The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1263: Good relationship (one more)

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After a bit of busyness, Yuan Feng finally took back the relatives and friends scattered around the four gates to Dan Xia Zong. After everyone was taken back to Dan Xia Zong by this time, this time, he was finally at ease. Stay in Danxiazong, no need to go around.

Lingcui Mountain is not small. After returning to Lingcui Mountain, Yuan Feng personally shot and transformed some of the dangerous peaks of Lingcui Mountain into super peaks that are to be sold and sold, and to be practical and practical, and these The peak is naturally a place for his best friends to cultivate, such as Chu Tianyu. It is absolutely necessary to pick a good Lingfeng for cultivation.

Ling Fei and Leng Yun were also assigned their own spiritual peaks for practice by Yuan Feng. The two of them, as the old brothers and sisters who went out of the Montenegro with Yuan Feng and went to the four gates to fight, of course, their treatment was Different, and for their cultivation, Yuan Feng arranged the best cave heaven teaching, and with the teaching of these people, their future will be incalculable.

Chu Yanchen was not arranged separately by Yuan Feng, but put it on the peak of Chu Tianyu, and let her practice with Chu Tianyu. Of course, a good teacher is also essential, and Chu Tianyu With her practice, with her qualifications, I believe that she will soon become a not weak strong.

As for Mu Yun'er, Yuan Feng didn't look for someone who taught her the cave world, because he has decided that Mu Yun'er and Yun Mengchen should follow his mother Jiang Qingwu to practice.

Originally, he actually wanted to give everyone to his mother for training, but later thought, it seems that his mother does not have that much energy to work for so many people, only Mu Yuner and Yun Mengchen Two, she's already busy enough. If there are more, I'm afraid I will feel tired.

Furthermore, the masters selected for other people are all cows who have a great completion in Dongtian Realm. Although they can't compare with his mother Jiang Qingwu, they are almost the same. As long as they are willing, they can still achieve extraordinary.

Yuan Feng actually underestimated her father's and mother's tiresome work together. After bringing everyone back and making arrangements one by one, Yuan Feng waited more than a day, and finally waited for the two. Summoned, and after being summoned by Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Qingyun, Yuan Feng said nothing but took Yun Mengchen directly to the palace where the two were.

After meeting his parents, Yuan Feng was able to find that both of them were obviously in a good mood, especially his father Yuan Qingyun, who hadn't been seen in just a few days. Yuan Qingyun was like a dozen young At the same age, at this moment, he seemed to have restored the vitality of a young man.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Feng's heart was full of emotion. He knew that his mother was a dead knot in his father's heart. If this knot could not be opened, even if he turned Yuan Qingyun into a strong hole in the heavens, the other party would not be able to get up.

However, when this knot is opened, no matter what his father ’s behavior is, his mental state will be completely different.

"Hahaha, Fenger, come here quickly, thank you for your father today, hahahaha!"

The moment Yuan Feng entered the hall, Yuan Qingyun laughed and greeted him directly from the inside. He has learned many things from Jiang Qingwu, knowing that Jiang Qingwu was saved by Yuan Feng at the risk of his life, and he is really grateful for his son.

He never dreamed that he would be able to reunite with his wife in his whole life, but he did not expect that, poorly, his son was so arrogant that he helped him find his wife back.

"Hey, what did the father say? It's my responsibility to get back my mother." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng pulled Yun Mengchen, and came to Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu, "Baby I've seen my father and my mother !!! "

When they came to Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng looked slightly positive, and hurriedly saluted to the two.

"Oh, you child, how polite you are in front of us? Let's get rid of it!" Jiang Qingwu also smiled at this moment. She is also completely indifferent now, such as Today, she returned to her husband, and has a super-genius son. She can spend the rest of the time with peace of mind.

"Hey, it should be." Standing upright, Yuan Feng's eyes swept away from his father and mother, and he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

One of these two is the superpower of the good fortune, and the other is a small figure who is in awe-inspiring realms, but because of love, there is no gap between them. No doubt, such love must be true love.

With the nourishment of love, whether it is Jiang Qingwu or Yuan Qingyun, it seems that they are full of hope for life at once.

"Mother, this is Dream Dust, but the one chosen by the child, can also be regarded as a sweetheart with the child. From now on, I also hope that the mother can take the shot and instruct Mengchen to practice."

After a few simple greetings, Yuan Feng couldn't help but move aside, let Yun Mengchen come to the front, and introduced to Jiang Qingwu. Yuan Qingyun knows Yun Mengchen, but it is not necessary to introduce too much, but her mother is definitely the first time to see Yun Mengchen, of course, a little more formal.

"Dream Chen, this is my mother. From now on, you will follow her and practice the Supreme Divinity with peace of mind."

After Jiang Qingwu's introduction was finished, Yuan Feng looked at Yun Mengchen again, and then introduced it formally.

"This this………"

With regard to Yuan Feng's words, Yun Mengchen simply didn't hear much, because the moment she saw Jiang Qingwu clearly, she was already convinced by the nobility and beauty of the other party.

As a woman, she has always felt that she was extremely beautiful, but at this moment she realized that her little beauty was far worse than Jiang Qingwu in front of her.

If it weren't for Yuan Feng's personal introduction, she would never have imagined that the noble temperament in front of her, the beautiful woman who makes women jealous, would be Yuan Feng's mother.

"Cough, Mengchen, Mengchen? I'm talking to you !!!"

Yuan Feng also felt Yun Mengchen's strangeness at this moment, so she hurriedly coughed and pushed the other person's body.


After being pushed by Yuan Feng like this, Yun Mengchen hurried back to God, and realized his own malaise, so he quickly adjusted his look and owed himself to Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu.

"Meng Chen has seen uncle and aunt!"

Stabilizing the spirit, Yun Mengchen worked hard to make himself no longer shocked, but as long as she looked at the woman in front of her, her heart was difficult to completely calm down anyway.

"Oh, my son even has a sweetheart. I thought he was only focusing on cultivation. He didn't have any one he liked. Come here and let me take a good look."

Jiang Qingwu's eyes fell naturally on Yun Mengchen's body, and he looked up and down.

Generally speaking, she still appreciates Yuan Feng's vision. Although Yun Mengchen is not strong, the potential for cultivation is really good. If it is cultivated every day, it should have promising future.

Yun Mengchen did not dare to disobey at all. When she heard Jiang Qingwu calling herself to pass, she hurriedly moved her steps towards Jiang Qingwu, and the closer she got to Jiang Qingwu, the more she There is a sense of self-defeating.

"Yes, Feng'er's eyes did not say, Mengchen, from now on, you will practice with me. It won't be long before you think you can reach the sky."

After pulling Yun Mengchen's hand, Jiang Qingwu felt roughly. With Yun Mengchen's qualifications, the steps to improve cultivation do not need to be too conservative. As long as he is willing and attentive, then Yun Mengchen's cultivation can definitely move forward.

"Everything goes to your aunt."

Yun Mengchen did not dare to raise her head too high, although she knew that the other party would not be against her, but as soon as she felt the other person's breath, she had to be affected.

"A really good boy." Nodded with satisfaction, Jiang Qingwu took Yun Mengchen's hand. Obviously, he had a lot of words to say to the other party, and some words were not suitable for Yuan Feng and Yuan Qing Yun to hear. .

"The two of you, father and son, first avoid it. Mengchen and I have something to say. After you finish, you can come in!"

Now that it ’s been determined that this is her future daughter-in-law, of course Jiang Qingwu has to have a good relationship with Yun Mengchen, and carefully develop a training plan for the other party. Anyway, her daughter-in-law, Jiang Qingwu, at least also Do you have to practice above the cave heaven?

"Hahaha, okay, Fenger and I will go out first, and call us after you finish talking." Yuan Qingyun had no problem. Jiang Qingwu's words were simply imperial edicts to him. , We will pull Yuan Feng out.

"Ahem, my father wait a moment." Hearing his father calling himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help but hesitate, but in the end he looked right and looked at Jiang Qingwu and Yun Mengchen, "Mother The reason why the child can have today is all because of the elders of Dan Xiazong, and the master of Dan Xiazong has a thousand dollars, but he is the sister of the child. He also asked his mother to give pointers while teaching Dream Dust. Sister's cultivation, what about my mother's intentions? "

Mu Yun'er, he thought about it for a long time, but decided to say it. As for whether it will cause Yun Mengchen to be unhappy, he can only take one step to calculate. If the other party is unhappy, he will think of other things. The only way to make the other person happy is.


When Yuan Feng's words fell, Jiang Qingwu's face couldn't help flashing a weird look. Pointing at one or two was not a big difference for her, but Yuan Feng dared to pull in other women at this time. In this regard, she really admired her son.

Subconsciously looking at Yun Mengchen, she realized that it seemed that the latter had already been prepared, and it seemed that Yuan Feng was not too surprised.

"Oh, naturally no problem. When I finish talking with Meng Chen, you can bring her over!"

Since Yun Mengchen had no dissatisfaction, of course, she would not say anything, but she could not help being curious about the so-called sister in Yuan Feng's mouth.

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