The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1587: uninvited guest

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In the wild forest field, in the quiet valley, the six new students and disciples are moving hard from the space ripples. This process is not simple. Although it is only a hundred meters away, it is such a distance, which is enough for them. It's been a long time.

It can be seen that the six new disciples are very anxious to come out from the inside, but at this moment, there are two people who are more urgent than them. Of course, these two people, of course, are Li Xian and Bai who have been waiting outside. It works.

For Li Xian and Bai Ling, they never looked forward to talking to a few new disciples like they do now, but at this moment, they really want to chat with these people.

Although the process was a bit long, the six newcomers and disciples finally came out of the space ripples in the canyon. After the six newcomers and disciples walked out of the canyon, everyone seemed to be physically exhausted, but they all collapsed to the ground. He gasped heavily.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, when the six new students and disciples were slumped and panting heavily, Li Xian and Bai Ling, who were so anxious and waiting for a long time, took the shots in the first time and punched them all together. In the body of the six, help the six to recover.

They also understand that the six new students and disciples walking out of the gorge must have huge physical exertion, and if they want to talk to these six, of course, they must restore their energy.

"Brush brush !!!"

With the infuriating power of the Promiseless Powers entering the body, the six new students and disciples all trembled in shape, and then they recovered some energy one by one, and their faces became much rosier.

"Who can tell me, what exactly is in this cave? And why do you stay in it for so long? They all told me one by one."

Li Xian tried to calm himself, but when he spoke, his tone was hard to calm.

Six new disciples are right in front of him, and he knows that he can immediately know what is in the cave, and if he has paid so long for it, will he be able to see something in return?

"Well !!!"

After listening to Li Xian ’s question, the six newcomers and disciples stood up quickly and honestly, each one's face was full of respect, and one of them was a step forward, Came to Li Xian.

"Brother, this cave is full of World of Warcraft, and it is built from the cave heaven to the world of creation, and the environment inside is very complicated. After ten of us entered, we lost our way, and only six of us escaped."

This newcomer and disciple said very seriously, and while he was talking, he could even show a look of fear, as if he had really experienced something terrifying.

"What? All Warcraft? This, this ........."

Hearing the words of the new disciple, Li Xian and Bai Ling were both a little surprised, apparently it was difficult to accept such an answer.

"It's all Warcraft? How could it be Warcraft? Shouldn't it be hidden from the baby?"

Bai Ling also couldn't accept the answer from the new disciple, and she always thought that such a dazzling cave would have a treasure, so she could not believe that there was only a Warcraft answer in the cave.

"Brothers and sisters, there are really Warcrafts everywhere. After ten of us went in, we were besieged by a large group of Warcrafts. At first, they were just a few World of Warcrafts, but then there were World of Warcrafts. In a panic, I was almost taken to the top of the road. If it wasn't fortunate enough to find an exit, I am afraid that ten of us would be accounted for. "

"By the way, these are the bodies of Warcraft, and I asked my brother and sister to look over."

Immediately, a new disciple came forward, explaining to Li Xian and Bai Ling, and while talking, everyone raised their hands. Suddenly, the bodies of Warcraft were taken out by them and put away. In the eyes of Li Xian and Bai Ling, some of them are not completely dead yet, but they can still make a gentle call.

"It really is Warcraft?"

Seeing that six newcomers and disciples actually came up with so many Warcraft corpses, among them there are still many Warcraft alive, where would Li Xian and Bai Ling doubt? Anyway, it should be impossible for these six newcomers and disciples to prepare Warcraft to lie to them? Moreover, these World of Warcrafts look very weird, and even they are not named at all. To say that these World of Warcrafts are all in caves, it really makes sense.

"Brother and sister, in addition to these Warcraft, there are some spar at the entrance of this cave. Unfortunately, we have to deal with the Warcraft army, so we have not been able to remove all the spar. See with sister. "

Another new disciple came forward and said, and while talking, he raised his hand again, and then, various colorful spar was piled up in front of Li Xian and Bai Ling, and roughly estimated, I'm afraid there are thousands of spar here.

The other newcomers and disciples were not hesitant. During the talk, they took out some spar and piled it in front of Li Xian and Bai Ling. The spar that the six took out was added together, but they also formed a small hill.


Seeing the bright spar piled up in front of his eyes, both Li Xian and Bai Ling, suddenly looked excited.

They thought that this time there was really nothing to gain. Now it seems that the colorful spar in front of them does not seem to let their efforts during this time in vain.

"What kind of spar is this? So pure energy, so strong spiritual atmosphere !!!"

Looking at the crystals in front of them, Li Xian and Bai Ling's complexions became brighter and brighter. They could feel that each of the tens of thousands of fast crystals in front of them could be said to be invaluable, and the spirituality in these crystals The breath is not at all comparable to ordinary electrodeless stones and phantom stones.

The most important thing is that, as their identity, they have never seen or even heard of these things, and rare things will naturally be associated with the baby.

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng ’s knowledge is really limited. Although he also thinks that these brilliant stones are very good, he does not know the meaning of these crystals in Ziyun City, so he did not consider them as what they are. Good things, but for Li Xian and Bai Ling, this rare spiritual stone is definitely a real treasure.

"It's such a rare spar. It seems that during this busy period, I finally saw a gratifying harvest!"

He grabbed a few spar between his hands, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that these things were just incredible treasures. Speaking of which, he could get so many rare spar. The effort during this time was simply worth it.

"Let me ask you, how many of these stones are there in the cave? Is there anything more precious than these crystals?"

There was a flash of excitement in his eyes, and Li Xian turned his head sharply and asked loudly to the six new disciples.

"This ... I dare not conceal my brother. There are almost half of these spar stones in the cave, but those spar inlaid in the deep wall of the stone wall, we people can not dig out at all, and also asked my brother to read."

This time it wasn't someone else who spoke, it was Yuan Feng himself. Of the six new disciples, the other five have already spoken, and since he wants to be like everyone, of course he should not say nothing.

Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a moment of doubt. Speaking of which, he really didn't see any big deal about these crystals. Except for the richer spiritual spirit, this thing doesn't seem to be much different from the Promise Stone Phantom!

Tens of thousands of spar, compared to his gains this time, is just a little witch see a big witch, so he didn't mind at all.

"Is there less than half of these? That's really not much!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's answer, Li Xian raised his eyebrows, but said nothing! He's got so many colorful crystals this time, and it's a lot of money to say. More is certainly better, but even if it's not much, these are enough for now. After all, he hasn't figured out these crystals. What Stone can do, no matter how much, it may not be very useful.

"Brother, don't say so much, these crystals are so rare, let's divide them up!"

Just as Li Xian was talking, Bai Ling on the side could not wait any longer. After spending so long, I finally saw a considerable baby. She only wants to put these things in her own pocket, and only then can she be assured.

"Haha, Shimei is in a hurry. Baby is in front of you and me. It's ours when it comes." Li Xian couldn't help but laugh when he heard Bai Ling's words, "Since Shimei is in a hurry to distribute these stones, let's Just divide a point first, and your brother won't bully you, let's half of these spar! "

When speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and divided the colorful spar into two halves. He and Bai Ling each halved. As for the six new disciples, they would certainly not be counted.

"Hahahaha, I didn't think I could just turn around in this wild and wild forest area, but I can still encounter Brother Li Xian and Master Bai Ling. Do you really think you are well-connected?"

"Well, that is, you can't see anyone in this wild forest area on weekdays. It's really exciting to see Li Xianxiong and Bai Ling girl today, hey!"

"Hey, Brother Li Xian, Bai Ling, I haven't seen you for a long time, but what do we miss?"

When Li Xian and Bai Ling discussed the allocation of the spar in front of them, a long laugh came suddenly, and then various voices came from all directions, talking, a few vague figures, It was out of the dense forest and appeared in front of Li Xian and Bai Ling.

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