The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1598: Fight (one more)

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The seven great disciples and the Ziqi Dragonscale Beast battled one place. Although they had the absolute number advantage, after the fight, the seven found out that today's Purple Qilong Scale Beast seems to be a little too strong. Already.

Originally, the seven people had already figured it out. First, they would seriously damage the dragon scale beast without intention. If they did, they could easily get the purple dragon scale beast.

However, what they didn't expect was that an attack they did with all their strength fell on an unknown World of Warcraft. Not only did it not cause any damage to the purple dragon scale beast, it actually gave the other party a Wake up, let the other party become more vigilant.

In this regard, the disciples of the Seven Great Aunts were depressed and curious, and they really couldn't understand how in this cave, a Warcraft that looked like a purple dragon scale beast would run out.

May I ask, in that case, how can they distinguish between which one of Warcraft is true and which one of Warcraft is false?

Of course, for these situations, the disciples of the Seven Great Sages did not have the energy to think too much, because at this moment, the Purple Dragon Dragonscale Beast has taken out all the skills to work hard with them, each of them is not allowed. I didn't do my best to fight this purple dragon scale beast to the end.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

There was a sound of one after another, this purple dragon scale beast rushed to the left and right, and after a while fighting with this legendary disciple, and then entangled with other legendary disciples, there was a one-on-seven, unwilling to show weakness.

"Well, Xing Xiong, is this the purple aura dragon scale beast you said? Aren't you saying that its strength is comparable to yours? Why are there so many of us, why don't we want him?"

"Xing Dongqing, is it possible that you are shaking us? The strength of this purple gas dragon scale beast is almost catching up with quasi-semi-godder, how can we cope?"

"It's too strong. This big guy is a complete mess. All seven of us have no advantage at all."

Apart from the organizer Xing Dongqing, the rest of the Seven Masters of Disciples were a little uneasy. They all thought that the seven of them shot together and took a purple dragon scale beast at all, but now it seems that they Looks like something whimsical.

"Shut up for me !!!"

Xing Dongqing couldn't help feeling a little angry when he heard other people's complaints about himself. To the heart, he has also been depressed. He used to pass the purple dragon scale * before, but the World of Warcraft at that time did not seem to be as strong as it is now, and he had always wanted to escape. Dare not fight with him for a long time.

However, at this moment, he was sure that this World of Warcraft was the one that had fought against him, but the strength of this guy seemed to have improved several times. Not to mention that he was alone, it seems that even if their seven major disciples joined forces, all Nothing like the other.

"All of them give me energy. This Warcraft should not be an improvement in strength. If I guess correctly, he seems to be guarding something, so he is desperately harder, which gives us an illusion."

Xing Dongqing's observation ability is absolutely beyond anyone's ability. Although the situation is not very good at the moment, he still looks at it. The reason why this purple gas dragon scale beast is fighting more and more bravely is because it wants to guard the back. The cave, this point can be seen from the purple dragon dragon scale animal has not left the scope of the cave.


As Xing Dongqing said, everyone else came back to me, and everyone suddenly found out that the purple dragon dragon beast in front of him was obviously feeling a bit desperate. As for the strength, it seemed to really follow They are almost the same.

"Yes, this guy is going to guard its cave!"

Everyone in the field was a master, and everyone could see the current situation. For a moment, everyone's eyes lit up hope and became more excited.

"Liu Hong and Yang Xi, the two of you will find a chance and try to enter the cave. We will find a way to hold this big guy."

Xing Dongqing immediately had a new plan, but he had to look at it. How could they have so many people, one or two purple dragon scale beasts, how could they compete with them.

"Roger that!!!"

At this time, it was not time for mutual suspicion either. Liu Hong of the Eight Diagrams Palace and Yang Xi of the Nine Palaces responded one after another, starting to look for opportunities to enter the cave.

Although the cave is also full of unknowns, up to now, it seems that the inside and outside of the cave are not very safe, so let them enter the cave and they have nothing to complain about.

With the plan, the seven masters of disciples all deliberately changed the rhythm of the battle, creating conditions for Liu Hong and Yang Xi to enter the cave.

In any case, the Seven Great Acolyte disciples are not weak. When they calm down and compete with the opposite purple dragon dragon scale beast, the purple dragon dragon scale beast will soon be a bit stretched.

"Hoohoo !!!"

The angry roar kept coming out of the dragon scale beast's mouth, but such a roar also exposed its external strength and dryness. To put it bluntly, the reason why it is so brave is that it is supported by a wave of anger. In fact, its true strength is indeed not much better than that of the Seven Great Masters.

The cooperation between the seven masters of disciples is still tacit. Soon, these people are in control of the situation in their own hands, and the purple dragon scale beast surrounded by them is slowly stretched out. .

"Just now, get into the hole !!!"

At a certain moment, the seven great disciple disciples suddenly shifted and changed positions, the time spent talking, Liu Hong in the Eight Diagrams Palace and Yang Xi in the Nine Palaces had already bypassed the Dragon Scale Beast and rushed straight into the cave behind him.

"Brush !!!!"

The speed of both of them is lightning fast, almost within a blink of an eye, the two have already entered the cave one after another, and quickly swept towards the depths of the cave.

Everyone knows that there will be many treasures in the cave of the Dragon Dragon Beast, so Liu Hong and Yang Xi are desperately trying to reach the inside of the cave and put the treasure inside Swept away.

Of course, they also know that there may be another dragon scale beast deep in the cave, but since the other party did not show up at the first time, there must be other situations in it, so this will It seems better to enter the hole than to stay outside and fight a crazy Warcraft.


Seeing that two strong people even escaped its blockade and entered its lair, the fighting purple dragon scale beast suddenly issued a loud roar, at the same time, an appalling momentum, Just like Jiutian Shenlei, it exploded from his body instantly.

"Roar roar !!!" roaring again and again, the purple dragon scale beast at this moment was obviously really angry. Deep in the cave is his wife and children. At this time, letting two strong men enter the cave, the consequences are simply unthinkable, so of course he does not allow this to happen.

"Yeah !!!" The rich purple qi suddenly burst out. The purple qi dragon scale beast is obviously desperate, almost visible to the naked eye. The body of this huge purple qi dragon scale beast begins to sharpen. Variety.

The scales all over the body suddenly became bright and shiny. Above the back, there was a row of dorsal fins like blades, just like the spirit soldiers from the floods, as if they could tear everything in the world. Also, the already sharp limbs and claws have been extended sharply at this moment, and the stout tail has been extended. At this moment, the dragon scale beast seems to have started the transformation mode. .

"Be careful, this guy is going to die !!!!!"

Seeing the changes in the Purple Qi Dragon Scale Beasts, everyone looked surprised. Then they realized that the original Purple Qi Dragon Scale Beasts still had more power.

"Boom !!! Slap !!!"

Almost in the midst of a change in everyone's expression, the sturdy tail of Dragonscale Beast has been thrown towards Xing Dongqing, the one-yuan temple closest to the entrance of the cave. As the tail swept down, the genius of the one-yuan temple almost returned. Before he could dodge, he was swept away by this strong tail.


Seeing that Xing Dongqing was swept away by one tail, everyone couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths. They could see it. The purple dragon scale beast of today is really powerful and messy, especially when the other party is angry. No one can bear it.

"Everyone don't fight hard, think of a way to involve it."

Two people have already entered the cave, so what they need to do is to restrain the purple dragon dragon scale beast and prevent them from returning to the cave, and destroy the actions of the two people.

"Clog the hole, don't let it go back !!!"

Xing Dongqing was also really stingy, although he was swept away by the tail of the dragon scale beast, but he flashed back immediately. Of course, just a moment ago, it obviously made him suffer a lot, and he was obviously injured at the moment.

He didn't need to remind him at all, and everyone knew that they couldn't let the dragon scale beasts return to the cave. Speaking, the crowd just wanted to do nothing but violently attacked, and instantly fell on the stone wall at the entrance of the cave.

"Boom !!!!"

What a horrible attack by these people, in a blink of an eye, the entire cave collapsed. The original very large cave was instantly blocked by falling rocks.


The purple air dragonscale beast was about to get rid of everyone's back to the hole, but at this moment, his cave was sealed. At this moment, this behemoth was so anxious that he could swallow everyone alive.

"Okay, how do you go back !!!"

The entrance of the cave collapsed, and everyone's faces were slightly happy. After they wanted to come back and couldn't go back to the cave, the purple dragon scale beast never wanted to cause any trouble for them, but the two who had entered the cave, It should be possible to bring back what they want and finally divide it up.

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