The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1246: Try (four more)

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After capturing the elder son of Yingsha Palace and others, Yuan Feng was non-stop, led directly by the second son of Yingsha Palace, Luo Xin, and went down to the residence of Yingsha Palace, and immediately conquered the three elders of Yingsha Palace.

The strength of the elders of Shadow Shag Palace is comparable to the elders of Shadow Two, but no matter what he does, with the assistance of the second son Luo Xin, they can only be honestly subdued by Yuan Feng and become Yuan Feng. One of the many cave heavens.

At the same time, Losin also transferred the Shadow Seven elders lurking in Jialan Mansion and asked Yuan Feng to subdue him. In this way, the strong side of Losin finally fell into the ground without falling. Yuan Feng's hand counted the seven of the eldest son Luo Ning's side. At this point, Yuan Feng had control of fifteen strong men in the Shadow Fiend Palace.

Although Yingsha Palace is strong, the backbone is nothing more than a lot of elders in the heavenly realm. At this moment, Yuan Feng conquered the top 10 strongest men, and he also conquered the grandson and second son of Yingsha Palace. At the moment, he had already mastered a lot of power in the Shadow Palace.

Of course, the extra power is not very useful at this moment. What is really useful is Luoying, the eldest son of Yingsha Palace, Ye Xin, the second son, and Luo Xueyue, the third lady.

Luo Ning ’s line is definitely to find a way to make use of it. Such a good opportunity, in any case, must think of an idea, let this Luo Ning try his luck, if you can really hold the **** crystal, Then you really have to save a lot of thought.

As long as Luoning can be brought into contact with Shenjing, then this one Jingjing is also in his hands. And once Shenjing is in his hands, then he can take the initiative, but at that time, he doesn't have to worry about the waves from the people in Shadowshake Palace.

The place where Losin and others are located outside Jialan House is a very secret place. People in the Shadow Fiend Palace are proficient in the method of hiding. Of course, the place where they live is not without any characteristics. At least, the place they choose is definitely a place hard for outsiders to find.

Yuan Feng was not interested in the hidden place chosen by Luo Xin. For him, the most important thing right now is to think of a reasonable and reasonable reason for Luo Ning to deceive the **** crystal in the master of the Shadow Palace.

In the slightly dim underground world, Yuan Feng sent everyone else aside, but only the two sons and one young lady of the Shadow Shag Palace were left. The next action depends on these three people. Already.

"Lorning, and Losin, Blood Moon, I will ask you, your father, but have you mentioned the other five elements of the Five Elements?"

Behind his hands, Yuan Feng stood proudly at the top of the underground palace, and opposite him, the three of Yingsha Palace stood in a row, quietly waiting for his orders and questions.

"A few other five-element **** crystals?" When Yuan Feng's words fell, the three people across were a little stunned, apparently did not expect that Yuan Feng would ask the whereabouts of the other five-element **** crystals.

As for Yuan Feng, all three of them are respectful and fearful, and they dare not make any mistakes. However, they are not familiar with Yuan Feng's identity. Where exactly Yuan Feng comes from, their hearts are only a little speculative.

In their thoughts, Yuan Feng is likely to be a strong man without delusion, because only a strong man without delusion can have so many terrible means, and only a strong man without delusion can create it. Mythical giants of this level of good fortune.

However, when they heard that Yuan Feng was trying to get their father's **** crystal, they were a little puzzled again. Theoretically, if Yuan Feng is really a strong man from the world of no delusion, then there is no reason to think about so many things. How powerful is the strong man of no delusion? Isn't it just going to be destroyed in minutes?

In the end, they could only be curious about the origin of Yuan Feng, but they did not know where Yuan Feng originated. At the moment, Yuan Feng asks about the whereabouts of the other five elements of Jingjing. From this point of view, if Yuan Feng is not a strong person with no delusion, then he is at least four other forces.

"Young Master, his subordinates are with his father, but he heard him mention the other four **** crystals, and he can hear that he is full of longing for the other four **** crystals."

It is still the eldest son Luo Ning who spoke. In terms of confidentiality, the second son Luo Xin is really unable to participate, and the Lord of the Shadow Shag Palace can let him know about it, which is actually very rare.

"Well, it seems that the five masters of the five palaces all want to gather the five **** crystals together, and then fly into the sky!"

At the time, the five palaces snatched a five-element **** crystal and took it away, but in the end, no one wanted to take out their own things to complete others, and the five **** crystals wanted to gather together, then they could only be annexed to each other, and the last one was left. Can get the control of Shenjing.

Tianxing Palace and Tianlian Demon Palace have already withdrawn from the stage of competition. At the moment, the remaining two palaces have no news. The Shadow Palace is qualified to continue the competition. However, the goal he was fighting for was not the other four palaces, but rather a special case of Yuan Feng.

"The Lord of the Shakespeare Palace is very eager for the **** crystal. This one can be used. The so-called can't give up the child and can't trap the wolf. If there is no way, it can only use the **** crystal on me as a bait. ! "

The three **** crystals and the four **** crystals are actually similar. He can take out one **** crystal as a bait, maybe he can change one to two, then he can control the four **** crystals. Anyway, he is now holding three **** crystals in his hand, but it is not effective at all. Even if he loses one, it doesn't matter at all.

"After the fight, I started with the **** crystal. Anyway, I do n’t get the one **** crystal in the Shadow Shark Palace. Even if I get the other four **** crystals, it ’s a display. In this case, take out my current **** crystal. Come one by one, find a way to get the one in the Shadow Shades Palace. "

Having figured this out, Yuan Feng has decided that this time, he can only take out the **** crystal in his hand and use it. As for how to use it, it is natural to pass Luo Ning and others.

"It doesn't seem to be necessary to take the **** crystal, as long as it is under the guise of the **** crystal, it may not be impossible to deceive the **** crystal of the shadow evil palace, everything, look at it!"

With a frown, Yuan Feng's heart suddenly flashed with aura of light, and each plan was slowly smoothed out by him.

"Lorning, from now on, all your actions will be directed by me, what to do, and even how to say, I will tell you one by one, and you only need to obey my orders."

Looking positive, Yuan Feng said solemnly and solemnly.

"It's all based on the command of the young master. The young master tells his subordinates what to say, what his subordinates say, and what his subordinates do.

Luo Ning naturally had no opinion. If he was allowed to execute it by himself, he would also worry about errors due to his relationship. Since Yuan Feng was going to take over his actions, this could not be better.

"Very good, so now let's move on !!!"

With a sharp fist, Yuan Feng's gaze was slightly fixed, and then he began to issue instructions to the three men, including Luo Ning. Things may not be as difficult as he imagined. Perhaps, after the action has begun, the fourth **** crystal will soon be in their hands ...

Yuan Feng's strategy is not complicated. Therefore, the three of Luo Ning did not stay too much. Almost after Yuan Feng conquered the shadow three elders and shadow seven elders around Luo Xin, the three of them embarked on the journey. .

For these three people, the location of Yingsha Palace is familiar, and as the youngest members of the young generation of Yingsha Palace, their actions in Yingsha Palace are naturally not dared or blocked by anyone. Seeing the Lord of the Shakespearean Palace, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

A few days later, the three, headed by Luo Ning, finally passed through all obstacles and returned to the Shadow Palace.

The gates of the Shadow Shag Palace are undoubtedly always open for them. After going through several layers of transitions and repeated transits, the two young masters of the Shadow Shag Palace plus a princess finally came to the Palace of the Shadow Shag Palace. Almost immediately, when they returned to the palace, they went straight to the commanding heights of the Shadow Palace and approached the past.

It is similar to the Palace of Heavenly Magic and the Palace of Stars. The Shadow Palace, a giant palace, is also composed of independent small spaces. The closer to the upper space, the more naturally it is occupied by the strong shadow palace. The practice space of two sons and a young lady is already in a very high position.

The three of Ronin did not return to their own cultivation world, but went straight to the commanding heights of the Lord of the Shadow Shag Palace, and when they reached the commanding heights of the Shadow Shag Palace, they had not yet reached the Lord of the Shadow Shag Palace. At the time of the land, the figure of an old man slowly emerged from the space and blocked in front of the three.

"Hehe, eldest son, second son, and third lady, it's rare to see three people acting together. What about the three young masters?

The old man is also an iconic silver robe. The whole person looks mentally stunned. If you don't perceive it, almost everyone will feel that this is a guy who has not cultivated himself and has almost integrated with nature.

"Big Elder !!!"

When the old man appeared, Luo Ning didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly bent over to the old man, calmly saluting.

From their title, we can hear that this guard outside the main portal of the Shadow Palace is actually the elder of the Shadow Palace.

"Elder, the three of us have something important to see our father, and we also hope that the elder will act as an acquaintance."

The eldest son, Luo Ning, was equally humble at the moment, without the slightest master's shelf.

"The granddaughter said so much, the old man ..."

"Yingyi, let them in!"

As the elders talked, a sound like a sound from another world suddenly sounded in the ears of the four people. At the same time, an invisible passageway was deep from the space above. It spread, stopping just by the three of Ronin.

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