The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1355: Waiting for the Rabbit (one more)

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On the east side of Yicui City, above a jungle near the transition area, the two young men are standing quietly in the air, and behind them, they are followed by a whole group of eighty-nine strong men. After reaching the jungle, it hovered silently without any action for a while.

"Brother Gao, let's wait like this, we don't know when it is the leader? Otherwise, let's find it separately?"

I don't know how long I stood here. One of the first two of them suddenly raised an eyebrow and preached to the other. The person who passed the message was naturally the son of the Li family of Cuicheng, Li Tianyi.

After receiving a rumor from Gao Hu of Gao Hu before, Li Tianyi followed Gao Zhensheng to the area that Gao Hu said. However, Gao Hu only said the general position, but there was no specific location at all, so wait until they are with them. After arriving here, I don't even know how to start.

"Tianyi brother is anxious. Now that Gao Hu can find the opportunity to send out the message, he will naturally be able to send it a second time. Let's wait patiently and we will definitely wait for new news."

Gao Zhensheng was not in a hurry. He came here with such a great risk, but he really didn't know it. What kind of situation are Gao Meng and Gao Hu? He doesn't know at all now. God knows whether Gao Hu's rumor was given to him, but he had to guard against it.

He would never agree with this proposal. After all, once they acted separately, their strength would be dispersed. If they did hit the ambush at that time, they would not be able to regret it.

Moreover, although he was relatively relieved for the Gao family he brought with him, it was absolutely impossible for Li Tianyi to be completely relieved. If after splitting his actions, this guy is lucky to find the target, and first he takes the baby one step at a time, then he will still be able to take a shot to rob him?

Therefore, no matter what the reason is, he will never agree to act separately.

"Okay, everything is up to Brother Gao. Anyway, I'm fine, so I'll accompany Brother Gao here." Li Tian could also think of Gao Zhensheng's worry, but then again, the proposal to split up was originally He has selfish thoughts and can't blame the other party for thinking more.

"There are a lot of people here. Let's wait and hope that Gao Meng and Gao Hu will spread the message again soon."

At present, there are almost only two possibilities. One is the worst. That is, Gao Hu is lying to him, and then he tries to calculate him. The other is that Gao Meng and Gao Hu are now controlled. But two People still care about Gao's family and send out messages. In name, they let them come to win the treasure, but they actually came to save them.

There are great possibilities for both of these possibilities, and he is afraid to draw conclusions at all now.

In order not to be too eye-catching, the party simply sank into the deep forest and hid in the dark to continue waiting. This time, they have two strong strong yin and yang, plus nine strong habitats. Moreover, after eating the last loss, Gao Zhensheng returned to the family and took a lot of defensive babies. Once they found the target, It must be foolproof.

The waiting period was relatively long, but such a wait did not last long, almost when the party waited for less than five days, Gao Zhensheng, who was already slightly anxious, finally ushered in a new message.

"Come here, finally here again !!!"

When Gao Meng's news came again, Gao Zhensheng was just so excited. He knew that Gao Meng and Gao Hu would not let him down. Now it seems that since the other party dared to make a second news, it should be true. To help him.

"Brother Gao, take a look. What did Gao Meng and Gao Hu say?"

Li Tianyi had been waiting for a long time. When the new news came, he was shocked, and the whole person was a lot more energetic.

"Brush !!!" Without Li Tianyi's reminder, Gao Zhensheng had already taken out the jade of the messenger, and input the power of creation into it, activating the messenger inside.

"My brother, about 90 million miles west of Hualongling, they are hiding in the cave, be careful of the woman, she still has a magic sword in her hand, remember to take wisdom, do not attack!"

Gao Hu's voice was heard in the jade of the news. However, this time the voice was extremely low. Obviously, the voice was lowered. It sounded that Gao Hu should have heard the news with extreme caution.

"90 million miles west of Hualong Ridge? Cave?"

By the time the words in the Chuanyu brand fell, Gao Zhensheng and Li Tianyi were both completely intrigued, and everyone's expression was also beyond words.

At this moment, they were almost sure that Gao Hu was on their side, because if the other party really wanted to calculate them, then they would never tell them the other party's advantage.

Of course, it does not rule out that the other party wants to use blind eyes to cover people's eyes, but this possibility is relatively small. You know, the other person is a yin and yang person, and there are a few weird habitat giants. Such power does not seem to have calculated their qualifications.

"About 90 million miles west of Hualongling, oh, I know this place, it is really a very good hiding place, it seems that the information should be true."

Li Tianyi stood up again and smiled at Gao Zhensheng. He knew where Hualong Ridge was referred to by Gao Hu. Before the Li family had an operation in Hualong Ridge, he was so familiar with this place.

"Oh? Brother Yiyi knows the location? Okay, this is the best. Please ask Brother Yiyi to lead the way."

Gao Zhensheng couldn't help but smile when he heard that Li Tianyi knew the exact location. He had heard of Hualongling, but he didn't really have much impression. Since Li Tianyi knew the location, it couldn't be better.

"Let's go and start on our way now. If it's fast, half of the time will be there."

Li Tian was also willing to fight this pioneer. This time he came by himself on behalf of the Li family, and there are so many people on the Gao side, plus Gao Meng and Gao Hu who do n’t know where, he can be said to be a little bit alone. None of the advantages.

So, he can get this advantage this time, he is just rejoicing.

"Oh!" It was not too late, and everyone was looking forward to it, so without stopping at all, they just started flying towards the target position.

According to Li Tianyi's estimation, it took them about a day to fly this time, but because they were in a hurry to get the baby, the speed of the party was extremely fast, which was almost half a day, and the party was here. Not a big mountain.

This is a mountain that stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles. Of course, in a place like Wujiejie, the mountain of hundreds of thousands of miles is actually a small thing that is inconspicuous. If nothing happens, fly over it. Sometimes, I may not be able to pay attention to this mountain.

"Brother Gao, this is Hualongling. According to the brothers Gaohu, about 90 million miles west of Hualongling, we are already close to the target position now!"

After arriving over the mountains, the group carefully converged and concealed their bodies, for fear that they and others would be exposed. Until the position of Li Tianyi, he hurriedly stepped forward to introduce it.

"Brother Tianyi, my brothers will pay the bills clearly. If the brother and I can get the empty boat at that time, then the benefits of Tianyi brother will be indispensable."

Action is about to begin soon. Gao Zhensheng knows that he must speak before. If these words are not said, don't say whether Li Tianyi will help him sincerely. Maybe the other party may intervene behind the key moments. He stabbed.

"It's good to say, our brothers, we don't need to say more." With a slight smile, Li Tian was very satisfied with Gao Zhensheng's performance. During the talk, he was telling everyone in Gao's family to hide his good figure, and he was facing Gao Zhensheng Take a look and then slowly approach directly forward.

Everyone took great care to ensure that every step of the energy wave did not spread, and this quiet approach, almost lasting for about an hour, finally ushered in their harvest.

"There is a cave ahead, and there seems to be an enchantment at the entrance !!!"

In the eyes, almost a few dozen miles away from them, an extremely tiny hole attracted their attention.

The cave entrance seems small from afar, but if it is near, it should actually be very large, and above this cave, there is obviously the power of yin and yang left by the strong yin and yang realm, and obviously it is not too long .

"That's it. I can feel the breath left by Gao Hu. He should have left us a clue on purpose." Gao Zhensheng's eyes lightened slightly, and the light in his eyes flickered violently. I ’ll go with my brother to check it out. If it ’s best to sneak in the opponent, if not, use the strong one. ”

If you can save effort, save as much effort as possible. If it doesn't work, are they so many strong people still worried that they can't beat each other?

"Let's go into the hole together !!!"

Li Tianyi will not counsel at this time. Moreover, he has always been slowly confident. He really does not believe that a few unknown little characters can really cause trouble for their party?

Looking at each other, the two slowly approached the cave entrance, while the other nine lowered their feet and slowly followed. At this moment, everyone is ready to make a shot. As long as there is any wind and grass moving, they can swarm the whole line.

"My brother, we have been waiting for a long time."

However, just as a group of people approached the entrance slowly and watched as they were about to reach the entrance of the cave, a cries and screams suddenly sounded, and then all of them were slightly surprised, looking at the young man who suddenly appeared at the entrance Come.

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