dare to dodge, because behind it, it was the cub it was born just a short time ago. If it was hiding at this moment, the cub behind it would undoubtedly die.


Swords and swords were chopped on the purple dragon scale beast. Suddenly, all kinds of sounds were heard. Among them was the sorrow mixed with the pain of the dragon scale beast. Obviously, in the face of the common siege of the two strong Even if it is, I am afraid it has already been injured.

"Take the effort and kill it with a rush of energy !!!" The two great disciples did not expect that after the purple dragon scale beast was produced, it would weaken into this appearance. If they changed the outside one, their At this point of attack, how could it be possible to break the scale armor of the dragon scale beast?

This is simply a god-given opportunity. If such an opportunity is missed, it will be unreasonable!

"Woohoo !!!"

The mother of the purple gas dragonscale beast was attacked by the two strong men. The wounds on his body looked more and more, and the cry became more and more painful. However, even so, it did not mean to escape the slightest.

Liu Hong and Yang Xi didn't care so much. Seeing the mother of the purple gas dragon scale beast couldn't bear it anymore, the two's attack became more and more sharp, as if to quickly kill the other party.


However, the two obviously still underestimated the strength of the purple dragon dragon scale beast, and also underestimated the determination of this dragon scale dragon beast to protect the cub. Almost when the two men's crazy attack just started, this angry purple dragon dragon The scale beast is a fierce roar, and as its roar rang, her body grew directly in a circle, and the breath on her body grew ten times more at this moment.

"What? This, this ..."

The two people who were just looking excited were scared at this moment by the changes of the purple dragon dragon scale beast. Although the strength of the dragon scale beast is really not good, but it suddenly expanded at this moment. They are all going to force a big shot.

"It's burning its own life !!!"

Both were well-informed people. Naturally, they immediately saw the idea of ​​the purple gas dragon scale beast. Obviously, this big guy has already decided to sacrifice his life in order to protect the cub.


Almost in the time between the thoughts of the two great disciples, the mother of this purple dragon scale beast growled suddenly, and this time, its roar is completely different from the previous one, even if it is a strong human being, All felt the strong coercion in the roar.

"Bang !!!!!!"

The roar sounded, and the two great disciples were about to retreat for a while, but of course, the crazy purple dragon dragon scale beast would not give them such an opportunity, waiting for the two to react. Its tail, like a real dragon tail, is Directly smashed on the body of two big disciples.

"Well !!!"

The two great disciple disciples are people with real ability, but when the dragon scale beast's tail hit them, they could not help but spit blood and smashed directly into the stone wall of the cave.

"No, this guy is crazy, let's go !!!"

A spit of blood spewed out, and the two great disciples were almost out of control. They knew very well that at this moment, the Dragonscale Beast and Mother Beasts were absolutely going to die. Right now, they had better choose to retreat, or they might really lose their lives Ride here!

Thinking of this, the two didn't want to think about it. When they were in shape, they were swept away from the cave.


They wanted to leave, but the Purple Dragon Dragonscale Beast did not agree. Seeing the two fled, the Purple Dragon Dragonscale Beast mother, who had already completely died, caught up immediately. Obviously, at this moment, the two great disciples of disciples are afraid that the mold will fall.

ps: 1,600 chapters! !! !! There are many things during the day, and the code word can't hurt at night, and the fourth one is later, sorry for everyone! !! !!

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