The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1356: Inspection power (two more)

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Gao Zhensheng and his team finally found the target position, and they were ready to take the shot, winning the target in one fell swoop.

However, when everyone approached the target cautiously and thought it would be a great victory for them, a whistling sound rang suddenly at the entrance of the hole, and all of them suddenly disturbed the mind. By the time everyone looked towards the entrance of the cave, a familiar figure had appeared before everyone.

"Gao Hu?"

The headed Gao Zhensheng naturally recognized the man who appeared in the cave for the first time, and this man, who is not Gao Hu of his Gao family? However, at this moment, when he saw Gao Hu in this way, he couldn't help feeling a bad feeling.

Everyone else also recognized Gao Hu. At this moment, I saw the young boy of the Gao family suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave, and it didn't look very friendly.

"Gao Hu, don't tell me, you have betrayed the Gao family, this time you deliberately seduced us."

Gao Zhensheng's face was already gloomy. At this moment, the situation was already obvious. Gao Hu's appearance in this way immediately overturned his previous imagination. Obviously, the other party is not on their side, and in addition to this situation, it seems that there is only one possibility left.

"Hey, Mynah, I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that Mynah has been doing well this time, but I don't know, hasn't Mynever thought about saving the two younger brothers? Or have all my faults been put on me and Gao Meng?"

At the entrance of the cave, Gao Hu's voice came quietly, but it was full of scent. At this moment, he doesn't need to be as obedient as before, because at this moment, Gao Zhensheng in front of him is no longer his boss. .

"Huh, there are so many wastes like you, why is Gao's family trying to save you?" Gao Zhensheng was so angry when he heard Gao Hu talk to himself in this tone. No one has ever dared to talk to him this way, and Gao Hu in front of him is even worse.

"Ha, well said, our brother is indeed not as strong as you, but you haven't been beaten up yet? What qualifications do you have to look down on now?"

Gao Hu didn't leave the other person's face a bit, and his current situation is obviously trying to irritate the other party and make the other party lose their due judgment.

"Destroy, go up, get me this waste."

Having said that, Gao Zhensheng can no longer listen. As soon as he raises his hand, he orders everyone behind him to take a shot. He didn't dare to do it himself, because at this moment, he always felt that the cave behind Gao Hu was weird, but the faint sense of danger made him dare not go up.

"Well !!!"

When Gao Zhensheng's words fell, the strong men of the nine Gao families behind him were slightly stunned, and then they came up one after another and flew away towards where Gao Hu was.

"Om !!!"

However, almost immediately when the nine members of the Gao family started, a space crack suddenly appeared above the heads of Gao Zhensheng and Li Tianyi. At the same time, a terrible swordmang was cut off directly from above. However, Gao Zhensheng and Li Tianyi were all included.


The sudden appearance of Jianmang made Gao Zhensheng and Li Tianyi look at each other for a moment. At this time, they couldn't think so much. When they raised their hands, they took out their own soldiers and greeted Jianmang Qiqi .

Both of them were surprised at the moment because of Gao Hu's appearance. They were in a more vigilant heart, and when they felt an attack, they both thought subconsciously that this was the other party. Really dark hands.

However, when the two shot one after another and wanted to fight against the sudden emergence of the swordman, the mutation was reborn.

"Om !!!!!!"

Within a million miles of the entire circle, all the space was slightly shaken. This kind of shock is obvious, but everyone who is in it can feel the shock, but everyone at this moment When all of them are busy, even if they feel the shock, they will not go too far.


However, even when everyone felt this slight shock, but they didn't take it too seriously, the space of a million miles seemed to be suddenly out of the boundless realm, and instantly disappeared in the boundless Among the vain circles.

"What? This, this is ...... Xuan Zhen?"

Gao Zhensheng and Li Tianyi exclaimed at almost the same time. They never dreamed that this time there was such a thing waiting for them. What surprised them most was that at this moment, they could not feel the surroundings. In any case, it feels like they have been completely isolated.

The range of millions of miles was all shrouded in the mysterious space at this moment, completely out of the boundless range. To this day, Yuan Feng's performance of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is simply a matter of capture. With his current strength and the array of materials he possesses, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation comes out. In the limitless state, almost no one is there. Can be enemies.

The ten members of the Gao family, plus Li Tianyi, a total of eleven strong men, were all trapped in the mysterious array during the talk. At this moment, everyone is called Tiantian should not be called earthly insufficiency, and until now They finally realized the bad situation.

"Damn, who is using the mysterious array to calculate Master Ben? Can't find death?"

The angry roar spread from Gao Zhensheng's mouth. At this moment, the eighth master of the Gao family was obviously really angry. If it is a normal calculation, it is just that the other side has arranged a mysterious array for him. Xuan Zhen, this is not something that can be laid out by ordinary people. Once in Xuan Zhen, it is an unimaginable trouble.

Everything around him is so illusory, and everyone who came with him, at this moment, couldn't even sense a breath, and the situation in front of him seemed to be worse than never before.

No doubt, this time he was a bit too careless. In his heart, he always felt that there were only a few people in the other side, and there was only one person in the yin and yang state. It would not be too difficult to cope with it. As for Xuan Zhen, he never thought about the other two guys. Can also arrange such a high-level mysterious array.

"Hehe, Gao Zhensheng, let's meet again!"

Just when Gao Zhensheng screamed angrily, and was even more worried under his heart, a chuckle came, and then a familiar figure slowly appeared in front of him.

"Well? Is it you?"

With a look of surprise, Gao Zhensheng instantly focused all his attention on the young man in front of him, but at this moment, his heart was like waves.

The young man in front of him, of course, is still fresh. Two years ago, he was suffering from this young man, but at the time, the other party seemed to have only the great energy fluctuations in the cave. However, at this time when he saw the other party again, he felt the energy fluctuations no less than hiss from the latter.

I have to say that the scene in front of him really subverted his perception. In two years, he has cultivated from a cave man to yin and yang, and he has absolutely no way to believe this.

"Gao Zhensheng, the last time I almost ran into your path, this time, you have to return with your own advantage!"

Yuan Feng did not hide his huge energy fluctuations. This is his Xuan Zhen space, and the Xuan Zhen arranged by Yin Yang Stone and Wu Ji Stone. Here, the people in Yin and Yang have no threat to him, naturally. Yes, he doesn't need to hide anything!

"Huh, boy, it's up to you? Let the woman come out. If he can kneel down and ask me, I can let you go."

Although he was trapped in the mysterious array, his heart was a little bit bottomless, but Gao Zhensheng's mouth was still stiff, and he had no awareness of the prisoner. In fact, he really didn't believe how the young man in front of him could treat him.

"Oh, yes, it seems that this time I have to give you some bitter taste!"

Yuan Feng was obviously angry and anti-smiling. He didn't plan to talk to the other person any more. He cheated the other person here and successfully trapped these guys in the mysterious array. Everything is under control. Next It's time to harvest the fruits of victory.


The golden long sword appeared in his hand. At this moment, Yuan Feng wanted to fight with each other upright. After being promoted to Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, he only felt that he was strong, but how strong he was, compared with the people in the yin and yang realm, he was weak and weak, and now it is time to test it.

"Eh?" Seeing Yuan Feng draw out the golden long sword, Gao Zhensheng could not help but shrink his pupils, because from the long sword in Yuan Feng's hand, he felt a huge indescribable threat.

"Look at the sword !!!"

Yuan Feng didn't care what the other side was thinking about. When the sword was in his hand, he picked up the sword and dropped it. He went straight to Gao Zhensheng and killed him. The golden sword-horse immediately surrounded the other side.

This is the first time that he has been urged by such a force after obtaining the Chixiao Sword. No doubt he is more suitable than Jiang Qingwu to use this sword. After all, both in terms of strength and status In the background, he and Chixiao Sword must match more.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed, let me die !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng holding the sword to kill, Gao Zhensheng could not help but grit his teeth, and also greeted Yuan Feng with a sword.


However, watching Gao Zhensheng's Jianmang beheaded, Yuan Feng ignored it at all, and still killed himself towards the other side. The time spent talking was already close to the other side.


When Yuan Feng came to the latter, Gao Zhensheng's Jian Mang was actually chopped on Yuan Feng's chest. However, when the sharp Jian Mang was chopped on Yuan Feng's body, it was scattered directly. After opening, looking back at Yuan Feng, there was nothing at all.

"What? This, this ..."

Seeing his own such a mighty sword, even when Yuan Feng's skin was not able to be broken, Gao Zhensheng's complexion became pale in an instant.

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