The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1585: Golden sign

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The sarcophagus in the center of the Crystal Palace was finally opened by Yuan Feng, and as the sarcophagus was opened, the bright white light suddenly spread out in all directions, making the entire blue Crystal Palace bright and shiny.

The bright white light spread out, and at the same time, Yuan Feng's wild beast-like atmosphere before it suddenly became unusually obvious. At this moment, Yuan Feng had a feeling of being in the world of floods and wasteland.

"His ...... a terrifying breath, this breath ..."

The terrifying breath escaped from the sarcophagus. Yuan Feng, who was still very calm, subconsciously backed away, because from this breath, he felt an indescribable sense of danger, such a dangerous feeling, His nerves tightened involuntarily.

"How can this happen? It doesn't seem to be a human breath !!!"

His complexion was obvious. He obviously felt something wrong at this moment. According to the reason, if only a senior master is buried in the sarcophagus, then there should definitely not be such a strange breath. It seems that what is buried here may not be a strong human being!

"If it's not a human warrior, wouldn't it ..."

As soon as his mind was tight, his body suddenly rose up, and in an instant he came to the top of the sarcophagus and looked directly into the open sarcophagus.

"This is ..." The figure came to the sarcophagus, and the sight in the sarcophagus appeared in front of his eyes for the first time, and when he saw the sight in front of him, his face turned instantly. Become unusually pale.

In the eyes, a body of silver and white World of Warcraft is covered all over the body, like a statue silently resting on it, there are fine scales on the body of Warcraft, there are double horns on the head, because it is there The lower part of Warcraft is a bit unclear, but even the upper body and head that can be seen are enough to make anyone feel shocked.

"Warcraft! Is it really a World of Warcraft? Could it be that this horrible tomb is actually for the purpose of burying this World of Warcraft? This is too ..."

Ripped his lips, Yuan Feng really didn't know how to describe his feelings at the moment. He originally thought that what kind of super strong would be buried in it, and he was in trouble for a long time. Among such rare sarcophagi, he was buried. A very strange World of Warcraft, such a contrast, really made him a bit lost.

Obviously, this silvery white World of Warcraft must have been hung up, because the breath that escaped from this sarcophagus had no vitality at all, all of it was thick death gas.

However, although this World of Warcraft is dead, it can be seen from the breath passed over the body of this World of Warcraft. This terrible World of Warcraft has absolutely extraordinary strength during its lifetime.

"I'll just bury the individual. I never imagined that such a beautiful scene would be buried in a World of Warcraft. What exactly is this?"

A World of Warcraft actually occupies such a large tomb. Obviously, this is definitely not an ordinary World of Warcraft. However, he has not been exposed to many World of Warcraft. He is not too strong, at least he I don't think I've seen too strong Warcraft.

Glanced at this silver-white mighty Warcraft body, Yuan Feng's face became more and more curious.

In general, the head of this World of Warcraft looks similar to his original Warcraft companion Dahei, and the scales on Warcraft also feel very tough. I want to use his strength and not use Chixiao In this case, it may not really be possible to break the defense of this guy.

"Well, if I read correctly, this big guy is probably a half-godled Warcraft, but unfortunately it should have been dead for a long time, and its vitality has already disappeared, and it has no value.

Perhaps, this World of Warcraft was indeed very strong and strong, but no matter how strong it is, it has already died and is no different from a handful of loess. Therefore, for such a World of Warcraft, he does not need any fear.

"I thought there would be a baby, but it turned out to be a Warcraft corpse. Except that it opened my eyes, nothing seemed to be gained!"

If it ’s a Warcraft corpse that has just fallen, it ’s okay, but this Warcraft dies without knowing how long, the energy of the body has been exhausted long ago, and the power belonging to the Demigod Realm is even dissipated. He was almost useless.

"If you let the two guys outside know that the treasure they have worked so hard for is only a corpse of Warcraft, they should be crazy if they want to come?"

Li Xian and Bai Ling would never have thought that the treasure they were trying to get is actually a Warcraft corpse. Although this Warcraft corpse is very ordinary, the dead thing is the dead thing. They are absolutely useless.

Of course, there are a lot of spar inlaid in the caves outside. If you get those spar, it will not be fruitless, but for them, they should not be too scarce.

"It's nothing, since it is just a corpse of Warcraft, it seems that there is no need to continue wasting time here, you still stay here and continue to sleep!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng did not intend to continue. At present, the only grave that can still be worth some money, it seems that this sarcophagus of unknown material is left, but this sarcophagus is the coffin of Warcraft, of course, he can't be so mad that he will take away the coffin To the point.

In any case, this World of Warcraft was a very powerful World of Warcraft, and even if it was out of respect for the strong, he should not bother the other party.

Between the raised hands, he just moved the sarcophagus cover aside, but he was moved again and covered the sarcophagus.

I don't know if this tomb was set up for this Warcraft or it was laid by himself before his death, but no matter what, he just needs to restore it.

"Om !!!"

The gigantic sarcophagus lid slowly moved towards the sarcophagus, and as the lid dropped, the surrounding air was directly driven, making a buzzing sound.

"Well? What's that?"

Just as Yuan Feng controlled the sarcophagus lid slowly toward the sarcophagus, his eyes suddenly flashed slightly, because just as the sarcophagus lid dropped, he found that in the sarcophagus, the silver-white Warcraft Under his body, a touch of golden light flashed away suddenly.

Before, he didn't want to disturb the peace of this Warcraft, because he did not move the body of Warcraft, but the strong wind brought by the lid of the sarcophagus was blowing, and the body of Warcraft still moved a little. The next touch of gold appeared before his eyes.

"Come here !!!"

When he saw the touch of gold in the sarcophagus, Yuan Feng didn't even want it. When he raised his hand, the touch of gold was caught by him directly and appeared in his eyes.

"this is…………"

When holding this touch of gold in his hands, Yuan Feng found out that this thing turned out to be a small golden brand.

The small golden brand is about the size of a palm. From the surface, there is nothing special about the brand, but when this golden brand starts, Yuan Feng can feel that the weight of this thing is very heavy and heavy. Although it is just such a small piece, the weight is enough to catch up with the weight of hundreds of electrodeless stones.

"What is this? How could it be so heavy? Also, what is this thing for?"

The little golden sign was in his hands, and Yuan Feng's heart couldn't help but wonder. He believed that the little golden thing would never be a simple thing. After all, it was found under the corpse of Warcraft beyond the limitless state.

I flipped the small brand over and over and looked at it several times. Yuan Feng was thinking about the possible usage of this thing, but unfortunately, if you look at it from the outside, you can't see what it is used for.

"Since you can't see what it is doing, then try to enter qi!"

I simply couldn't see the usefulness of this golden token. Yuan Feng set aside the sarcophagus lid aside, and began to breathe into the golden sign.


Almost just when Yuan Feng conveyed his true energy to the golden brand, the small brand flashed suddenly, and then a beam of light was released from somewhere on the small brand and projected directly into the crystal palace. On a stone wall.

"Well? It works !!!!"

Seeing that the small golden sign was glowing, Yuan Feng suddenly felt energetic. Without saying a word, he looked directly at the golden image projected on the stone wall.

"What image is this? Is it a map?"

Looking at the golden image above the stone wall, Yuan Feng suddenly found that this golden image looked like a very complicated circuit diagram. Several of the marked places were marked with emphasis, but they looked like Very obvious.

"It really looks like a map. Unfortunately, I am unfamiliar with Wurenjie and I haven't visited too many places. The above route is not familiar at all!"

Glancing at this road map, Yuan Feng couldn't help but chuckle his lips, but he was not happy at all.

He thought it was a turnaround. It was just a map for a long time, and it was a map that he couldn't understand at all. This thing was in his hands, just like nothing.

An empty joy, however, made Yuan Feng no longer look forward to this grave.

ps: things are rushing together, it really makes people breathless, brothers and sisters, come to support a few flowers, only here, Xiaoyan can get some comfort! !! Thank you everyone! !!

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