The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1283: Battlefield Preparation (1)

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Time goes by, and one month is like slipping away from everyone's fingertips, and one month is enough to happen a lot of things.

Among the countless imaginary stars in the middle world, a woman's body flickered and quickly swept through the void for a long time. At a certain moment, her body suddenly disappeared. Then, a young man's body was slow. Appeared slowly.

The young man almost appeared, but disappeared. However, his disappearance was not removed, but directly operated martial arts, hiding his breath and body.

After the breath and body were completely hidden, the young man replaced the woman and began to fly in the void for a long time, almost flashing out of the distance of a few middle worlds, and then emerged from the space leisurely.

"Brush !!!" The moment the young man showed up, the previous woman appeared again and stood beside the young man with a smile.

"It is the distance between several worlds again. It seems that this time, the people in Ziyun Palace should make a good investigation again before they can continue to catch up!"

Jiang Qingwu's face was full of smiles, while smiling, he was facing Yuan Feng said.

"Yu !!!!!! It's really tiring, but I haven't been affected in vain. This time, the people in Ziyun Palace should spend more energy and waste more fortune."

Yuan Feng's face is also full of joyful smiles. This game with Ziyun Palace, he can now be said to have completely gained the upper hand, because the other party would never think of it anyway, he had already arranged all over the sky. With eyeliner, as long as the other party shows up, he will be under his surveillance.

In other words, he is now able to control the movement of everyone in Ziyun Palace at any time. In this way, it is definitely not easy for the other party to find him and Jiang Qingwu.

"Mother, Xiaoba has produced nearly 15,000 caves in the cave world. This amount should be almost enough. The next time, my mother will find a more suitable place. Man, let's fight it! "

Suddenly, Yuan Feng's complexion became very serious, and at the same time, Shen Shen said to Jiang Qingwu.

In this month, Xiaoba kept producing Warcraft, and now, it has produced more than 15,000 Warcraft, and it is all in the strength of Dongtianjing. The production of so many World of Warcraft has a feeling of nine cows and one hair for the consumption of the energy pool of Shadowshake Palace.

Speaking of this escape, if he wants to prevent the other party from finding it, there are actually many ways to cause trouble for the other party. However, his purpose is not to completely shake off the opponent, but to ensure that the other party can finally find his traces on the premise that the other party cannot find him quickly, and only in this way can he finally shoot at the other party.

Those tiny World of Warcraft eyeliners will not be noticed by the people in Ziyun Palace, because each World of Warcraft eyeliner is placed in a small mysterious array by Yuan Feng, just like a modern monitor, recording Ziyun The actions of all the people in the palace.

"Is Fenger ready? Once this battle is fought, it's not like we can stop if we stop!"

Seeing Yuan Feng's mouth so serious, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help getting very serious. She also knew in her heart that this battle must be fought. Only when fought would she and Yuan Feng be more secure. If not, no matter what time it was, they wouldn't even want to be safe.

"There is nothing to continue to prepare for. The Xuanzhen Giants have all run through, and these Warcraft troops produced by Xiaoba do not need any training at all. Whether they succeed or fail, they have to fight with the people in Ziyun Palace. "

To tell the truth, Yuan Feng has always had a feeling of being afraid to encounter each other, but this is also human nature. After all, the other person is strong and strong. Normally, his chance of winning is not high.

However, the battle is inevitable after all, and now the strength of the two sides, that is, the peak combat power of the yin and yang fortunes, is a little bit worse. As for the other, he can be completely comfortable.

Although the other party had nine people, he knew clearly that the people of Yingsha Palace and Yunxi Sect could be almost excluded and ignored. After all, these four people would never be desperate for the people of Ziyun Palace. If they catch the chance, they'll probably run away immediately.

The remaining five people in the Ziyun Palace, the four who created the realm of realm are not worried, and the analysis of the yin and yang realm of realm has already consumed a lot of strength and energy at the moment, and in the end may not be left How many threats.

"Also, the longer the delay, the more dangerous it will be for us. In this case, I will now choose the battlefield and be ready to fight against them at any time."

Gritting his teeth suddenly, Jiang Qingwu also agreed with Yuan Feng's idea and was ready to go to war with the opponent.

"Fenger, you let Xiaoba continue to produce more Warcraft troops. I will find a good battlefield now, and then we will carefully arrange some to welcome the arrival of everyone in Ziyun Palace."

The big wave has experienced more, Jiang Qingwu is obviously more calm than Yuan Feng. Speaking of it, although her strength cannot be compared with those of the yin and yang creation, but now she has Yuan Feng's Chixiao sword in hand. As long as she is unexpected and properly managed, even if she is a yin and yang creation, she will still hate the scene .

After the decision is made, the mother and the child are divided into responsibilities, and they are all busy. Jiang Qingwu is looking for a suitable battlefield. This is definitely a major event. Only a suitable battlefield can make her and Yuan Feng's strengths fully exerted, and inhibit the strength of the opponent.

It is obviously not appropriate in this cosmic void. In the vast sky, there is no place for them to arrange, and if it is really impossible to catch them, they will not be able to run even if they want to run.

Therefore, this time the battlefield selection, it is best to choose the interior of a certain middle world, then, even if they really lose, they can still use the strong in that world to escape, it can be regarded as a way for themselves.

Jiang Qingwu's goal is very clear. Of course, there are not too many people in the medium world that she wants to choose. It is better not to have more than two. If there is only one, it is better. After all, it is easy to have more people. Cause unpredictable trouble.

Those who create the realm will be more or less sensitive to each other. Jiang Qingwu will test the major worlds one by one. If she feels that the situation inside is more complicated, she will just pass by. And she who passed away will not be paid too much attention by the formidable powers in the world, of course, there is nothing to worry about!

Speaking of which, there are people in the world in almost all creations, but not everyone in the world of creation has the mood to care about everything. Some powerful people in the world of creation may only want to cultivate, even if someone enters him In the world he lives in, he doesn't bother to take care of it. Such a powerful creature is actually not a minority.

During several explorations, Jiang Qingwu encountered several unwarned worlds. In this world, she can actually enter the battlefield to choose among them. However, these worlds are not the world she likes. .

"Well !!!"

Another world barrier in the middle world was torn directly by Jiang Qingwu, and then she entered the world and began to observe carefully.

"That's it. It's not easy to find such a world!"

After coming to this strange world, after exploring Jiang Qingwu, she immediately determined her thoughts-here is where she and Yuan Feng battled against the people of Ziyun Palace.


Speaking, she just shouted Yuan Feng directly and let Yuan Feng see for herself the world that is about to become a battlefield.

"I'm still wondering why my mother has traveled so many worlds, but chose this place in the end. It turned out to be this one. It's not bad. Such an environment is indeed more suitable for us to decorate."

In fact, Yuan Feng has always been able to observe the outside world through Jiang Qingwu's cave world. When Jiang Qingwu chose the battlefield, he actually didn't stay, but helped to choose together.

Obviously, this world is the most suitable ambush world, because this world, like the previous dry light world, is also a world with a space and time chaotic isolation zone. He and Jiang Qingwu are at this moment. The place is beyond the isolation of spatio-temporal chaos. Here, they not only do not have to worry about being perceived by the formidable powers on the other side of spatio-temporal chaos, but can also enter the spatio-temporal chaos to escape at a critical moment. It couldn't be more suitable.

"Fenger, it ’s up to you next. Your Xuan Zhen means the key to our victory. This time, no matter how much capital you spend, you must arrange this Xuan Zhen to an unprecedented scale. . "

At this moment, she can't help anything, the only thing she can do is wait for Yuan Feng to arrange the battle, then adjust her state, and be ready to fight with the people of Ziyun Palace at any time.

"Mother can go back to Qingwu Palace and rest. The next time, the children will prepare a rich feast for those guys in Ziyun Palace."

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng first looked at the position of the people in Ziyun Palace through the monitoring of Warcraft left by himself, and when it was determined that it would take some time for the other party to reach this place, he was not so panicked.

His eyes glanced around, and the boundless mountains in front of him seemed to be suitable for decoration, and this time, he was going to arrange a super array that had never been before.

Once upon a time, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was in the Three Realms, and this time, he will let the light of this large array bloom in this world.

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