The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1357: Complete abuse of yin and yang (three more)

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The moment Gao Zhensheng called out the golden long sword, Gao Zhensheng actually felt something wrong. However, confident, he still didn't feel that he would lose to a little bit.

However, when he looked at his sword with so much so that even one of Yuan Feng's hairs were not injured, he realized what kind of crisis he was facing.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible. He and he haven't got any injuries? It's absolutely impossible!"

With this sword alone, Gao Zhensheng's confidence was completely destroyed. The sword he just made was with all his strength, not to mention a person of the same level, and even if he was a powerful man without limits, it would never be possible to harden the next without any damage. However, Yuan Feng in front of him was really so resistant, and there was no problem at all.

Frankly, he is not afraid of the strength of his opponent, but this situation is completely different now. If he tries his best to hurt the opponent, how can he fight this battle?

Suddenly, a feeling of despair was breeding in his heart, and with this kind of feeling, he could not help but arouse God.

"Red Xiao Sword, bloom !!!"

Yuan Feng was completely shocked by Gao Zhensheng's horror. When he came to the other side, he said nothing, and the Chixiao sword in his hand bloomed a dazzling light, which was directly cut off against Gao Zhensheng.

For his own excalibur, Yuan Feng had long wanted to feel the invincible power of the excalibur, but unfortunately he was too weak before and could not exert the extremity sword's power at all.

But now, at this moment, he already has the power comparable to the strong man in the yin and yang realm, and once again casts the Red Xiao Sword, even if he cannot use all the power of the Red Xiao Sword, it is absolutely unbeatable.

The horrifying golden sword mang, as if going through the heavens and the earth, went straight to Gao Zhensheng and cut it down. This sword, Yuan Feng also used his full strength.

"not good!!!"

When the golden sword-mang was about to be cut on the body, Gao Zhensheng slammed back, and subconsciously, he raised the sword in his hand to resist Yuan Feng's sword.

He was just a bit stunned, and now has no chance to dodge. Of course, he can only resist the sword of Yuan Feng.

"You can't do it yourself !!! Give me a break !!!"

However, when Gao Zhensheng lifted his sword to resist, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a taunt of ridicule, and his heart sank, he sharply accelerated the speed of sword cutting and continued to chop the opponent.


With a muffled sound, Gao Zhensheng only felt a sharp breath chopped at himself. When he returned to God, the sword in his hand was still half, and the sword tip was already gone. . At the same time, he felt that his body was a little cold, and the time between speaking, he was shocked to see that his body had been divided into two halves diagonally.

"This this…………"

The body is divided into two. Of course, it is not much for a man of his kind, but his spirit sword is broken, and the body does not know when it was divided into two halves. At this moment, he, no more Without any arrogance at all, he knew that this time he really met a super master.

"It's vulnerable !!!"

Just when Gao Zhensheng was shocked by everything in front of him, Yuan Feng's voice came again. When Gao Zhensheng looked up to see, he saw only an enlarged boxing shadow covering him. Then he was divided into two halves. The body was directly bombarded by a huge force.

Nine turns to the sixth turn, Yuan Feng ’s pure power today, even if he is a powerful man without a limit, can't be compared. His punches blast out, and the two halves of Gao Zhensheng have something to be beaten. The smashing sensation, only this one, he was already dizzy and difficult to keep clear.

"It's really disappointing !!!"

Chi Xiaojian had been collected by Yuan Feng. He originally thought that he could fight against each other, but he did not expect that the brother of the Gao family was so vulnerable that it seemed that he did not need to talk to him. The other party wasted time.

Thinking of this, he didn't say a word. In the interim, he came to Gao Zhensheng's upper body, his hands were linked, and all the runes were instantly struck into the other's mind.

At this moment, Gao Zhensheng was still in a drowsy state. As soon as Yuan Feng's blood curse came out, he immediately fell into a mirage. At this moment, he could only let Yuan be honest. Feng disposes.

Frankly speaking, Gao Zhensheng's strength is not weak. In fact, even in the ranks of yin and yang, he can be regarded as a very strong man. However, Yuan Feng's strength is obviously stronger than him. Of course, Yuan Feng is not stronger than him, but Yuan Feng's means.

Whether it ’s King Kong ’s indestructible body or the Chixiao sword that has nothing to do, it ’s obviously not the treasure that the strong yin and yang can hold. In fact, Yuan Feng's set of configurations can actually compete with the powerless prodigal. To blame, you can only blame Gao Zhensheng's luck is too bad, met Yuan Feng this unbearable evil star.

Conquering a beaten yin and yang man who can't find the north is nothing to Yuan Feng at all. Soon, Gao Zhensheng's blood was finished and he was in his palm. So far, this The eighth master of the Gao family finally became one of the prisoners under his hands.

After finishing the service, Yuan Feng was very considerate to help the other side splicing the two halves together. In a short time, Gao Zhensheng woke up slowly and recognized the situation immediately.


The existence of the blood curse has made him fully aware of his situation, but he really has no way to accept the situation.

"Huh, Gao Zhensheng, haven't you kneeled down to talk to me?"

Seeing that Gao Zhensheng woke up, Yuan Feng suddenly looked cold, and shouted coldly. This Gao Zhensheng is not like the people who have been subdued before. This is a veritable yin and yang realm, and even in the yin and yang realm, they are extremely arrogant characters. If they want to make the other party obedient, they naturally give The other party's corresponding pressure will do.


With Yuan Feng's drinking sound, Gao Zhensheng only felt that his body was falling into the cold, and in his mind, there was a thunder sound, almost subconscious, and he threw himself on his knees On the ground.

"Gao Zhensheng, now, what else can you say?"

The huge momentum soared into the sky. Yuan Feng obviously also wanted to give the other party a power to let the other party understand the situation honestly. Of course, there was also a penalty for the latter. After all, the former Gao Zhensheng always spoke well. This also Make him very upset.

"I, I admit it !!!"

Once upon a time, Gao Zhensheng had never felt the helpless feeling at present, the feeling that he could not help himself, and even his life was controlled by others. It was so strange and painful to him.

For a long time, he felt that he was a superior person, but now, he fell suddenly and fell to his knees to talk to others. This change really made it difficult for him to return.

"Count on your acquaintance. In that case, spare your life. I hope that in the future, you will not let me down. Otherwise, I will take this cheap life at any time."

Feeling Gao Zhensheng's fate from inside and outside, especially the other side's strong fear of himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile. He knew that the Gao's son was completely under his control.

"Get up and talk. From now on, you will call me the young master, and as long as you obey me obediently, I won't ask you anything in the future, so you don't need to have too much pressure."

Take control of each other, then the eighth master of the Gao family can be regarded as his own, and since he is his own, of course, there is no need to continue to embarrass the other. Speaking of which, accepting the other party as a servant is already the biggest punishment for him!

"Thank you, Master!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's instructions, Gao Zhensheng was obviously a bit uncomfortable, but no matter what he was adapting to, he apparently had no other choice at this moment. After all, Xiao Minger is the most important thing, even if it is no longer How awkward to live, he didn't want to just hang up like that.

"Let's go and catch your companion first, you can't be too good for it!"

He had already observed it when he launched the big battle before. In addition to the son of the Gao family, another casual person is obviously also a strong man in the yin and yang state, and this level of strong man, Not to be missed, of course. Moreover, it is impossible for Jiuqu's Yellow River team to let go of any one of them.


When the words fell, Yuan Feng's thoughts disappeared with Gao Zhensheng directly. When they reappeared, they had already arrived in another area, and here, Li Tianyi, was alert now. He looked around, as if a bird frightened by a bow.

"Oh, don't look around. From now on, you're free. I'm in charge."

The figure showed, Yuan Feng first looked at the opposite Li Tianyi for the first time, and then laughed out loudly.


Li Tianyi was in doubt at this moment. The sudden sound made him tremble and took a step back subconsciously, but when he turned around, he saw the speaker, especially the person who spoke When Gao Zhensheng was, his complexion suddenly became very exciting.

"No, I was fooled !!!"

Seeing that Gao Zhensheng even appeared with a man he didn't know, at this moment Li Tianyi felt an instant feeling of being cheated.

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