The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1599: Hidden (second more)

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Deep in the deep cave, there is a huge purple dragon scale beast. Now he is watching the direction of the cave vigilantly. Behind it, a purple dragon scale beast that is obviously smaller by several sizes is unstoppable. Backing towards the corner of the cave, you can see that this little guy looks a little frightened now.

The giant purple dragon scale beast stared at the direction of the hole, while using its tail to appease the little guy behind him, but although there was constant soothing, the little guy behind him kept backing backwards, seemingly anxious Retreat into the stone wall of the cave.

The big, small and two dragon scale beasts obviously should be the relationship between the mother and the child. Counting the outside end, this cave is obviously a harmonious family of three, but the family of three at this moment, But it is going through a huge change that has never happened before, and it is hard to say at this time whether it can survive this change.

Judging from the size of this purple gas dragonscale cub, the little guy should be a mother who has not been born long, but it has not been long before giving birth. It is obviously weak at this moment. If there is a fight at this moment, She doesn't seem to be fit for the shot.

The mother scales of the Purple Dragon Dragonscale are all spread out. Obviously, she is absolutely full of vigilance at this moment. As long as there is a trace of danger approaching, it will launch an offensive and guard her cub. .

From the perspective of energy fluctuations, the mother of this purple dragon dragon scale beast is not under the strength of the male outside, but it has just finished its production, and its strength of 10% may not be able to exert it. This is one of the reasons why it did not go out with the male beast.

The dragon scale beast mother and child waited in the cave like this, but at this moment, they seemed somewhat helpless.

"Yu, is this the Lair of the Purple Air Dragonscale Beast? Really magnificent!"

As the Dragonscale Beast Mother and Child waited carefully in the depths of the lair, wondering what was waiting for them next, at the corner of the cave not far away from them, a vague ghost had already turned the entire cave. See it all in the depths.

It can be found at this time without being discovered by the purple dragon dragonscale beast inside. Except Yuan Feng, I am afraid there will be no more people.

"It's really an eye-opener. I didn't expect this purple dragon scale beast to be more luxurious than my Jinmoo. A cave has so many heaven and earth lingbaos arranged. This is really rich and oily!"

Yuan Feng was really calmed down at this moment. When he used Xiaoba to shape a few Warcrafts that looked like the purple dragon scale beast, and cheated away the purple dragon scale beast's male animal, The martyrdom in front was completely emptied, and without the obstruction of the dragon scale beast and the male beast, the scenes in the depths of the cave naturally appeared in his eyes.

In the eyes, the cave of the entire Purple Qi Dragonscale Beast is very spacious, but at his present angle, it is impossible to see what is inside! However, the scope of his sight at this moment is already covered with all kinds of treasures.

The entire cave floor is paved with unknown crystals. These crystals are very rare. Although they cannot spiritually catch up with the colored crystals that he collected before, they are not too inferior in energy. .

On this spar ground, various treasures are piled up into small mountain packs. Among them are rare spar veins, aura * human treasures, and even a few good soldiers. I do n’t know where this purple dragon dragon scale beast got these things.

"Well, so many babies, no wonder those people outside are trying to figure out this purple dragon scale beast."

After seeing these treasures deep in the cave, he also understood how terrible this purple gas dragon scale beast is, frankly, if he could, he really put some three purple gas dragon scale beasts under his control. He used it.

Of course, in terms of his current strength, the difficulty of conquering this level of Warcraft is not ordinary, and the success rate will definitely not exceed 30%.

This is also no way. The blood curse magic power is not originally used to conquer Warcraft. If it is repaired to a lower level of Warcraft, it is okay, but once it is changed to a high warcraft, he has no way to make the blood curse power Transfer to this level of Warcraft.

It is the little Warcraft, if he can, he really hopes to get it, and he will cultivate it from scratch. Anyway, he has so many resources. As long as he works hard, it should not be a problem.

"Well, those guys outside should fight with that dragon scale beast, right? There are those who entangled me the strongest. The two inside are nothing to me!"

For him, only the male purple gas dragon scale beast has a greater threat. As for the current female Warcraft and the small one, it is difficult to cause much trouble to him.

Before using Xiaoba to lead the male Warcraft out, he was actually destined to be the ultimate winner of this operation, but he didn't just have to win, he had to win beautiful.

According to his calculations, in order to protect the cubs, the male dragon scale beast will inevitably become more powerful, and although the disciples of the Seven Greatest Heroes are also very strong, they may not be able to win them in a short time. As long as those people are entangled with the purple dragon dragon scale beast for a while, then he can completely get inside the cave.

It can be said that everything is within his calculations. The Seven Great Masters disciples would not even think of breaking their heads. Their simple decision brought them unimaginable trouble.

"Hey, this big guy is also very pitiful. This baby has just been born. So many people have come to the door. It seems that the luck of this family of three is really bad enough!"

Eyes glanced at those rare babies, Yuan Feng finally focused his attention on the body of Warcraft.

Frankly speaking, he really doesn't lack resources now. The baby in this cave is actually not very attractive to him. Do you want to say that it is the little purple dragon scale beast? More attractive. However, the little Warcraft had his mother always guarding him, and it was difficult for him to take it away.

Everyone's heart will have the most primitive sympathy, and Yuan Feng is certainly no exception. The family of three purple dragon scale beasts lives well here. If no one disturbs them, then two adult Warcraft can slowly raise the cubs, but now, their desire is to become a luxury hope. .

"It doesn't matter that much. Even if I don't take the shot, the seven guys outside will definitely not soften. Instead of letting them benefit, it's better for me to take advantage of it."

At this moment, obviously it is not a time of softheartedness, and non-my races, their hearts must be different. The Warcraft in front of them is Warcraft, and for a Warcraft, he does not seem to need to think so much.

Kindheartedness should be there, but not when it scores?

"Big guy, I'm afraid I can't help it !!!" Suddenly, Yuan Feng set aside all the emotions that he shouldn't have. At this moment, he was very firm in his faith.

"Booming !!!!!!"

However, just as Yuan Feng was secretly operating his power and was about to release his hand, outside the cave, a sound of earth and rock collapsed suddenly, and as the sound came, the outside cave seemed to be dark all at once. less.

"Well? This is ...... they sealed the hole?"

The sudden sound made Yuan Feng's action stagnate, and it was almost a blink of an eye. He had already thought of the possibility. Obviously, there is such a sound at this time, it seems that there is no other possible situation except the hole is closed!

"Why are these people closing the hole? Isn't it ........."

The reason is that the disciples of the Seven Great Masters should try their best to enter this cave, but the reason is that they did not seal the mouth of the cave. However, since they have done so, it seems that there is only one possibility left! !! !!

"Well !!!"

Almost just this idea was just born a short time ago. Outside the cave, a sound of breaking wind was uploaded by the horse, and when Yuan Feng heard this sound, his complexion could not help but change slightly. Suddenly full of suspicion.

"Someone really came in !!!"

Judging from the sound of the wind breaking from the outside, it was clear that someone had killed him from the outside, but it was not easy for him to say who killed him.

"I am !!!!"

Hearing that someone rushed in from the outside, Yuan Feng didn't dare to be indifferent, and in a hurry, he hid himself. No matter what, he didn't want to have a direct conflict with the disciples of the Seven Great Masters. What he wanted to do most was to take advantage of the fisherman.

"Brush !!!!"

Almost immediately after Yuan Feng had hidden in the corner, two rays of light suddenly rushed in from outside the cave, and soon, two young men appeared in front of Yuan Feng. . Of course, Yuan Feng was just deep in the cave at this moment. The two young men appeared in front of him, and naturally appeared in the eyes of the Dragonscale Beast.


The purple beast of the dragon scale beast had long been vigilant when she heard the roar outside. When she saw two living creatures rushing in, it was no longer hesitant. It was a loud roar that warned people.


Such a small space, under the roar of this World of Warcraft, was shaken slightly, but the entire cave has been strengthened numerous times by them. Such a tremor will not affect the cave itself much.

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