The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1362: Yuxi City (four more)

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No one knows how big the immense boundlessness is, and in the whole immense boundlessness, countless cities one after the other, never reach the end.

According to the map obtained at the Louvre Museum in Heji City, Yuan Feng and his three began a long trek. In a blink of an eye, the three were trekking for three years.

For three years, in a world such as the Unbounded Realm, it was simply an inconspicuous period of time. During these three years, Yuan Feng and the two women passed through eight cities of different sizes. At this moment, they are far away from Heji City.

Counting in the previous year, it has been four years since Yuanfeng left Yicui City, and such a period of time is really not short for him.

These four years of vicissitudes are not without gains. In the end, with the steady improvement, Yuan Feng has been restored to the next city and reached the realm of the Seventh Heaven of Heaven.

It took more than four years to promote a level of realm. Frankly speaking, for such achievements, Yuan Feng could only give a bitter smile. Compared with the previous promotion, which is several levels and several levels of improvement, he can't tolerate such a few steps now.

Unfortunately, although such a speed of progress has left him speechless, Zhen Wu Shen Gong has now been like this. To make great progress, he must have great excitement.

A level of improvement is an unimaginable increase in Yuan Feng's power. At this moment, when facing a strong man in the yin and yang environment, he can deal with it more freely. He is also very willing to compare with each other to see who is better than who is inferior.

To the seventh heaven of the cave heaven, the next level of ascension will undoubtedly be more difficult. Yuan Feng felt it. Without the assistance of foreign objects, he wanted to go from Dongtianjing Seventh Heaven to Dongtianjing Eighth Heaven, I am afraid that ten or eight years is definitely not enough.

Comparatively speaking, Yuan Feng's situation is quite good. In a team of three, only his Xiuwei achieved a breakthrough, while the other Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner had no signs of breakthrough at all. In this regard, Yuan Feng is also quite helpless.

Once again over the transition area between two cities, the three of Yuan Feng entered an unusually large city, and as soon as they entered the new city, the eyes of the three flashed as much as possible.

"It's a big city. This city is obviously much larger than the previous city. It looks like it should be a different place!"

After seeing the huge city in front of him, Mu Yun'er stood up first, expressing admiration.

This is the first time she has seen such a huge city along the way. In terms of scale, this city is much larger than all the cities they have seen before.

"It's really a different place. I don't know if it can provide us with different opportunities."

Yun Mengchen also stepped forward at this time, looking forward to authentic. She has seen Heji City, but honestly, even if it is Heji City, there is absolutely no way to compare it with the city in front of it.

"This place is called Yuxi City. It is indeed the largest and wealthiest of the dozens of surrounding cities. In this city, there is a power called Yuxi Palace. The name of Yuxi City comes from this Yuxi Palace."

Seeing the two women around her were amazed at the huge city ahead, Yuan Feng could not help but glance at the map in her head, and then introduced to the two women.

"Ah, Yuxi Palace? Yuxi City? A power affects a city. It seems that this power called Yuxi Palace must be a very large power!"

After listening to Yuan Feng's introduction, Mu Yuner could not help but whisper softly, and although Yun Mengchen on the side didn't say anything, the look on her face still showed the surprise under her heart.

"It is indeed a super power, but it should not be as huge as our goal."

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng's gaze also glanced at the city in front of him.

The scale of Yuxi City in front of him is still inferior to that of Ziyun City. He once learned about the scale of Ziyun City through the subordinates of Ziyun Palace. It's a long way off!

In addition, the map of the Louvre also includes some annotations on Yuxi City. The above clearly states that Yuxi City has a strong presence beyond the limit, but it will never exceed two.

There will be no more than two super powerhouses, which of course cannot be compared with Ziyun Palace. He knew, however, that there are ten halls in the Ziyun Palace, and each hall has a hall owner, and those hall-level figures are all invincible and powerful men.

"Let's go, those small cities and small land are a little worse for us, but this Yuxi City may be able to provide us with what we want."

After a little groaning, Yuan Feng took the lead and flew directly into the city of Yuxi. It seems that this fertile city is really very big. Maybe, it will take more than a year just to cross this city, but I do n’t know, there will be some in such a huge infinity city. what!

The two women are no longer hesitant, they talk in a hurry and then follow up, for fear of being dropped by Yuan Feng.

After crossing the boundary of the city, the three members of Yuanfeng slowly integrated into Yuxi City. In general, this Yuxi City is similar to the small-scale city except that it is bigger and more prosperous. Of course, people who don't say anything about Dongtianjing, the mainstream of Yuxi City, obviously have a lot more.

Yuan Feng's three people shuttled through the crowd, but it didn't look very conspicuous, because like them, there were so many people on the street that no one would care about them. It is Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner's looks that have always attracted others to look back, but in the end, Yuan Feng has made the two people cover their faces.

"A lot of masters, there are so many good-for-nothing people in the world of delusion, but Mengchen and I just can't break through, it's really annoying."

Walking among the crowd, Mu Yun'er's big eyes could not help glancing around, and whenever she saw the strong man who surpassed the cave heaven, she couldn't help secretly angry, complaining about the fact that she was difficult to break through.

"Oh, sister Yun'er, don't worry. Although there are many people in the realm of imagination, they all accumulate little by little, and it takes a long time to break through. We can't be so far away."

Hearing Mu Yuner's complaint, Yun Mengchen couldn't help but laughed, and hurriedly comforted. Her mentality is much better than Mu Yun'er. Although it has been too late to break through, she is not very anxious. Frankly speaking, for her and Mu Yuner, even if she breaks through to the realm of change, in fact, nothing can be changed!

Today's Yuan Feng has only Dongtianjing Qizhongtian's cultivation, but his strength has already surpassed the ordinary yin and yang powerhouses. The friends he faces and the enemies will be of the level of yin and yang state, so Even if the two of them have reached the fortune, it is still difficult to help Yuan Feng.

Of course, if you can break through, it is good, but you can't break through, and they don't need to worry about it.

"Meng Chen is right. Sister, we have too much time. We ca n’t break it in three years. Then we can break it in four years. Then we can break it in five years, six years, or even ten or eight years. . Moreover, the cultivation of sister and dream dust are now much higher than mine! "

Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile a little at the moment, whispering comfortably to Mu Yuner. He knew why Mu Yuner always wanted to make a breakthrough. To put it bluntly, it was nothing more than trying to surpass Yun Mengchen to prove his ability. However, the rush of everything was not achieved. The more she wanted to rush through, the worse Difficult to achieve.

"Okay, okay, take your time." He pursed his lips, Mu Yuner knew that he was too anxious, but sometimes, I knew it was one aspect, and I wanted to adjust it, but it was another aspect. .

"Creating the realm, I don't know when I can cultivate to the realm!" Her mind was indeed born, but there was no way. The relationship between Yunmeng Chen and Yuan Feng was like a mountain. It was also pressed on her chest. She hoped to use Xiuwei's promotion to prove her existence, and also allowed Yuan Feng to pay more attention to her.

Although she was reluctant to admit it, she could see that every time Yuan Feng looked at Yun Mengchen, she did her best to be gentle. For Yuan Feng's look at Yun Mengchen, she really Is envious.

"Let's go and find a restaurant in Yuxi City to rest and see if we can detect any useful information. Maybe this Yuxi City has an opportunity for us!"

Yuan Feng didn't know that Mu Yun'er's psychology would be so complicated. Through the veil, he couldn't see the murmur of Mu Yun's eyes. At this moment, he really didn't have that much thought in his heart. Think so much.

With the decision, the three are no longer hesitant. Yuan Feng is in the center, and the two women are distributed left and right, not to mention that no matter who watched it, they would be envious of Yan Feng's Yanfu.

However, no one else will know. If there is a choice, Yuan Feng doesn't want to hold the left and the right. This feeling is just a torment to him.

Soon, the three disappeared into the crowd and merged into this huge Yuxi city.

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