The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1262: Generous rewards (four more)

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I haven't seen him for a period of time, and the monarch of Xiu Xiu has not changed much, but when he met Yuan Feng, the emperor of the Qing Xizong was indescribable.

Once upon a time, when Yuan Feng was in front of her and the other three great lords, she was just a small junior, but nowadays, Yuan Feng's strength has been so thorough that even the old ancestors of the Qing Dynasty have said, Yuan Feng wanted to destroy the entire Tianlong dynasty. It was nothing more than an idea.

Thanks to her and Yuan Feng being familiar, otherwise, she might not even be able to speak clearly in front of such a superpower!

"Mr. Xiu Xiu, since this time, thank you for your teaching to Meng Chen. No matter when they are, they are all disciples of Qingyuzong. This will never change."

After the guests were seated, Yuan Feng did not show that unattainable expression, but was very kind, and even acted with the etiquette of the juniors to his predecessors, and his performance naturally made the master Xiu Xiu ’s heart. Slightly safer.

"Hey, Son of Yuan Feng, you should also know that Qingzong Zong was trained as an heir to Dream Dust, and now Yuan Feng is going to take Meng Chen away, and this case is really reluctant."

Although Yuan Feng did not directly explain it, the meaning beyond words was already very obvious. Obviously, Yuan Feng came here to take Yun Mengchen away. It's not just Yunmeng Chen, but even Chu Yanchen and Ling Fei, who are on the side, are going to pick it up immediately.

Yun Mengchen naturally does not need to say, but in fact, even Chu Yanchen and Ling Fei can definitely be said to be rare geniuses in Qingzhuang, especially Chu Yanchen. If it was not for her personality, she would have been long ago. I also cultivated Chu Yanchen as an heir.

But now it seems that she did not regard it as an heir to cultivate, it is right, because no matter how it is cultivated, the other party will eventually leave.

Yuan Feng was going to take someone away. She couldn't even say a word, let alone them. Even the old ancestors of the Qingzong ancestors went out in person. I'm afraid it was nothing in front of Yuan Feng! You know, not long ago, Yuan Feng, but the three ancestors of the other three ancestral gates, were all scrapped.

"Zhu Xiu's care and care for Meng Chen is very clear and grateful in the bottom of my heart. There are some small things here, which are what I got when I traveled abroad, nothing else, it should be the next point. The child's heart, also hopes that the master Su Xixiu smiled. "

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's impression of the master of Xiu Xiu was quite good. Anyway, the other person helped him train Yun Mengchen. This credit is worthy of his gratitude.

When you raised your hand, a large number of heavenly treasures and spar stones appeared in the tree house, which almost filled the whole small tree house. It is the treasure that can be cultivated by the strong man in cave heaven. Yuan Qing is obviously not stunned by the Qing Emperor.

"His, this ..."

When a large number of Tiancai Dibao appeared in front of him, the master of Xiu Xiu suddenly took a breath of air, and the whole person was unable to recover.

She didn't actually ask Yuan Feng for a reward, but what she never expected was that Yuan Feng took out such a big hand in her hands. The treasure in front of her was like nothing she had seen before. These babies, I am afraid that the strength of the Qingluzong can be multiplied several times. Even the old ancestors of the Qingluzong, will definitely benefit a lot.

In the current Tianlong dynasty, the old ancestors of the other three major gates have been abolished. Only her old ancestors of the Qingzong ancestor are still there. Now these are the treasures. Obviously, the four main gates of the Tianlong dynasty will be young Xun Zong is doing his best!

"These things are collected by the Emperor Xiu Xiu first. With these treasures, the resources of the Emperor Xiu Xiu ’s impact on the heaven of the cave should be enough. If there is anything that he does not understand in the future, the Emperor Xiu Xiu can always go to Danxia in Heishan Zong went to me. "

Yun Mengchen's master is actually equivalent to half of his master. Of course, for this, he must give enough rewards to give the other party resources to cultivate the heavenly realm. This is not something everyone can enjoy. Treatment.

"The resources of the Shock Cave Heaven Realm?" Sure enough, when I heard Yuan Feng's words, the spirit of the ancient master of Xiu Xiu did not wave, but could not help but a little turbulence. Dong Tianjing, I'm afraid that no one can resist the attraction of this realm, she also can't.

"Ah, it seems that Yuan Feng's son is indeed much smarter than ordinary people like us. The realm of Dongtianjing seems to you to be worthless ?!"

You can give others the resources to achieve the Heavenly Heaven Realm. Obviously, in the eyes of Yuan Feng today, the Heavenly Realm is absolutely nothing.

"Cough, Master Xiu Xi thinks too much." With a light cough, Yuan Feng stood up and beckoned to Yunmeng Chen and Lingfei Chu Tianyu and others, He signaled that they were all approaching, and then continued to Master Xiu Xiu, "Master Xiu Xiu, Dan Xia Zong is still waiting for us to return. I will take them back to Dan Xia Zong first. If anything, 鸾Xiu Zong can come to me at any time. "

No matter how long he stays, he still has to leave after all. Yuan Feng doesn't want to stay too much. He wants to come to his father and mother. He should have been affectionate too, and it's also time to take Yun Mengchen back to meet his parents and confirm them The relationship between.

"Is this going?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's eyes when she heard that Yuan Feng was about to take someone away, but no matter how persistent she was, she knew she couldn't stop the other party.

"Master, the disciples will continue to work hard after they leave, and they will never lose their reputation."

Yun Mengchen stepped forward and came to the master of Xiu Xiu, very considerate and authentic. Her heart was also a bit reluctant, but no matter how reluctant, Yuan Feng came to pick her up, she had no reason to leave.

"I Xiu Xiu can have a disciple like you in this life without regrets, remember to often go back to Qing Yizong to see, this is also your home."

The master of Xiu Xiu is not that kind of sentimental person. He sighed softly and patted Yun Mengchen's shoulder.

"Well, the disciples will come back often."

Nodded his head, Yun Mengchen also endured the perseverance of his heart, Shi Shiran returned to Yuan Feng's side, his eyes were obviously reddish, but he finally held back his tears.

"Well, Master Xiu Xiu, since it's all right, I'll take them away, we will have a period later."

Yuan Feng was even sharp and clear. When his voice dropped, he suddenly raised his hand. All of the others except Yun Mengchen were all included in his cave world by himself. With his hand, Yun Mengchen embraced his own arms, and then disappeared directly into place.

"The master takes care of you, and the disciples will come back to see you."

When Yuan Feng took Yun Mengchen away and disappeared, Yun Mengchen's voice still came back far away, echoing in this cozy little tree house, while listening to the voice, the face of Master Xiu Xi could not help showing A bitterness.

"Ah, after all, is it gone? My most proud disciple ..."

Since the discovery of Yunmengchen in Fengtian County, Montenegro, she has always regarded the other party as her favorite disciple, and even cultivated as a successor. Unfortunately, in the end, she actually sent the other party away. Now, this kind of feeling is really not generally uncomfortable.

"I hope this girl can achieve something in the future and become a real superpower!"

Looking through the tree house, his eyes looked far away. In addition to the feelings of Emperor Wu Xiu, there was only feelings left. From now on, I am afraid she will choose a new disciple for training, but if she can still find a disciple as good as Yun Mengchen, that is not what she can predict.

"A lot of Lingbao from heaven and earth, it seems that this son of Yuan Feng is really far beyond ordinary people. In the eyes of others, even the power of the cave world is nothing!"

Looking back, she couldn't help but glance at the unheard of babies in front of her, and she was full of excitement for a while. According to Yuan Feng, these babies are enough for her to practice in the realm of Dongtian, and if she can really reach that realm, then she can also be at ease and do whatever she wants!

When thinking of this, the sorrow of Yun Mengchen and others who left her could not help but alleviate a lot ...

At the same time, in the blue sky, Yuan Feng grabbed Yun Mengchen. At this moment, the journey back to Dan Xiazong has begun. However, the two of them are not on the same way as Mu Yuner, obviously. Yuan Feng did not directly move back.

"Dream Chen, from now on, you will stay by my side and you can never leave me again, are you ready?"

Holding Yun Mengchen's waist, Yuan Feng was flying in the air while gently blowing the airway in the other's ear.

"Already prepared, but you don't want to talk and count, and you will not make excuses to leave alone." Let Yuan Feng hold it, Yun Mengchen enjoyed Yuan Feng's whisper comfortably, the whole person said Unrestrained free and easy. She is definitely a strong woman, but no matter how strong she is, of course she needs a strong arm to hold her.

"No, this time I will never leave you again, I will let you be with me all my life, never to be separated."

Tightening his arms, Yuan Feng solemnly promised. However, the so-called changes in the world and what the future will look like, no one can say clearly. Perhaps, when a change occurs, even if it is as strong as Yuan Feng, there will be a lot of involuntarily!

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