The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1243: Unguarded (one more)

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Here is a piece of poor mountain water between Jialan Mansion and Yuchi Mansion. The whole area looks so inconspicuous, and at this moment, among this poor mountain water, there are twelve powerful cave heavenly powerhouses. At this moment, before everyone was surrounded by a deep hole, everyone was breathing and converging, as if they were worried that others would find themselves and others.

These twelve men are as strong as the Dongtianjing Seventh Heaven, the weakest, but they are only the Dongtianjing Two Heavens. At this moment, they are in a group of four, and there seems to be still between them. Then a hint of alert.

The people in the twelve cave heavens don't know how long they have waited before the cave, but in the cave, if there is a whisper of breath coming out, it just disappears at the mouth of the cave, no It will be felt by distant people.

And while these twelve people were guarding the cave entrance, in a pile of rubble far away from them, six men and women were carefully hiding in the rubble at this moment, even if the prefecture's strong Or, if you don't investigate this pile of rocks carefully, I am afraid it will be difficult to find their existence.

Five men and one woman, six people, stayed here so quietly, and there was no sound, as if there was no communication at all. However, it is not known if they are communicating in the back ground.

As time goes by, the five men and one woman do not know how long they have hidden here. Finally, at a certain point in time, one of the six young men, one man, one woman, and two young men narrowed their eyes at the same time, and then looked at them. Not far away, there was an unusually slight energy fluctuation that had been introduced into their ears who also practiced the shadowless magic.


Almost when the two looked at the space where the waves came, the figure of a young man walked out of the space first, and behind him, he followed two powerful silver Old man in robe.

"Well !!!" The young man and the two silver-paved old men showed up, and in motion, they came next to the five men and one woman among the piles of rocks, and everyone's face was now With a faint smile.

"Brother, second elder and fourth elder, you are finally here, everyone and I are waiting for you to wait so hard!"

Almost as soon as the three of them came near, the young man among the piles of stones hurried forward and opened his mouth slightly excitedly.

"Hehe, second brother and third sister, have kept you waiting."

The eldest son, Luo Ning, smiled and seemed quite casual. He laughed and arched his hands at Luo Xin and Luo Xueyue, but he looked quite calm.

"Hey, just right!" The second son, Luo Xin, also grinned, nodded to his eldest son, Luo Ning, and the two elders behind him, then his face was slightly positive.

"Brother, two elders, those guys in Jialan House, are now miles away. Brother and two elders are here, and we can finally take a shot and wipe out these dozens of guys in one go."

The second son's Losin's face had an unbelievable excitement, as if he couldn't wait to kill the people of Jialanfu. Luo Sanyue, who has always been a dumb lady, also showed a hint of anxiety.

"The second brother is anxious, by the way, what about elders three and seven? Why don't you see them?"

The eldest son, Luo Ning, was cautious, and looked around. When he saw that there were only six people on the side of Luo Xin, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked quietly.

"The three elders were sitting in the town. I didn't ask him to come over, and the seven elders were always hidden in Jialan House. I didn't want to expose him to the target, so there are only me and three sisters and four elders."

Luo Xin's answer was rather generous, without the slightest restraint. Anyone who saw it could not see any problems.

"Oh? That's it." Raising his eyebrows, Luo Ning didn't think much. Luo Xin left the three elders in the resident to sit in the town, which is also considered to be a responding person. Such an arrangement is not unreasonable. As for the seven elders staying in Jialan House to monitor the movement of Jialan House, this is undoubtedly a correct choice .

"Sanmei, after this great victory, you follow me back!"

Nodded his head, the grandson Luo Ning's eyes could not help looking at Luo Xueyue aside, and then he smiled and said.

Luo Xueyue ran out by herself, and had to kill the enemy here with Luo Xin. Of course, he was not very willing to see this.

Although Luo Xueyue didn't have much competition with him, her status was definitely important. If she could, he certainly didn't want the other party to go too close to Luo Xin. At the critical moment, the other party voted for Luo Xin One vote, but this vote will not be voted for him, it is really beautiful.

"Thank you for your concern and wait until you have finished this time!"

Luo Xueyue did not agree, but did not object, but left the decision to this action. Her meaning is obvious, if this time the operation can go smoothly, then she can go back, but if this time the operation is not perfect, then she will never go back.

"Haha, all right, listen to Sanmei, whatever you say."

With a loud laugh, Luo Ning behaved very generously, as the elder brother's indulgence to his sister was even more unabashed. Of course, as for whether he really loves it or draws it on, it is only he who knows it.

"Brother, two elders, how many people have you brought here? There are six of us here, including the eldest brother and the two elders, but there are only nine. Will the elder brother not bring other people?"

At this time, Rosin took the stubble again and asked Ronin.

Nine to twelve, although their personal strength is far stronger than the other side, they still do not have the ability to eat each other in one bite. It would be better if there were more people.

"Hehe, naturally brought people, second brother and see !!!"

With a slight smile, when the eldest son Luo Ning raised his hand, four silver robe men suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"I've seen two boys, and I've seen Miss Three !!!"

Four men in silver robes showed up and saluted the three of them in the first time.

"Haha, it was Elder Yingli and others, okay, this time it is absolutely foolproof, hahaha!"

Seeing the four people reappearing, Losin couldn't help smiling and his face was full of excitement. Right now, except for the shadow elders and shadow seven elders under his hands, the other top ten elders in the Shadow Shade Palace are almost here, and this amount will undoubtedly allow him to give someone a Very satisfied with the explanation.

"Second brother, lead the way, no matter how many people in Jialanfu this time, we will also destroy them as much as possible, and strengthen my power in the Shadow Palace."

The eldest son, Luo Ning, didn't talk much anymore, and there was nothing wrong with the situation in front of him. In this case, they could obviously start to act. Frankly, in his heart, he also wanted to kill more people in Jialanfu soon.

"Okay, everyone is beginning to hide. Let's take a shot together, and we will kill the dozens of others in one go." Nodded, the second son, Luo Xin, waved his hand fiercely, and then he said nothing and said nothing Running the magic, the body disappeared directly.

"Brush brush brush brush !!!"

After Luo Xin began to hide, Luo Xueyue beside him and the other four elders all began to hide, and speaking, all six of them disappeared, and even the breath almost disappeared.


Seeing the body of the six disappeared, the eldest son Luo Ning and the faces of the two elders behind him couldn't help flashing a hint of surprise. In their memory, the hiding ability of Luo Xin and others has never been as exquisite as it is now. Obviously, the hiding ability of these people has been obviously improved during this time.

"Let's start too !!!"

The color of surprise flashed away, and Luo Ning didn't pay much attention, because even if the other party's grasp of the Wuying magic is so strong, there is still no way to compare with him.

"Brush brush !!!"

During the time of speaking, the seven people on his side disappeared. At this moment, all the people in the Shadowshade Palace showed the powerful hiding ability of this mysterious force. It can be said that this is absolutely a terrible force.

The body was hidden, and everyone in Shadowshade Palace no longer hesitated, but approached the target directly, and this approach took almost less than half an hour to reach the target location. .

In the distance, the granddaughter Luo Ning has already felt the energy fluctuations in the cave heaven, and at the same time, the energy fluctuations of the lingering spirit treasure also affect his heart, making him want to see it quickly Impulse.

"Everyone, the goal is ahead, everyone is scattered, wait a moment to get around from the surroundings, hit them by surprise."

This time, the order was given by the archduke Luo Ning. With him, other people naturally did not have the right to decide, and even if Luo Xin, they must hand over the command willingly.

The crowd didn't say anything, but directly, according to Luo Ning's order, began to disperse one by one, preparing to surround the twelve people at the cave entrance in front, and finally hit the net.

As they got closer and closer, everyone could feel that the twelve people at the cave entrance seemed to be very careful at the moment, but their attention was more on the cave in front, which was just suitable for sneak attacks.

Of course, the hiding power of Shadowshake Palace is not mentioned. Under such careless lurking, the twelve people of the other party obviously did not feel at all. Seeing this time, Shadowshake ’s action this time will be a great victory. And it's over.

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