The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1360: Run away with money (second)

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When Gao Zhensheng and Li Tianyi of the Gao family were put back into their respective families, Yuan Feng waited in Zuimenglou with peace of mind, and this class was more than a full month.

For more than a month, Yuan Feng had enjoyed the advanced services of Zuimenglou very well. Except for some special services, he had already experienced all the services of Zuimenglou. Not to mention, if he could, he really wanted to stay here for the sake of happiness.

However, he was more clear in his mind that such a blessing was not always enjoyable. One month and two months were fine, but once the time has passed, no one can say it well. It's like this drunk dream house. He can stay for a few months, but if he stays here for a few years, he will definitely be discovered by the strong members of the Gao family.

Furthermore, if he has been in the drunk dream house for a long time, then his life is estimated to be a waste. Obviously, such situations are not what he wants to see.

After a month, Li Tianyi rushed back from the Li family first, and found Yuan Feng the first time, and offered his contribution.

"Young Master, these are all things collected by his subordinates over this period of time. Please also look at the Young Master."

Li Tianyi's face had a strong self-confidence. After returning to the Li family this time, he found all the people he could find. Some were soft, and he opened his mouth directly to ask for those who were hard. He borrowed it cheekily. In the end, he used his opportunity to enter the Lijia treasure house once a year to select the most precious treasure among them.

It can be said that at this moment, he is definitely the richest time. Of course, such richness has been completely destroyed after he handed over the nanocrystal ring in his hand.

"Ha ha ha, okay, Li Tianyi, you did not let me down."

Yuan Feng watched the condition of Najing's ring for the first time, and frankly, Rao was surprised that he had been mentally prepared or was brought back by Li Tianyi.

In the entire nanocrystal ring, there are all kinds of natural treasures and spar of the soldiers. There is simply everything. Putting aside the quality of these things is not complete, not to mention, just the complete variety of these treasures, it is completely Enough said.

Yuan Feng hasn't paid much attention to Li Tianyi or two in this month, so I don't know what they both got back, but it seems that what they got back will not let him down. At least, Li Tianyi had surprised him once.

Since Li Tianyi can get back so many things, Gao Zhensheng of the Gao family is definitely not too bad.

"Well, Li Tianyi, from now on, you will be with me and work for me at any time, but you can rest assured that doing things for me will certainly exceed your imagination in the future."

After receiving the treasure that Li Tianyi enshrined, Yuan Feng was in a good mood. When he reached the boundless world, what he needed most was resources. Luo Yan had prepared a lot of resources for him before, but he had too many people to take care of, and he did n’t have enough things. To collect.

"Subordinates obey. From now on, their subordinates will assist the young master wholeheartedly, helping the young master to kill a world in the world of no delusion."

He had known for a long time that this would happen, so he was already prepared. However, speaking of it, it seems that it is an opportunity for him to become a subsidiary of Yuan Feng. Aside from the others, if Yuan Feng can teach him the method of training his body, then he can benefit immensely. what!

"Very good. In that case, you can temporarily practice in my palace. From now on, you can part ways with the Li family for the time being."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng raised his hand and put Li Tianyi into the Qingwu Palace temporarily. Right now, he doesn't need this, but in the future, this guy in the yin and yang environment is definitely a great help.

"There are more and more resources. It seems that my family's rations are no longer an issue!"

When Li Tianyi was put away, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, but it was almost the next moment, but his brow was slightly raised, and his excited face showed a look of more joy.

"Ha, that's a coincidence. One of them has just returned, and the other has also returned. It seems that my days in Yi Cui City will come to an end!"

After Li Tianyi returned, he couldn't help but take a look at the progress of Gao Zhensheng, but at a glance he found that Gao Zhensheng had already embarked on the journey to Zuimenglou and could arrive in a few days.

He stayed in Zuimenglou this time, just waiting for the two to take back all the resources he wanted, and now Li Tianyi has returned, and only after Gao Zhensheng returns, he can leave Zuimenglou and leave Yicui City.

The resources that can be tapped are the Gao family and the Li family. As for other family forces, they have not provoked themselves, and of course he cannot casually go to other people's troubles.

"Well, now that you have returned, wait for you." Gao Zhensheng is already halfway here, but it will take a while to arrive. Before the other party arrives, he can finally enjoy the drunk dream house. Worry-free life.

With Yun Mengchen's company, Yuan Feng's life was extremely comfortable, and did not let him wait too long. Gao Zhensheng brought all his treasures back to Yuan Feng.

"Gao Zhensheng, your efficiency is slower than Li Tianyi. I hope that what you get back can make up for your time limit."

Seeing Gao Zhensheng standing in front of himself, Yuan Feng was full of expectations for what the former brought back. Gao Zhensheng ’s status in the Gao family seems to be higher than Li Tianyi ’s status in the Li family. Moreover, the strength of the Gao family is indeed a little higher than that of the Li family. .

"Young Master, his subordinates have used their identity to collect almost the entire Gao family. Young Master will not be disappointed."

With a proud smile, Gao Zhensheng took out three Najing rings and threw them to Yuan Feng above.

"Well? Hehe, you guys are really prepared!"

Seeing that Gao Zhensheng suddenly threw three nano crystal rings all at once, Yuan Feng immediately moved. Anyway, from the number of Najing rings, the opponent has already beaten Li Tianyi.

Into the heart, all the treasures in the three nanocrystal rings were instantly displayed in Yuanfeng's eyes. After seeing the treasures in the three nanocrystal rings, Yuanfeng couldn't help shaking. For Gao Zhensheng , But it is more important at once.

"Great, Gao Zhensheng, I really have you. In such a short period of time, you can collect so many good things. It seems that I really underestimate your ability."

In the eyes, the three nanocrystal rings each contain a large number of yin and yang stones, as well as a large number of natural treasures, and a nanocrystal ring, which contains some sundries, spiritual equipment, and various Objects, in short, the three nano crystal rings by Gao Zhensheng are really unqualified.

Compared with his three nanocrystal rings, what Li Tianyi brought back before is indeed slightly worse.

Not to mention anything else, only Yin Yang Stone, Gao Zhensheng collected no less than 300 million or 400 million, but Li Tianyi only collected less than 200 million.

"The young master didn't know, this time it is more hasty. If time is enough, the subordinates will definitely get back more treasures and honor the young master."

Gaining Yuan Feng's affirmation, Gao Zhensheng couldn't help smiling proudly, with his head raised and authentic. This time is really because the time is too hasty. If you give him enough time to prepare, then you will definitely get more babies. Of course, this time you can get back so many things, but it is already very important. Rare.

"This is quite a lot, Gao Zhensheng, I will write down this for you. In the future, Huang Tengda will fly. You are definitely a hero."

The energy contributed by Gao Zhensheng is indeed not small. Whether it is so many yin and yang stones or so many natural treasures, it can be said that he can use them. These are the foundation on which he becomes stronger.

"Well, you can go back to my palace for the time being. In the next time, we will leave Yicui City. We won't be back for a while."

Whether it is Gao Zhensheng or Li Tianyi, they can never return to their respective families. You know, they have taken away a lot of resources from their families, and once exposed, they simply cannot rely on them.

"Everything is obeyed by the young master."

Gao Zhensheng has lost all his temper. In front of Yuan Feng, he is now a servant, a servant who has no privilege at all. If Yuan Feng is not upset, then he may be destroyed anytime, anywhere. You know, he has a history, so you have to be extra careful.

Picking up Gao Zhensheng at will, Yuan Feng couldn't help but stand up and started slowly in the room. On the side of Yi Cuicheng, it seems that there is really nothing left to be nostalgic for. The Gao family and the Li family have all taken it, and then there is only Gao's human resources.

"Gao Jinyu, put together everything in the drunk dream building that has reached the transformational realm, and we are about to leave."

After a brief thought, Yuan Feng finally made the decision to leave, and this time he must take away as much as he can, even all the strong men in the drunk dream house can not fall away. .

In addition to Gao Jinyu, a strong man in the yin and yang realm, there is no shortage of good fortunes. After all, there are so many people in the Dan Xiazong and Yuan families who need the strong to guide them. These people are the best resources.

In order to avoid night long dreams, Yuan Feng quickly summoned everyone, and then secretly left the drunk dream building and swept away from Yicui City.

The trip to Emerald City is over, and a new journey is about to begin again.

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