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Mysterious cave and his party, Yuan Feng is not without gain, no matter what, the large number of precious spar in the cave is a huge wealth to him.

Each of these unknown mysterious spar is much more precious than ordinary psalt crystals. Yuan Feng believes that if these spar are used to arrange the Jiuqu Yellow River array, it is absolutely impossible for him to imagine the power.

Of course, in addition to these spar, he also saw an underground mausoleum, and a falling Super Warcraft, and finally got a golden brand. Although the map refracted by the golden brand, he still does not know what kind of place it is, but maybe he will find it in the future!

The following time, Yuan Feng made another round in the entire Crystal Palace, but unfortunately, there were no other discoveries in the end. It seems that the Crystal Palace deep in the cave is really just a tomb of Warcraft.

According to his guess, this cave and the crystal palace deep in the cave were arranged by the powerful Warcraft himself. Perhaps, the origin of the Warcraft is not small, and he has a lot of babies unthinkable by ordinary people, but unfortunately Yes, World of Warcraft is World of Warcraft. Obviously, it is not very good at arranging mysterious arrays or anything.

Generally speaking, the Crystal Palace and the two mysterious enchantments outside the cave are not very successful. If it is arranged by him, then the whole cave, or the Crystal Palace inside, is absolutely impossible. So easy to be found by others.

"It's time to go out. The two big brother-in-law disciples, I'm afraid they've already been impatient, haven't they? I should go back and return to their lives."

Having done everything, Yuan Feng is now left with the matter of returning to life, but returning to life is not what he wants to say. Right now he doesn't want to rip his face with Li Xianbai Ling and others. After all, he still has a long time to stay in Ziyun Palace, and naturally he can't leave easily for a while.

"If you want the two guys to believe, then you have to do something decent. It seems to think about it."

Either Li Xian or Bai Ling, neither of these two will be able to fool around casually. If he wants to make these two people have no doubt about him, then he must spend more thoughts.

It is absolutely impossible to tell more about the two people's experience in the cave, but they have stayed in the cave for such a long time. After all, there must be a saying. No, the spar he harvested this time, It was to come up with some to share with these two people.

"No matter how many, let's go out and try again. Maybe there will be other variables, but it is not necessary to think too thoroughly."

I almost sorted out all the things I could think of, but Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. Between the thoughts, five new disciples were summoned. As for the other four, he was left directly in the body space. No plans to release it.

Those who entered the cave this time counted a total of ten people, but stayed in the cave for so long. If nothing happened, of course, some of them couldn't be explained. If he told the two guys that the cave was dangerous, and after ten of them went in, four of them would fall into it, which would be somewhat convincing.

The group of six people simply disguised, and among them, someone was directly injured by Yuan Feng. It can be said that they had done a full set of the drama. Then, the six returned from the original road and prepared to leave the cave.

On the way back, Yuan Feng had absolutely no intention. Before he entered the cave, he was thinking of being able to impact the yin and yang environment. Unfortunately, this cave did not help him break through the yin and yang environment at all. Baby, naturally, there is no chance of breakthrough.

After thinking about it, what is really precious to him this time should be the little golden brand, but when will it be used and what will it bring to him, he has no way of knowing now ... …………

Yuan Feng and his entourage embarked on the return journey, and at the same time, outside the cave, the two superhero disciples of Liuhedian had already been anxious for a long time.

"Brother, I think these guys really died in it. It shouldn't be that simple in this cave."

Bai Ling had already made a fate at this moment. When she wanted to come, ten new disciples entered the cave for so long. If there were no accidents, then they had already come out. But the fact is that these ten new disciples have been until now. None of them have appeared, if it hadn't died, there were other possibilities.

In any case, they will never believe that the ten people dare to betray them. After all, the strength of the ten people is there, and they will not have the courage to measure them.

"It's a bit of a miscalculation. Although these ten guys can break through the outside barrier, I am afraid that the interior of the cave will not be too calm. With their strength, I am afraid that they may experience some changes and fall. ? "

Shaking his head, Li Xian somewhat agreed with Bai Ling's statement, because he did not believe that the ten new disciples dared to betray them, and there was really no reason to betray them.

After all, the ten newcomers and disciples are still too weak and too weak, so Bacheng still fell into the cave and it is impossible to come out again!

"Brother, it seems that we have to continue to think of other ways to enter the cave. Otherwise, I'm afraid we have to give up."

Bai Ling ’s strength ca n’t help but be a little hit. Speaking of which, she and Li Xian spent a lot of thoughts on this cave. In the meantime, they have delayed a lot of business, if they fail in the end What you get from this is really a loss.

"I will never give up. This method won't work, so there must be other ways. I don't believe it. Such a gorge can keep us out of the door."

Li Xian's gaze was slightly fierce, apparently he did not mean to give up. This cave was first discovered by him. He has always believed that there is a treasure he wants in it. As for giving up, this is something he would never even think about.

"Shimei, those ten guys, I think Bacheng has really fallen into it, and even if they haven't died, they will definitely not be able to get out of this wild forest area. I think we will leave here for the time being. It ’s not too late to come back and explore after the solution. "

Forget about it, ten new students and disciples entered the cave, I am afraid that it has been no less than five or six days, such a long time did not show up, the probability of falling into it accounted for almost half. Therefore, even if the two of them wait again, in fact, it has absolutely little meaning.

"It can only be this way." Nodded, Bai Ling also agreed with Li Xian's idea very much. After all, she now has no better way to think.

From the beginning to the end, the two did not take the lives of ten new disciples to their hearts. For them, the ten new disciples died and died. When they returned to Liuhe Temple, they directly told Huo Qi that the ten were I lost my life when I accepted the training. I would never dare to say anything when I came to Huo Qi.

With the calculation, Li Xian and Bai Ling no longer thought about it. When they talked, they looked at each other, and then they both left the canyon and returned to Liuhe Temple of Ziyun Palace.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, almost as soon as the two were about to turn around and leave, deep in the canyon in front of the eyes of them, a slight vibration came from inside.

The sound of the vibration was very slight, but even so, it still failed to escape the perception of the two. At the sound of this slight vibration, both of them looked at each other with a sudden look, and darted to look deep into the canyon.

"Well? Come out? !!!"

When looking into the depths of the gorge, Li Xian and Bai Ling were both excited, and each of them was excited involuntarily.

In the eyes, the six wolverine figures ran out of the cave with a look of amazement at the moment, and out of the scope of the cave, they rushed into the canyon outside.

The space ripples in the canyon made the speed of the six people extremely slow all at once, but everyone seemed to be doing their best to flee hard outside the canyon.

"It really came out, OK, OK !!!"

Li Xian was just happy at the moment. He just gave up completely, but he did not expect that the ten new disciples in Liu An Hua Ming Village actually ran out of the cave.

Regardless of whether these people have gained anything in the cave, if only they can come out, then he can understand the situation inside the cave, at least, he can understand what is in the cave.

"Brother, it seems that there are four missing, only six people came out of it."

Bai Ling was also very happy at the moment, but her observation was more acute, and she found the number of people was wrong in the first place.

"Anyway, let alone six, even if only one comes out, it's enough for us!"

With his eyes narrowed, Li Xian didn't care that only six people appeared. As he said, even if only one person appeared, he would be very happy.

"Sister, it seems that no matter what, today you and I can understand something about this cave!"

Licking his lips, Li Xian stared tightly at the six new disciples who were trying to flee, while smiling at Bai Ling aside.

"Hope they can bring us some good news!"

Bai Ling also understood Li Xian's meaning. Speaking, she nodded and began to wait patiently for the approach of the six new disciples.

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