The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1361: Trip for three (three more)

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On the trip to Cuicheng, Yuan Feng earned a lot of living expenses for himself. Of course, this way of making money cannot be copied by others.

The boundless world is vast and boundless, and there will be no shortage of powerful men, but like Yuan Feng, who has the means of blood curse and magic, it is absolutely rare. Anyway, at this level of Yuan Feng, it is obvious You cannot reach people with similar abilities.

Leaving Yi Cui City, Yuan Feng continued all the way westward, moving in the direction of Ziyun City. The journey is still full of laughter and laughter. This joyful two-person world has kept Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen happy, so to speak, this road, they can go on, and there will never be a dull moment.

Yi Cui City is huge and boundless. It took Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen to walk out of this city for several months. Of course, the two of them certainly did not use their full strength. Ziyun City is not their goal, but it is not the goal to be reached soon. Most importantly, they still have to find ways to improve their strength first.

The improvement of Xiuwei will never be improved if you want to improve. Yuanfeng now needs opportunities and needs outsiders to provide breakthrough assistance. Otherwise, he can only improve steadily by his own efforts, but the efficiency must be It's too slow.

Yun Mengchen is even more so. She is now stuck in the pinnacle of Dongtian Realm, and can at any time impact the natural realm. From Dongtian realm to natural realm, she needs an absolute opportunity.

Blindly staying in the Qingwu Palace for cultivation is definitely not a way to impact the creation of the realm. If she wants to break through, then she needs some external stimulation.

While the two were on their way, what Gao Zhensheng and Li Tianyi did, have been exposed one after another, especially the Gao family. When the Gao family's strong man discovered that the entire Drunk Dream House and even the people's belongings were gone, The upper levels of the Gao family were all extremely angry, and almost all the strong men in the Gao family were sent to search for Gao Zhensheng everywhere.

The Li family is also similar. Li Tianyi's status in the Li family is not so high, and he puts it together. The strong members of the Li family are even more intolerant, so the search intensity is even greater.

It is a pity that neither Li family nor Gao family found anything after searching around. In the end, Li Tianyi and Gao Zhensheng just disappeared out of thin air, there was no trace at all.

According to eyewitnesses, the last place where Gao Zhensheng and Li Tianyi appeared was the drunk dream house of the Gao family. After entering, the two never came out again.

There are people in and out of Zuimenglou at all times, and Yuan Feng leaves with everyone, but it is impossible for anyone to notice. Therefore, even if the Gao and Li families turned the entire city of Yicui, it would definitely not May find two of them.

The search of the two families will continue for a while, but no matter how much effort they make, they will inevitably only be useless in the end. When they searched for the two in the world, the two brothers already followed Yuan. Feng appeared thousands of miles away.

The leisurely time always passes so fast. In an instant, Yuan Feng left Yicui City for more than a year. During this period, Yuan Feng has always been away with Yun Mengchen and light. In the dance palace, every day is different, and there are great changes every day.

Today, all the disciples of the Yuan family and Dan Xiazong, if they are not too poor, have almost begun to attack the cave heaven, and with the assistance of a number of fortune-making people, plus Yuan Feng prepared for them More resources, these people impact the cave heaven, the success rate naturally said.

It is a pity that in the past year or so, although Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen have also experienced some minor incidents, they have not had a great impact on them, so Xiu has not made any progress. Of course, although Xiuwei hasn't improved, their strength has improved, but it's just less obvious.

One year later, the two-person world of Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen had to come to an end. Just when the two had just passed a city and were ready to continue to enjoy the next natural scenery, Mu Yun'er in Qingwu Palace was noisy to come out. Of course, Yuan Feng couldn't find any more What excuse.

As early as when he left Heji City, Mu Yun'er always wanted to follow Yuan Feng out of the way, but Yuan Feng gave the other party a goal so that he could only come out after he had achieved the great completion of the cave heaven. In the light dance palace.

However, today Mu Yun'er has cultivated to the great consummation of Dongtian Realm. At this point, Yuan Feng has nothing to say but can only release the other party and follow him and Yun Mengchen to hurry.

The two-person world has become a three-person journey. Although Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen cannot be as unbridled as their intimacy, but with an additional Mu Yuner, their journey is even more joyful.

"It's still a good outside environment. I'm always bored in Qingwu Palace. I'm so bored."

Mu Yuner was just in time. After passing through a large pond, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen entered the transitional jungle between the cities, and the scenery here is of course much more charming than that in Qingwu Palace. .

Speaking of which, Qingwu Palace is definitely big enough, but no matter how big it is, after all, it is just a palace. In addition to the illusory space, it is illusory space. Anyone who stays for a long time will have aesthetic fatigue.

"Hehe, Sister Yuner likes to be outside, so the three of us will hurry together in the future, so that Sister Yuner can touch the opportunity of breakthrough as soon as possible, and promote the creation of the environment."

Yun Mengchen showed enough enthusiasm. Although she wanted to be alone with Yuan Feng, she knew clearly that Mu Yuner, as Yuan Feng's sister, had a good relationship from the beginning. It was impossible for Yuan Feng to ignore it. The other side, has been locked in the light dance palace inside the dull practice.

"Hey, Mengchen doesn't blame me for disturbing your two-person world."

Hearing Yun Mengchen's words, Mu Yun'er could not help but smile slyly, his eyes were full of sorrow. But having said that, she was clamoring to come out, and seeking an opportunity to break through was nothing more than an excuse. In fact, she really came to disrupt the two-person world of Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen.

She has lost so much to Yun Mengchen. Obviously, she does not want to continue to lose, but if she does not want to lose, then of course, she must follow Yuan Feng's side and draw closer to her relationship with Yuan Feng.

"Ahem, where is the sister, let's hurry up together with the three of us, this way will certainly be more happy."

Yuan Feng also had to speak now. Although he was very clear about Mu Yuner's careful thinking, no matter whether he was clear or not, he could not refuse Mu Yuner's request this time.

Having said that, Mu Yuner has now reached the limit of Dongtian Realm, and indeed needs to contact the outside world in order to prepare for the impact of the realm.

"I knew that Shishi was the best."

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Mu Yun'er couldn't help showing a satisfied smile, and he naturally pulled in one arm of Yuan Feng. "Dream, don't you mind if I split his arm?"

Happiness depends on herself. Mu Yuner doesn't care so much. As long as it is what she wants to do, no one can stop it. This time is not the time to face, since it is determined by yourself, then you must fight for it. If there is no way, it is not too late to give up.

"Oh, of course I don't mind." Seeing Mu Yuner put on Yuan Feng's arm, Yun Mengchen's eyes flashed a strange color, but when the other party asked himself, she immediately recovered. It's normal.

Mu Yun'er was originally a kind of more daring woman. Now this kind of move is really nothing, and she should show enough generosity.

"Hey, just don't mind, my brother, let's continue to hurry, and there are, you and Meng Chen should explain to me the outside world, maybe something, a scene, can let me find The opportunity to break through! "

Mu Yuner is a smart person, but in the end, he puts the topic on the business. Undoubtedly, looking for an opportunity to break through to the realm of creation is definitely a legitimate reason. Neither Yuan Feng nor Yun Mengchen can say anything that disagrees.

"Sister Yun'er, rest assured, Yuan Feng and I will definitely be your tour guides." Yun Mengchen also held Yuan Feng's other arm at the same time. She had lost half of Yuan Feng and naturally did not want to connect to another Half of it was lost. At this moment, it is better to hold Yuan Feng's vacated arm tightly.

"It just happens to be a transitional world between two cities. The environment is relatively simple and natural. Let's start from here!"

The two women held their arms one by one and felt the intoxicating softness on both sides. At this moment, Yuan Feng had a kind of fluttering feeling.

Men are the same. Although he doesn't seem to want to hug left and right, once he is delivered to the door, he still enjoys it? However, this sense of enjoyment cannot let Yun Mengchen know about it anyway.

In this way, the two people rushed into a three-person line. Mu Yuner was the first time he had seen no delusion. The surprise on his face had never spread, and Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen had not She has been acting as her commentator, explaining everything she wants to know.

Over the mountains and mountains, across the city and across the border, the three of them enjoyed the joy of the road for a long time. Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen have adapted to such a trip of three people. It must be said that compared with the two-person world This kind of **** seems to be more lively. With that in mind, they all became relieved.

ps: seeking flowers and motivation! !! !! !! Brothers and sisters beg for Li Ha! !! !! !!

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