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After leaving Yun Mengchen, Jiang Qingwu directly ordered Yuan Feng and his son to go off, and the poor father and son could only retreat honestly, waiting for Jiang Qingwu to be summoned again.

After only Jiang Qingwu and Yun Mengchen were left in the room, the former couldn't help but seriously look at Yun Mengchen's expression, and now she realized that there was still a trace of incompleteness in Yun Mengchen's eyes. Concealed taste.

"Oh, Mengchen, if you have any thoughts, you will show them directly. If you hold them in your heart, it will not be good for your emotions."

Taking Yun Mengchen to the deep seat of the hall, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help but smile, a little bit authentic.

She just said, as a woman, how could it not care about her own man thinking about other women? If Yun Mengchen didn't really respond at all, then it is really abnormal!

"Auntie, I'm fine. Yuan Feng is a mortal genius. No genius like him can demand him. As long as he has me in his heart, I will always follow him and never give up."

After sitting down with Jiang Qingwu, Yun Mengchen slowly let go of the tension in her heart, because she already felt that Jiang Qingwu in front of her was not really such a difficult person, at least, the other person She seemed to really like her and showed no dissatisfaction.

"Okay, it seems that Fenger really did not read the wrong person." Hearing Yun Mengchen's true confession, Jiang Qingwu secretly yelled, but he became more and more fond of Yun Mengchen.

"Mengchen, although I haven't been with Fenger for a long time, but I believe that Fenger is a very responsible person. I hope that in the future you can seriously cultivate and be the best helper, even if It can't help him in the battle, but at least it will allow him to feel some warmth while fighting. "

After leaving Yun Mengchen, she just wanted to talk to the other party with some conscientious words. As for the light or the heavy, then Yun Mengchen should realize it by herself.

"Auntie, Meng Chen knows how to do it."

With a sweet smile, Yun Mengchen was not as complicated and complicated as Jiang Qingwu thought. Yuan Feng ’s excellence is well-known. She never felt that she was qualified to be Yuan Feng. So, even if Yuan Feng is really three wives and four concubines, she will never have any complaints, let alone Yuan Feng is really not that. Kind of person.

"Smart girl, from today on, you will stay with me for the time being, and you will not be with Fenger for a while before you reach the cave world. That will only affect your practice and waste time."

Yun Mengchen's cultivation must be promoted. This is a matter of urgency. If there is no strength in the heavenly world in this world, it is difficult to protect yourself.

"Well, everything is listening to my aunt, whatever you ask me to do, I will do it."

Jiang Qingwu still had no complaints at all. She could see that even Yuan Feng had to obey Jiang Qingwu's arrangements. Of course, she had no reason to object to Jiang Qingwu's plan. Moreover, for the achievement of the sky, She is indeed full of longing. If she can reach the cave heaven, then at least she can protect herself.

"Good, I like obedient children."

Not to mention, Yun Mengchen's response made Jiang Qingwu very satisfied, but in her heart, she has begun to think about how to improve Yun Mengchen's cultivation.

"Well, let's not mention cultivation. For now, tell me about the relationship between you and Fenger. We are all women. There is nothing to hide."

This time Yun Mengchen was left, she was not for the purpose of cultivation. Speaking of which, what she wanted to know most was the story between Yun Mengchen and Yuan Feng. Only by knowing the experience in it could she be able to Judging how far his son and Yun Mengchen in front have reached.

When he heard Jiang Qingwu's words, Yun Mengchen hesitated for a moment, but then began to talk about her past with Yuan Feng in 1510.

There are bitterness and sweetness in the memories. If Jiang Qingwu hadn't asked these, she might never tell these treasured memories. Not enough Since Jiang Qingwu wants to listen, she can only take it out and share it with the other party.

Yun Mengchen's ability to tell stories is not high, but when she began to tell, Jiang Qingwu, who was opposite, listened involuntarily, but for a while she didn't respond.

While Jiang Qingwu and Yun Mengchen were talking in the hall, the two of Yuan Feng and his son had left the entrance of the hall and came to a slightly desolate forest path.

"Father, we have a family of three, and we are finally reunited!"

Following Yuan Qingyun walking through the forest, Yuan Feng's face flashed a hint of naturalness, and at the same time whispered.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, this is indeed a real reunion, but you really have your own boy, and dare to mention other women beside Mengchen, are you afraid that this girl is unhappy?

The reunion of the family naturally made Yuan Qingyun excited, but at this moment, he felt that it was time to give Yuan Feng a lesson. In front of Yun Mengchen, Yuan Feng openly mentioned Mu Yuner, which was somewhat unjustifiable.

"Hey, Meng Chen is not such a stingy person, and should not be unhappy." When hearing his dad mentioned this, Yuan Feng's face couldn't help showing a hint of embarrassment. He also understood that there was something wrong with mentioning Mu Yuner in front of Yun Mengchen, but some things had to be mentioned.

Mu Yuner, as his sister and the daughter of Muhai Sovereign of Danxia Zong, must be treated differently in any case. Only by letting her follow her mother's practice can she be regarded as different.

Yun Mengchen is a reasonable person. He believes that the other party can accept this, and also believes that Yun Mengchen can become a good friend with Mu Yuner.

"Hey, you child, the strength is already a mess, but I'm afraid I don't know much about girls. What other woman is willing to let her husband worry about other women?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Yuan Qingyun shook his head and sighed, but he did not agree with Yuan Feng's idea. He came here, and of course knew the thoughts of those daughters' homes, but he couldn't say too much about them.

Mu Yuner's affection for Yuan Feng was in his eyes and understood in his heart. If Yuan Feng really stubbornly ignored it, it was really a bit cruel. Perhaps Yuan Feng's current approach should be more feasible. As for Yun Mengchen's grievance, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

"Poor Yuner, I hope she can figure it out for herself in the future!" He sighed quietly, he didn't want to participate in Yuan Feng's emotional problems. What these young people want to do is left to them. .

"Fenger, anyway, you don't have any major things to do right now. During this time, you have to think of ways to improve the cultivation of my Yuan family, Yun family, and Dan Xiazong people. , Your current means are all-inclusive, and wanting to do this should be nothing to you? "

The return of Jiang Qingwu has stimulated his determination to develop vigorously. Jiang Qingwu's strength is too strong and too strong, while the strength of the Yuan family is weak and pitiful. Even himself, he can't take it at all. Therefore, he naturally hopes to be able to improve more and narrow the distance with Jiang Qingwu.

"Hey, father, rest assured, I now have a lot of time, I can find various ways to enhance the strength of everyone, not long, I want to let our Yuan family and Yun family, and the entire Danxiazong, Become the biggest force of the Tianlong dynasty, maybe one day, everyone can achieve the state of Dongtian, even stronger! "

There is no need for Yuan Qingyun to say that Yuan Feng must have thought about these things. For the Yuanjia Yunjia and Dan Xiazong people, their cultivation qualifications are absolutely limited. If they let them practice slowly, God knows when He can't make more progress. As for whether his help will affect their future achievements, it is even more unnecessary to consider.

Frankly speaking, he never had any extravagant hopes. How powerful these Yuan and Yun families can be in the future, because that is simply not a realistic thing at all.

"Father, other people ’s cultivation is not anxious, but your father ’s cultivation, but you must be promoted faster. The mother ’s strength, the father may already have some understanding, let the father catch up with the mother ’s pace, I ’m afraid it ’s It's a bit difficult, but at least we must not be too different from our mother! "

Looking at Yuan Qingyun, Yuan Feng smiled slightly.

"Haha, it's okay, my mother and I really love each other, and it's okay to be repaired, anyway, the dancers will never hate me."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, and especially seeing the faint tinge in Yuan Feng's eyes, Yuan Qingyun couldn't help embarrassingly smiling, and yelled casually.

"Really? It turned out that my father didn't care about these at all. I still want to help my father ascend to Dongtian Realm as soon as possible. It seems that there is no need to worry, those prepared babies can also be used on Mengchen them!"

After Yuan Qingyun's words fell, Yuan Feng could not help but deliberately raised his eyebrows, expressing his affectionate expression.

"Well, you kid are so obsessed with it, you do n’t even use it to promote cultivation, but you still want to use it for others? Have you forgotten who raised you?"

Yuan Qingyun's face was black and black, and he glared at Yuan Feng.

"Isn't my father not wanting promotion? Then I can't force my father to promote?"

"Okay, Shao Luo, any good way to get it out quickly, I also have to feel the feeling, what kind of feeling it will be when it becomes the cultivation of annihilation and even the cave heaven."

There was no eager promotion, but how could he actually be unwilling to promote? Countless times weaker than his wife, and let his wife protect it, this is not a situation that a big man would like to see.

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