The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1247: Shadow Shark Palace Luochuan (1 more)

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This is a silver world, and the entire space world is shining. It seems that as long as you deliberately blend into the surrounding silver light, you can complete a perfect concealment, which is hard to find by outsiders.

At this moment, in this silver space, a middle-aged man wrapped in silver robes all over his body is quietly sitting on a dark futon. The middle-aged man only revealed a pair of closed eyes and two sharp sword eyebrows, but these two eyebrows gave endless oppression.

Opposite the middle-aged man, two men, one woman, and three young men stood in a row, but were silently waiting for the middle-aged man to speak. The three of them were absolutely obedient, as long as the middle-aged man did not Out loud, they did not dare to have the slightest change, as if it had become a sculpture.

Time passed, and the three young men stood for almost an hour or so. At this time, the middle-aged man above finally opened his eyes and revealed a pair of star-like eyes.

"Yes, it seems that the three of you are all good at heart, but you haven't had any mood swings for so long. Yes, yes!"

Gazes swept over the three young people, and the shadow-shaking palace Lord Luo Chuan nodded with satisfaction, and his mood was obviously quite good.

Among many children, the three in front of them are still considered as talents. Although they are not top geniuses, they are also worth training. With these three children, he is very satisfied.

The time of one hour is not long for the three, and in this hour of time, the three's moods are not fluctuating, and they are neither anxious nor impatient. The last time I tested the three was a lot stronger.

"All my father taught me well, my second brother and my third sister will definitely not let my adult father down."

When the voice of Lord Luochuan of the Shadow Palace disappeared, the granddaughter Luo Ning first stood up, complimenting Luochuan with respect.

"Oh, your child can talk. You can grow up, that is your own understanding. As long as you remember, you are my Luochuan child. You will never lose face with your father in the future."

With a slight smile, Luo Chuan was quite satisfied with his eldest son's answer. Everything must be done step by step. His sons and daughters, who had been able to teach in the future of the fashion without boundlessness, now in the middle world, whether it is the environment or resources, can not be compared with the boundlessness, so it can only be Come slowly.

"Master Father, don't worry, my brother and my three sisters will not humiliate my father."

The second son, Luo Xin, it was also time to stand up and pat his chest to express his determination. Everyone knows that he wants to compete with his eldest son, Luo Ning, and if he doesn't stand up to speak at this time, it's really not normal.

"Well, it's good that Xiner can understand this principle. I have more time to learn from the elders. I think he should be able to teach you a lot of things."

After examining his second son up and down, Luo Chuan thought for a while, and then whispered softly.

"Learn from the elders? Thank you father, the child will definitely learn from the elders." When Luo Chuan's voice fell, Luo Xin could not help but hesitated, but then became excited.

The elders of Shadowshade Palace are now almost the strongest of Shadowshade Palace except for the two main and deputy palace masters. If it is not because they have arrived in the middle world, then the elders of Shadowshade may have already reached the fortune. It ’s not a treat that everyone can enjoy.

At that time, the eldest son, Luo Ning, followed the practice of the other side. It was also the time when Luo Ning's cultivation changed from Dongtianjing Seventh Heaven to Dongtianjing Eighth Heaven. At that time, the second son, Losin, couldn't help but feel happy.

"Well, you can do it for yourself." Nodded, Luochuan's gaze finally turned to the third daughter Luo Xueyue. Speaking of his heart, he actually liked the daughter more than the other two, because he knew very well that in terms of qualifications, this daughter must definitely be above the two sons.

Unfortunately, women are women after all, and there are too many troublesome things. Therefore, in the future Shadow Shark, he will never rest assured that a woman will take over. At best, he will let the other party take care of the Shadow Shark.

"Yueer, how is your practice of Wuying Shengong? The first-level realm, but have you realized it again?"

Luo Xueyue is one of the few who can practice the full version of the shadowless power in Yingsha Palace, and he has high hopes for this daughter. Perhaps, after a long time, his own daughter will really grow into Yingsha Palace. Super strong, even the first strong in the entire Shadow Shag Palace.

"Please comment from my father !!!"

Luo Xueyue still adheres to her non-talking personality, and her mind is moved between words, and the first-level technique of shadowless magic is operated, and as she operates the technique, her body quickly disappears. It was in place, and there was no trace, as if it was completely integrated into this silver space.

"Eh? This is ... into the hall, this is the situation of the first floor in the hall without shadow magic work, okay, okay! Hahahaha!" Watching his daughter disappeared in front of him, Luochuan was a little surprised, but Then I couldn't help but laugh a long time, and my face was full of joy and satisfaction.

Obviously, from the perspective of the shadowless magic performed by Luo Xueyue at this moment, the other party has clearly cultivated the shadowless magic of the first level to the point where he entered the room, and this state is already remarkable in the Shadow Shark Palace. Can be clicked, very rare realm.


Just as Luochuan was laughing, Luo Xueyue's figure slowly emerged, and a little pride was revealed in the corner of his eyes. She was inspired by Yuan Feng this time, and she moved the first floor of Wuying's magic to the next city. All of them borrowed the light of Yuan Feng.

"Hahaha, Yueer, I did not read you wrong. In the future, you must have a bright future, hahahaha!"

Nodded his head, Luochuan laughed again and again uncontrollably, it was simply unspeakable satisfaction.

"Thank you for your father's praise, Yueer will continue to work hard." Luo Xueyue fluttered without a few praises from Luochuan. On the contrary, the other party's praises made her take it more seriously. The first level of shadowless magic is thoroughly practiced to the same level.

"Well, the three of you came to see me today. Shouldn't it be all right? Anything, though, said that I am in a good mood for my father today, and can do it, I will definitely satisfy you."

For a long time, these three children have rarely been together, and the situation like this is really rare, he is really curious in his heart. Today these three children come together. What is it for!

"Father, the baby, the second brother, and the third sister are here. There are indeed some things that they want to ask their father. At this time, it is not a small thing. You need to confirm with your father."

When he heard his father's question, the eldest son Luo Ning looked right, then took a step forward, and spoke very seriously.

"Well? Not a trivial matter? Still have to confirm with me?"

Being told by his eldest son, Luo Chuan had some interest for a while, and he was really curious, what kind of situation was actually able to reach the level that needs to be determined with him.

"Ninger, what are you talking about, what should you do for your father?" Luo Chuan couldn't help but wait for the explanation of his son.

"That ’s it. Father, a few days ago, my second brother and my three sisters squatted outside of Kalan Mansion and guarded the strong man in Kalan Mansion, but found a mysterious group of strong men who entered Kalan Mansion, baby. Curious, he concealed his body and carefully followed, and his father knew what the mysterious people did in the end? "

Luo Ning's face was full of suspicion, and he could not see any falsehood at all.

"Well? Mysterious people? What did you do? Ninger went on to say." Luo Chuan was completely intrigued. To say mysterious people, is there anyone more mysterious than them?

"The children followed behind them, but eventually found out that this group of people had cheated the owner of Jialan House and subdued the owner of Jialan House by strange means. In the end, among them One of the guys even took out a green crystal to let the owner of Jialan House recognize whether he had seen it. "

Speaking of which, Ronin's look became a little weird, as if to stop talking.

"What? Subdued the owner of Jialanfu Mansion? Is it the person who created the realm?" When Luoning said that the owner of Jialanfu Mansion was subdued by a mysterious man, Luochuan could not help but be a little bit shocked. You know, to be able to subdue the main characters of the government, I am afraid that only those who can create the realm can do it, but if someone who has created the realm comes to the light world, he should have some sense.

"Father, what these guys do is not what the child wants to report to you. What the child really wants to say is the green crystal that they took out and asked the owner of the Jialan House. The green crystal, the child vaguely remembered the shape. And this thing, I should have seen it in my father. "

Luo Ning's face became more and more serious, but in the end, he had become extremely serious.

"Eh? Green crystal? Have you seen it on my body?" Luo Chuan realized that this was the focus of his eldest son, but what green crystal did he see on his body? It really puzzled him.

"Yes, I have seen it on my father's body, but the crystal on his father's body seems to be khaki."


When Luo Ning's last word came down, Luo Chuan suddenly stood up, and the whole person's face became extremely wonderful.

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