The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1284: Wait for a long time (two more)

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Among the faint cosmic stars, the five strong men in Ziyun Palace, with four people in the dry light world, already don't know how far they have traveled. At this moment, they are obviously a bit tired. In particular, Yan Yan and Dong Han, who are responsible for determining the direction at the front, are pale with a slight touch on their faces.

Different from Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu's arbitrary flying, they want to follow the target, then they must always operate the means to find out the direction of the target's movement, and in the middle, it is quite physically exhausting.

In order to accurately determine the target position, Yan An has not regretted the consumption of the power of yin and yang. At this moment, I am afraid that he has used more than half of the power of yin and yang. If he continues to do so, he will sooner or later. All the power of yin and yang must be consumed.

In a place like the middle world, it is not completely impossible to supplement the power of yin and yang, but it is almost as if there is no such thing. Speaking of which, this is also why those super strong are unwilling to run into lower worlds like the middle world.

People like Jiang Qingwu and others, after they came to the middle world, actually announced that they could only stay in the realm of creation, not to understand the realm of yin and yang, because these worlds did not have the conditions of yin and yang.

"Brother, when are we going to find out? Two months to get back into the world without imagination, we have only half a month left for us."

While making some adjustments in a space, a young man among the five of Ziyun Palace sighed long and asked helplessly.

Frankly speaking, their enthusiasm has completely faded to the present, because the pursuit of this way gives them the feeling that they will never catch up with their goals. This feeling really made them a bit desperate.

"Well, Brother Changfa, what are you complaining about? Brother Yan and I have been trying to sense the goal, we haven't complained, you just wait for it honestly!"

When I heard someone complaining, Dong Han, who was just out of breath, couldn't help but feel a little unhappy, but when the words fell, he ignored the other side and looked directly at the face next to him.

"Brother, it seems that this time should be fine. The other person's breath is already very single. As long as we follow this route, then once they stop, they will be caught up by us."

At this point, they have determined a single escape route, that is, the target should be far away at this moment, but no matter how far the stew is, only if the other party stops, then they can chase. on.

"I don't believe they can keep on, hum, this time, it's hard for them to fly with their wings on."

Of course, Dong Han's analysis is clearer. Now it depends on who has the stronger endurance and faster speed. He really doesn't believe that the other party can escape endlessly, and as long as the other party stops, he will sooner or later find out.

"Speed ​​up, you can't run them this time."

Yan Yan also knows that there is not much time left for them, but until now, they have never seen the target once. If they go back like this, they are bound to undergo the most severe punishment. Therefore, even if they do their best, At least he has to set his goals, or he has an excuse to go back and make a business trip.

In the next itinerary, Yan Xuan increasingly does not regret his own power of yin and yang. Almost every investigation, he needs to consume a large amount of yin and yang power, and this thing uses some less, until all the power of yin and yang is consumed. With light, then he will not be much better than those who are born and created, and there will be no advantage at all.

In this way, everyone hurried on the road, and it took almost five days, and when the sixth day arrived, everyone finally made a happy discovery.

"Stopped, the target stopped, and just entered the world, it seems they have reached their destination!"

Dong Han in the forefront was full of excitement. In his perception, the targets they have been following, apparently stopped here, and then picked out among the surrounding medium worlds, and in the end, of course, he chose a certain medium. The world is in it.

"Huh, is it finally no longer messing up? Well, this time see where you are going to escape." Of course Yan Yan has also felt the situation now, and his action is more rapid, the power of Yin and Yang is running, He eliminated all the middle worlds, and finally set his sights on a world far away.

Before Jiang Qingwu's selection of the world, almost all came in and then came out, and each passing world has two breaths. Therefore, the world they are looking for is the world that the other party did not come out after entering, and such a search is certainly not a problem for them.

"That's where to go !!!"

In this cosmic space, the power of the yin and yang of Yan Yan spread far away. Soon, he was sure of the world where there was only one breath to enter, but there was no breath to come out, and then he came to the scene first. Outside the world barriers of this world.

"Give me a little energy, no one can go wrong, go!"

The world now is almost their last hope. If the goal is not here, then waiting for them may be the punishment of the Ziyun Palace powerhouse.

"Well !!!"

Tear the world barrier with a wave of hand. The nine strong men all flashed into this middle world. However, after everyone flashed into the world barrier, the sight in front of them was to make them all look at each other. Individual hearts are full of shock.

"What is this ...? How can this middle world be so unreal?"

"It's a weird world, even a breath of life can't be sensed, and it's too exaggerated to see the distant scene with my cultivation, right?"

"It's not right. After walking through so many medium-world spaces, this is the first time I've seen a scene like this. How can I always feel wrong?"

One by one, the formidable realm came to this world, but everything that can be seen is that they are a little lost.

Compared to other middle worlds, this middle world looks like it is fake, and it is not real at all.

"Hum, stupid, don't you see that we are being counted now, have we entered the space of others?"

When everyone looked at the scene in surprise, the face analysis surrounded by the crowd spoke coldly again, and while talking, his face couldn't help being a little gloomy.

Others haven't responded yet, but he has already reacted. Obviously, just the moment they broke the barrier of the world, they didn't enter this middle world. It seems that their opponents have long been ready for them to come in, so they cast a mysterious array after the world barrier, and at this moment, they are simply throwing themselves into the net.

As soon as he thought of it, his heart could not help but be angry.

After chasing for so long, it turned out to be such a result. Can anyone change who is not angry?

"What? Xuanzhen space? We are actually trapped in other people's Xuanzhen space? Is this too incredible?"

"Good guy, it's really a big deal. We have arranged a mysterious array that is close to the barriers of the world. It seems that our opponent is a master who is proficient in mysterious array. This is a little troublesome."

"It's really a mysterious array, and even the world barriers are gone. Did you dare to use this inferior method to calculate me? When I find him, I must frustrate it."

After hearing Yan Yan's reminder, everyone returned to God and realized where they were waiting.

Speaking of course, with their cultivation, of course it is impossible to see things like mysterious array space, but before they broke the barriers of the world and entered here, they subconsciously thought that they had entered the world, where would they think of themselves Wait for someone to be counted?

After looking back and looking again, they found out that the barriers in the world had disappeared. Instead, it was a purple space like the one in front, and the margins could not be seen at a glance.

"Brother, what shall we do? It seems that this mysterious array looks very powerful!"

Unexpectedly, he was caught in the enemy's calculations, and of course, it was up to Yan Yan to take his idea. They can feel that this mysterious array is obviously very mysterious. With their ability, it is difficult to open it.

The Xuanzhen thing is awkward to say some means called Xia Sanya, but each of them knows clearly that an opponent who is proficient in Xuanzhen is the most terrible and hardest opponent. Now I know In the face of others and others, it turned out to be a guy who is proficient in Xuan Zhen, and their hearts have been secretly crying.

"Zhu Xuan Zhen, what is it for me? Open it for me!"

Gaze glanced around, Yan Yan suddenly showed his own spirit sword, and then a sword was cut out.


The strong man in the realm of yin and yang, this sword is simply extremely powerful. As his sword is cut out, the surrounding space of the mysterious array is slightly trembling, and it is obviously a bit unstable.


Between the dazzling Jian Mang flashing, it disappeared into the distance, but when the Jian Mang disappeared, there was no change in the entire mysterious space, just like his sword, completely chopped in Got the same place.

"What? This, this ..."

When Jian Mang disappeared, and even a trace of breath was not left, the original indifference on Yan Yan's face was suddenly replaced by shock. Then he realized that the mysterious array now turned out to be Domineering.

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