The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1282: Unexpected outcome (four more)

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Above the snowy ice field, the icy cold wind is mixed with snowflakes that can cut the space, making the icy world even more chilly and cold. However, although the environment here is very cold, it is definitely not cold to some people's hearts.

"Where are you? Where did they all go?"

The five great powerhouses of the Ziyun Palace were all blushing at this time. Everyone's face was full of shock and anger that could not be concealed. At this moment, they couldn't believe everything in front of them.

In the eyes, there is a drift of ice and snow everywhere. The tall palace that originally stood here has disappeared at this moment, and the more than two hundred caves surrounding the shadow-sharing palace that were originally around the Great Conqueror are here. Similarly, there is no trace of breath left. This scene, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, scares their hearts.

When they tracked their targets before, they all felt that they could complete the task very quickly, so they kept more than two hundred people who brought their perfection in the sky, and guarded the palace of Shadowshade to prevent the people inside Run away.

However, it is better now, more than 200 Dongtianjing subordinates have disappeared in such a complete way, and in this scene, they really have no way to believe, nor are they willing to believe.

More than 200 Great Perfectionists, frankly speaking, this is already a very powerful force, even in the arrogant world, in the Ziyun Palace, more than 200 Great Perfectionists can completely let The top of the Ziyun Palace attached great importance. If not only did they not complete the mission, but they also lost more than 200 Great Satisfactory subordinates, then this time they can go back and be ready to be punished.

"You two, roll over for me !!!"

After a brief shock, Yan Xuan first returned to God. With a roar, he suddenly grasped Luo Ying, the main lord of the Shadow Palace, and Luo Bei, the vice lord. Under this arrest, the two unsuspecting powerhouses had no time to resist, but were caught by him at once.

"Say, did you do it?"

More than two hundred people in the Ziyun Palace disappeared while guarding the Yingsha Palace. Naturally, the first thing he thought of was the problem of the Yingsha Palace.

"I ... it's not me, and I can't sense where the Shadow Fiend is !!!!"

Suddenly, Yan Yan was attacked by Yan Yan. The Lord of the Shakespeare Palace, Luo Chuan, did not respond. By the time he felt he was caught, the power of the other side's yin and yang had firmly controlled him, making it impossible for him. Break free.

Frankly, at this moment, Luo Chuan's heart is full of horror, as well as thick and incredible. To say that the two hundred Great Perfectionists in Ziyun Palace are gone, this is not a big deal. After all, those guys have arms and legs and go wherever they want.

However, a palace as large as the Shadow Shade would not have been able to move without the powerful creatures. Even if the person who created the creatures did so, it would be very difficult to move. Moreover, if someone really moved the Shadow Shark in a blatant manner, then he would have already discovered it.

Yingsha Palace disappeared, and of course his heart was full of anxiety. You must know that Yingsha Palace is his root, and it can even be said that his net worth is gone. Now that his net worth is gone, he would be blamed if he was not in a hurry!

"Sir, please be calm, you should know that this is definitely not what I do."

At this time, the vice-lord Luo Bei took a deep breath, but had to speak. As the Deputy Palace Lord of Shadow Shag, his mood is the same as that of Luochuan. The Shadow Palace is their foundation, and all their relatives are in it. Now the palace is gone, and they are sadder than anyone else.


Hearing Luo Bei's words, Yan Xie snorted, but he let go of his hand and released the two.

Why didn't he know that with the strength of the Shadow Shag Palace, even if Luochuan and Luobei were counted, they might not be able to directly and silently wipe out his more than 200 great consummates, that is, There is definitely someone else who does these things.

In connection with the goals they have been following, right now, who does these things right now seems to be nothing worth considering and worth studying.

"Dammit, who are they? Not only have they gathered four **** crystals, but now they have secretly solved more than 200 of the great consummates in Ziyun Palace. Who is there such a means?"

Anger is anger, but at this moment's analysis, it is still more suspicion.

At this moment, of course, he will not think that his opponent is weak, even if he is told to do it, he may not be able to wipe out more than 200 Great Perfectionists without leaving any trace. Moreover, the other party not only After erasing more than two hundred Great Conquerors, even the huge palaces of the Yingsha Palace were moved away.

You know, even the huge palace of Shadowshade cannot be taken away casually by him. First of all, it is impossible to put away the entire palace. Is it shredded? It seems that there is no movement at all, and it is not so easy to shred.

What is even more terrifying is that the entire space has not left a trace of death. It seems that the other party did not kill the people in the Shadow Shag Palace and the Ziyun Palace, but captured everyone all alive.

"Not good, my Yunxi Zong !!!!"

At the same time that the five men and the two men in the Shadow Shadow Palace changed their faces, the two ancestors of the Yunxi Sect apparently realized some problems suddenly, and they all showed their worries.

The vast palace of Yingsha Palace is gone, so what about Yunxi Sect almost similar in strength? I'm afraid it's also difficult to get better!

"Lead the way, to your Yunxi Sect!"

Hearing Yun Bo's ancestor Jiang Boyo whispered, Yan Yan could not help but look at him, and ordered to the other side directly.

"Okay!" Hearing Yan Yan's words, Jiang Boyo first gave a slight glance, but then returned to God and hurriedly answered. He didn't expect that the other party was so reasonable, he just let him go back to see Yunxi Sect. Although there must be the other party ’s own ideas in it, he really wanted to go back to Yunxi Zong to see it now.

"Well !!!"

When he raised his hand to tear the space, Jiang Boyu and Jiang Ke walked ahead, and the others followed closely and rushed to the Yunxi Sect.

Not long after, everyone appeared on the mountain gate of Yunxi Zong. However, when they came to the top of Yunxi Sect, the two main lords of Yunxi Sect all became pale at once, and the whole person seemed to be emptied of spirit.

"It's gone? It's all gone !!! There isn't even one person !!!"

The mind swept through the entire Yunxi sect, and the two Yunxi sects were shocked to find that the Yunxi sect at this time was also empty and completely turned into an empty mountain, let alone a person in the cave heaven, Even an ordinary person has nothing left.

They didn't know that before, Yuan Feng and his party temporarily included the Yunxi Sect's Dongtianjing strong, but in order not to fight the grass and scare the snake, they can only bring all the people who have not reached the Dongtianjing into the Qingwu Palace. Anyway, there is so much space in Qingwu Palace, and these people can be placed everywhere.

Several people in the Ziyun Palace and Shadowshake Palace did not speak. By this moment, they were already sure that all of this was obviously done by a group of people, not just the shadowshade palace side and Yunxi Sect. At the same time, I am afraid that the entire Qiangguang Realm can't find the strong men above Dongtianjing at this moment.

"Brother, it seems that our goal seems to know that we exist."

Silence was broken by a strong man in Ziyun Palace. Judging from the current situation, the target they were looking for already knew that they were looking for each other, and even more terrible, the other party not only knew their search, even Taking control of their whereabouts, knowing that they had left Qianguang Realm before, they dared to come to Ganguang Realm and do whatever they want.

"Is this provocation to us? Very good, I'll have to see, in the end who is the deer!" The complexion was so dreary of water at this moment that the analysis of the moment was no matter what the task was, no matter what the task was. If he does not complete the task, he must also win in this game. Otherwise, he really has no face to face his four masters.

"Brother Dong Han, follow me, follow the target!"

With a cold hum, everyone immediately began to track the breath of the target again. This time, the breath left by the other party was more complicated. It would undoubtedly take another effort to find the position where the other party left the dry light world. How much effort they have to find out ...

At the same time, deep in a space far from the dry light world, in a small mysterious space.

"Mother, those guys from Ziyun Palace, Yingsha Palace and Yunxi Sect have returned to Qianguang Realm, and now they are searching for our whereabouts, but they seem to be enraged!"

In the Qingwu Palace, Yuan Feng was lying on a recliner leisurely at the moment, and across from him, Jiang Qingwu was sitting there quietly as well, and his expression was quite contented.

"Have you returned to the dry light world? It seems that we have to run away for a while!" With his eyes narrowed slightly, Jiang Qingwu stood up slowly, but not in a hurry.

At this moment, Yuan Feng has completed the control of everyone, and organized those who are in the heavenly realm, assembled the seven mysterious giants who created the realm. At this moment, they are no longer weak. Already. However, at this time, Xiao Ba is still producing Warcraft, but there is no way to grow faster, which takes some time to accumulate.

"There is a working mother, this time fleeing, let's directly find a suitable place and prepare to deal with those guys. I want to wait until they find us, they should be exhausted!"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's heart faintly looked forward. The eight mysterious giants, plus Jiang Qingwu who holds the Chixiao sword, and of course, his mysterious assistant, this time, as long as his calculations are accurate, this hope may not be won.

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