The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1248: Succeed (two more)

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When Luo Ning's words fell, the Shadow Lord Palace Luo Chuan could no longer stand, and suddenly he stood up.

At first, he didn't take the situation reported by his son into his heart, whether it was the mysterious man entering the dry light realm or the master of the Jialanfu house being controlled, these were all within his free range.

However, when he heard that his son mentioned green crystals, and also said that he had seen the same shape crystals on his body, but only crystals of different colors, he couldn't handle it in any way.

There are not many yellow crystals on his body, and I have seen this eldest son as if there was only one. At this moment, the other party said that he had seen such crystals on his body, and he was naturally faint about this. With speculation.

"Ninger, what do the guys you see look like? What are their dress characteristics? Also, do you feel the fluctuation of their breath?"

Taking a deep breath, Lord Luochuan, the shadow-shaking palace, let himself calm down slowly, and then asked again.

"Father, the children were afraid of being discovered, so they did n’t dare to have the slightest movement, so they were far away from them. The breath of the group was not felt by the children. However, all of them were dressed in black robes. It's even more mysterious than those of us in the Shadow Fiend Palace. "

Luo Ning's face showed the color of memories. After thinking about it, he faced Luochuan Road.

"Black robe plus body? This is to hide yourself, is it someone who has no delusion?" With an eyebrow raised, Luo Chuan's complexion changed, but he thought of several possibilities.

He would never doubt his son's false report, because even if he borrowed a thousand courage from the other party, the other party would never dare to lie to him, and it seemed that the other party had no reason to lie to him.

"Ninger, are you sure that the spar that the mysterious people you saw brought out is exactly the same as the earthy yellow spar that your father let you see?"

The rest is fortunate to say that he can study slowly, but whether there really is a treasure like the one in his hand, he must figure it out.

"This ... …… Father, the child is sure that the spar is very familiar, and the breath on it is very natural and mellow. It should be pure woody. However, although the child had seen the baby from his father, it was already A few years ago, without concealing his father, the child did not remember the crystal in his father's hands, what it looked like. "

There was a hint of hesitation on Ronin's face, but in the end he told the truth.

"Pure wood-like atmosphere?" Without waiting for Luo Ning to finish, Luo Chuan's eyes flashed with excitement, and when he heard the words behind the other side, he almost didn't want to, or suddenly Raising his hand, he took out a jade box directly.

"Click !!!"

The jade box was taken out, and his palm was shaken slightly. The delicate jade box was opened. At the same time, a turquoise crystal bounced out of the jade box suddenly and appeared in the scene. In front of people.

"Ninger, give me a closer look. Is the green crystal you see the same as this one?"

Taking the earthy yellow crystals out, Luo Chuan's complexion was dignified and looked forward to, and he looked at Luo Ning very seriously.

For the green crystal in his son's mouth, he can't wait to get it now. For so many years, he has been trying to find out the whereabouts of several other crystals, but unfortunately he has never found the news. If there are crystals in this world, then the spring of Yingsha Palace may really be coming. .


Seeing the earth-colored crystals appear in front of her eyes, Luo Ning, Luo Xin, and Luo Xueyue all looked at each other. Each of them knew the existence of Shen Jing, but only the archduke Luo Ning had seen it. The other two were the gods who had never seen the Shadow Palace before.

Luo Ning's eyes glanced back and forth over the earth-colored crystal, and speaking, he naturally took a few steps forward, and circled around the earth-colored crystal, as if looking at the earth from a different angle Yellow crystals to determine if they are the same green crystals he has seen before.

"Father, can the child watch further?"

After almost half a meter or so, Luo Ning was a little hesitant, as if he did not dare to get closer. You know, this thing is the treasure of Luochuan, and it is not easy to take it out on weekdays. It is already gracious to let them watch it like this.

"What's wrong? Take a closer look and show me clearly."

At this time, where does Luochuan account for so much? In his heart, these three sons will never lie to him, and this is his world. He has the power to control everything, and he will not worry about any changes in the three sons.

Therefore, when Luo Ning's request was dropped, he said nothing, but waved his hand violently and pushed the earthy crystal directly to Luo Ning's side, letting the other party watch carefully.

Luo Ning was also very polite. When the earth-colored crystal came to him, he said nothing, just lifted it, and naturally controlled the crystal in front of himself, only when the earth-colored crystal When he came to him and settled in front of him, the incredible scene that made Luochuan suddenly appeared.


Almost at the same time as the crystal settled in front of Luo Ning, a light flashed, but then the earthy yellow crystal was directly put away by Luo Ning and disappeared into the space.


Watching his son put his **** crystal away, Luo Chuan's original look was replaced by a sloppy color, and soon his face was completely darkened. .

"Ninger, what are you doing?"

Looking cold, Luo Chuan suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked something, but what was wrong with him for a while was not sure. However, one thing is certain, this son of his own has absolutely problems today.

He knew very well that all three sons and daughters present knew what the earthy yellow crystal was and how important it was to him. If there were no special circumstances, even if he borrowed 10,000 guts from the other party, the other party I definitely do n’t dare to put things away directly.

A bad hunch grew in my heart, and speaking, Luochuan's hands had begun to condense energy, apparently ready to shoot at any time.

What he hated most was betrayal. If his son really betrayed him, he would rather kill the other person with his own hands, and then take back what belongs to him.

"Father, forgive the child for not being filial, this **** crystal, the child wants it."

Luo Ning's look changed completely at the same time. A hint of helplessness climbed into his face, as if he was telling Luo Chuan that everything before him was disguised. His purpose was to get the **** crystal, and he felt sorry for it.

"I need an explanation from you."

Luo Chuan's face was gloomy and watery. He didn't expect that he was cheated by his son. It stands to reason that he is a superior creature of good fortune. No matter what the situation is, he can solve it by himself. Who else can threaten his son and let the other person count?

Frankly, no matter what he thinks, he can't figure out why. The main point is that although Luo Ning has already included Shenjing in the cave world, even if it is so, they will not take Shenjing at all.

"Explain? This is my explanation, come out !!!"

Lorning had nothing to say at the moment. As he said, at this moment, he had nothing to explain. The goal has been achieved, and it seems easier than imagined, and the next thing is not that his level of people can participate.


Almost immediately after his voice fell, a light suddenly appeared in the silver space, and with the light, a giant with a height of several meters appeared in Luochuan. Before.

"Well !!!"

The giant Xuanzhen giant appeared, and the three of Luo Ning disappeared. They were apparently put away by the Xuanzhen giant. Then, in the entire silver space, only the Xuanzhen giant was left, and they had already looked The turmoil of Shadowshake Palace Lord Luochuan.

"Power of the Realm of Creation !!!"

Luo Chuan's face became extremely ugly at this moment. At this moment, he finally realized how serious the problem was. It was only now that the problem was discovered, but everything was too late.

If his **** crystal was just stolen by Luo Ning before, then he can have countless ways to get things back. Unfortunately, at this moment, the mysterious giant of the fortune-making world appeared, so it is obvious, His **** crystal must have fallen into the hands of the giant of the mysterious formation. Now it is obviously not easy to get things back.

"Damn, why is there such a thing, **** it !!!"

Losing his body, Luo Chuan said nothing, but he recruited his own soldiers. Obviously, the next time, there must be an abnormal war. However, the battle was small, and his **** crystal was taken by the other party. This was a terrible event.

For this one **** crystal, he almost covered the entire Shadow Shag Palace. If the **** crystal is taken away, he really thinks he will go crazy.

"No matter what you are, hand over my **** crystal, otherwise, this palace must tear you down today!"

He bit his teeth bitterly, Luo Chuan raised the sword in his hand flatly. In the next time, I am afraid that some fighting is necessary, but it is really hard to say whether he can regain his things.

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