The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1597: Disaster from the East (four more)

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As the roar of the beast came from the lair, all seven disciples from the outside became extremely nervous.

With their strength, they can all hear the strength of this Warcraft. At this moment, they are almost certain that in the depths of this cave, there should really be a purple dragon scale beast.

Disciples of the Seven Masters, everyone's eyes are full of nervousness, they all understand that with the Qiqi Dragonscale *, the risk factor is very high. If you are not careful, you may be hurt by the other party. . In order to survive better, they must not be injured in battle.

"Everyone be careful, the dragon scale beast is coming out !!!"

Xing Dongqing immediately reminded everyone that he could feel that a terrifying force was rapidly moving outward from the depths of the cave. Obviously, the master of this force must be a purple dragon scale beast. !!

"Come on! With so many of us, we must be able to destroy it."

"With the purple dragon scale beast out, we can make a lot of money this time. Everyone should work harder, and no one should hide it."

"Fight it, and start with this level of Warcraft, retention is harmful to others, everyone must do their best, and no one is playing tricks at this time, otherwise it is the enemy of everyone."

While the battle has not yet begun, the Seven Great Masters of Disciples are cheering each other on each other, and secretly remind everyone not to hide.

"Well !!!"

The rapid sound of footsteps came from deep in the cave. At this moment, there is no need to remind Xing Dongqing at all, everyone has already felt that a terrible World of Warcraft, I am afraid to meet them soon!

"Buzz !!!!"

Each of the disciple disciples secretly worked their own strength. At this moment, they were fully prepared to make all-out shots, and they also believed that as long as the Warcraft inside appeared, they would bear their seven most crazy ones. The blow, then, as long as it is not a powerful existence above the demi-god realm, they will inevitably be hit hard.

"It's coming out !!!"

The heavy footsteps were getting closer and closer, everyone's mind was completely tense at this moment. This is also their rumored disciples. If they change to ordinary people, then the tension atmosphere just now is enough to make people turn around and run away.

Of course, although none of the seven people who were present ran away, everyone's heart was really tense.

"Well !!! Brush !!!"

Finally, I do n’t know how long it took. At a certain moment, everyone only heard a soft sound in their ears, and there was a flash of light in front of them. Then, a dreadful Warcraft appeared to everyone. before.

This World of Warcraft is three or four meters high and seven or eight meters long. It is covered with fine scale armor all over and around it. The mighty appearance makes people who see it at first glance feel a sense of swaying. .

"Come out, everyone goes together !!!"

Seeing such a World of Warcraft sprang out of the cave, everyone almost didn't want to, it had already been operating to the extreme power, and just greeted Warcraft directly.

"Om !!!!!!"

A huge force rises into the sky, each force tears apart the clouds above the sky, and with the rise of a force, a sword of lightsaber shadows fills the entire area at once. canyon.

"Brush !!!!"

Each of the seven powerfuls launched an attack without mercy, even Bai Ling in Liuhedian is no exception, because everyone knows that this sudden blow is their surprisingly successful blow. If this first If you can't master it well, then there will be big trouble next.


The combined strength of the seven strong players can be imagined. Seeing that all the fierce attacks are greeted on the body of Warcraft.

"Well !!!" With a muffled sound, the figure of Warcraft was directly drowned by powerful attacks, and a huge cloud of energy, centered directly on that Warcraft, rose towards the sky.

"Whoohoo !!!!" The energy is rippling, but it is the sound of breaking wind that drives the surrounding air. At this moment, the seven masters of disciples are overjoyed, because from the situation in front of them, this powerful The purple air dragon scale beast seems to have been killed by one stroke.

"Dead? This is dead? It turns out that the Purple Dragon Dragon Scale Beast is so capable."

"It's too easy to die here, isn't it? It doesn't mean that the purple dragon scale beast is powerful and the defense is very amazing. Why is it so easy to be killed by everyone?"

Seeing that Warcraft was submerged by a powerful attack, the Seven Great Disciples of Discipleship started a little bit.

The sight in front of them is not what they expected. In their expectation, after this joint attack, the purple dragon scale beast will be severely damaged, and then they will be left to their mercy. In any case, they don't feel that they and others can directly kill the purple dragon scale beast!

"Nothing, everyone be careful !!!"

Just among the thoughts of everyone, Xing Dongqing of the One Yuan Temple spoke again, but this time, he spoke out completely by shouting, while shouting loudly at others, he His complexion turned out to be unusually pale.


Almost just when Xing Dongqing's shout just dropped, another roar came from deep in the cave. Then, a Warcraft that looked similar to the previous Warcraft leaped from the cave in the mountains. Come out, and lock the target on the outside seven disciples of disciples for the first time.

"His, this, this is ........."

Seeing a Warcraft that was very similar to the previous Warcraft ran out, except Xing Dongqing, everyone else was a bit lost. They had just wiped out a dragon scale beast, and never expected to have another one.

"These two World of Warcraft seem to be different ..."

In a hurry, everyone seems to have discovered that the two World of Warcraft seems to be somewhat different, but after thinking about it, they can't figure out what the problem is.

"Hello !!!" No time for everyone to think at all. This time, Warcraft that emerged from the cave, without a word, went straight to Xing Dongqing, the nearest Yuan Temple.

"Brush !!!" The speed of this World of Warcraft is almost lightning fast, almost a blink of an eye, this big guy with purple mist all over his head is already approaching Xing Dongqing.

"Let me die, get out of here !!!"

Although Xing Dongqing felt the approach of the crisis, he had just exhausted all his strength. At this time, the old force was gone and the new force was not born. When the dragon scale beast swooped up, he suddenly raised his hand. It is another sword against Warcraft.

Unfortunately, the sword just evacuated their power. Although this sword is good, it is definitely worse in power.

"Boom !!!" Xing Dongqing just felt like he had hit an iron plate. All the attacks failed to break it, but his arm was shaken.

"Well !!!" The huge rebound force directly flew Xing Dongqing to the ground. At this moment, Xing Dongqing had no advantage at all.

"What? This, this ..."

Everyone else at the scene was completely shocked by the scene in front of them. No one had expected that this had just wiped out a World of Warcraft, and then there was such a World of Warcraft again, but this World of Warcraft was obviously better than the previous one Warcraft is too much.

"Not good, it's a good idea, just that end is fake !!!"

Everyone is smart, and almost instantly, everyone is aware of the problem. Shicai, they all thought that the figure that first appeared was the dragon scale beast, but now it seems that they are obviously fooled. Then what ran out of the cave first? It's just a Warcraft that looks like it.

It now appears that their full blow just turned out to be on a fake Warcraft, but it was ridiculous that they had used so much energy before, that they did not have much power at the moment.


Let everyone not think too much. At this moment, the purple gas dragon scale beast that successfully avoided the fierce blow of the crowd, but it was already looting at others, and it was a brutal attack, which immediately enveloped the others.

"Everyone stand up, this one is the real purple dragon scale beast !!!"

After resisting the blow from Warcraft, Xing Dongqing, although being bombarded and flying far away, was not substantially harmed. After flying a certain distance, he said nothing, while shouting and shouting at others. , But one side was rushed to the purple dragon scale beast again.

Although I missed the best mobile phone conference, the battle has just begun. It is still unknown at this time.

Others didn't have the energy to think too much. They had lost their first hand. They could only hit the Purple Dragon Dragon Beast in front of them, and they knew in their hearts that if they hit it, they would be very disadvantaged. It's a loss.


No matter how many purple gas dragon scale beasts, it just chased out a Warcraft and ran out, but then the Warcraft was gone and replaced by a group of powerful human warriors. Naturally, its goal was to transfer To these people.

It doesn't matter who its target is, anyway, it's not long before its child is born. Anyone who dares to run into trouble will have to bear its unceremonious blow.

Suddenly, a huge World of Warcraft battled with the Seven Great Ancestral Disciples. Although the Seven Great Ancestral Disciples occupied the advantage in numbers, they didn't know why. The purple dragon scale beast today turned out to be Like divine help, it is difficult to surrender for a while.

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