The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1242: Lowing (four more)

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The world of dry light is vast and endless. There are countless dangerous Jedi. There are some dangerous places. In addition to the strong people in the cave world, ordinary people will die instantly even if they are close.

Here is a storm of ice and snow. There are white snow everywhere. From time to time, the terrible freezing wind blows. The cracks in space are looming. Such cracks in space are most invincible, even if they are caves. If the powerhouses are not careful, they will be injured by such cracks.

For this ice and snow world, people in the dry light world cannot easily set foot in it. Over time, this place has become a desperate situation that has been ignored and forgotten by the strong people in the dry light world.

However, no one knows that under this boundless ice and snow, there is a huge palace hidden in it, and an underground kingdom has been created in the underground world.

The coldness and violentness of the above-ground world did not have much impact on the underground world. In the underground space tens of thousands of meters away from the ground, a huge palace stood quietly there, just like an ancient beast. Quietly dormant.

With this palace as the center, hundreds of miles around it have been hollowed out. In this large area of ​​space around the palace, energy channels spread from the surrounding underground, and finally converged into the palace. See Rising, this big palace seems to be absorbing the energy transferred from these channels and growing quietly.

Every strong person who comes from no realm should not be underestimated. When the Astral Palace descended on the realm of the French realm, it was the indigenous people who destroyed the realm of the French realm and became the hegemon of the realm of the realm. Although Tian Lian Mo Gong's luck is a bit worse, they have the magical means to control the entire Tian Lian Mo Gong, which is also remarkable.

Of course, as the Shadow Palace among the five palaces, of course, they do not have any means at all. The current method of absorbing the energy of the underground world with the palace is one of the means of the Shadow Palace.

Just as the strong men in the Heavenly Alchemy Palace created the control center to control the Heavenly Alchemy Palace, the strongs in the Shadow-Sharing Palace have developed a way to use the Shadow-Sharing Palace to absorb external energy. The source of energy is continuously absorbed into the palace, and then converted into energy stones to be stored and used at any time by the Shadow Shark Palace, which can be said to be the foundation of the Shadow Shark Palace.

Over the years, the Shadow Shag Palace has continuously shifted its position, absorbing as many places as possible with energy. Maybe one day, the entire dry light world will be sucked down by them.

Aside from the means of shadow-shaking palace, at this moment, in this palace, which is not much smaller than the starry palace, a man who looks very young is pacing back and forth, his face full of It's a thought.

"Brush !!!!"

As the young man thought about it, two rays of light suddenly flashed out in the small space where he was located, and then they turned into two silver robe old men.

"See Grandpa !!!"

As soon as the two silver robe old men appeared, they hurriedly arched their hands at the young man, respectfully rudely.

"The two don't have to be polite, just sit down and talk !!!"

Seeing the appearance of the two old men, the young man couldn't help but show a kind of kind smile. As soon as he raised his hand, he set up two seats beside the two and laughed softly.

"Thank you Grandpa."

The two old men were also polite, thanked the young people, and sat down.

"Two elders, I have called you today, and I have something to tell you. Just now, the second elder returned the news, saying that there are a large number of people in the cave world in Jialan House. At the junction of Lanfu and Yuchi's House, the second man meant that these people should have discovered what treasure, and he also sensed that there was a breath of heaven and earth treasures, so he wanted to borrow a few people from me What did the two elders think of this in the past? "

Luo Shaoning, the eldest son of the Shadow Fiend Palace, did not hesitate to tell the situation directly, and asked the two old men on the opposite side to help him analyze and analyze it.

These two old men are not ordinary people. The Lord of the Shakespeare Palace and the deputy palace retreat year round. The major events and small affairs are almost in charge of the archduke Luo Ning. The two elderly men in front of him are the right arm of the archduke Luo Ning One is the shadow elder of Shadow Shag Palace, the other is the shadow elder, the repair is also very arrogant.

There are many elders in the Shadow Shades Palace, and the top ten elders are the most powerful. Among them, the elder shadow one is a free and easy neutral, the two elders, the four elders are loyal to the eldest son Luo Ning, and the three elders and the five elders are optimistic about the second. Son Rosin, the rest of the elders, the eldest son Luo Ning has more control, but many people secretly support the second son Rosin.

In general, Luoning has more power in his hands than Luoxin, at least at the level of top powerhouses, Luoning is much stronger than Luoxin.

"Is there any movement in Jialan Mansion? This is not easy. After the first World War, Jialan Mansion was always intimidating, making us unable to start with revenge. This time, a large number of strong men went out, just to kill a few Out of breath. "

At first glance, the elders of Shadow Four were a straight person. After the voice of the eldest son Luo Ning dropped, there was an eagerness to try and kill him.

"The four elders are calm and restless, it's not too late to consider after more consideration."

At this time, the elder Shadow II smiled and shook his head, depressing the impulse of the Elder Shadow IV, and then he said, "Master, can the second son say that there are a few people in Jialan House going out? What is the strength?"

"A total of twelve, divided into three waves, each with four people. It is said that the strongest is Dongtianjing Qizhongtian. At this moment, three groups of people have already made peace, and they are guarding a cave entrance. Bacheng is a baby. Attracted. "

The eldest son, Luo Ning, spoke indifferently the news from the second son, Luo Xin, and asked his two left and right arms to help him analyze.

His heart has always been very clear, the second son Losing always has a heart to compete with him, even if secretly counted against him, so he has to guard everything, so as not to lose the second son Losing.

"According to this situation, the second son should be true. The twelve Jialanfu people, this is a big fish. If it is based on the power under the second son's hands, it will be difficult to convert this. The power is eaten. "

The shadow of Elder Er's face flashed a thought, and then he whispered. Seriously, he really didn't believe that the second son, Luo Xin, dared to calculate the grandson Luo Ning. After all, the grandson's strength was far stronger than the other party. If there was a chance of victory, it would be OK, but this situation is just a little bit No chance of winning!

"I feel that at the junction of Jialan House and Yu Chi House, I am afraid that a good baby is born again. Jia Lan House is already a place full of aura, and it is easy to give birth to a baby, an eldest son, and an elder. Let ’s start here. Once we have cut off the heads of Jialan Mansion and brought them back to the owner, we can also see what baby is in the world. ”

The elders of Shadow Four are still eager for battle, and can't wait to start the war immediately. At the time, the sixth son was killed in Jialan House. He was definitely the most angry one, because the sixth son was modest and had a close relationship with him. When the news of the sixth son's fall came, he rushed to the first. Jialan House, cut down several Jialan House strongmen.

In addition, it is really easy to give birth to a baby in Jialan House. This is not a rare thing. Since it is said that a baby is born in Jialan House, the credibility of this is not low.

"Second elder, what do you think? This trip, is it worth the trouble?"

Nodded his head, the grandfather Luo Ning neither agreed nor disapproved, but once again left the issue to the Elder Shadow. It can be heard from his question that he has decided to go this way, but just how much power to bring, but still need to consider.

"It's worth it. Aside from the baby and the baby, let's just say that the twelve Jialanfu caves alone are worthy of us." For a moment of thought, the elder shadow second agreed with this time. Action, "Master, we usually have the intention to kill the enemy, but we do n’t have that opportunity. Now we have a good chance. If we can kill all 12 people in Jialan House, not only My prestige palace is even more prestigious. The position of the eldest son in front of the palace master can be taken a step further! "

Everyone wants credit for this thing. Elder Shadow II didn't say a word in his heart, that is, if he could kill more than a dozen law-protecting figures in Jialangfu, he could not only harvest a lot of resources, he wanted to come You can also rely on this incident to continue to chase the elders on prestige, and sooner or later you can surpass the other party.

"Okay, since both of them think this is feasible, then we will immediately call for staff. We will now set off and go to the junction of Jialan House and Wei Chi House to win these 12 Jialan House people."

Both his right and left arms felt that this matter could be done, and he himself felt that this matter was very important. In this case, of course, it is necessary to fight it.

"Subordinates will call for staff."

The elder son, Luo Ning, gave an order, but the two elders did not hesitate, and they retreated one after the other, and assembled their own troops.

This time is to kill the strong man in Dongtian Realm of Jialan House, so the people naturally need to be talented people above Dongtian Realm. As for the people below Dongtian Realm, there is no need to take them. Moreover, since it is to dominate, of course, it is necessary to force the second son, Luo Xin, in strength. Only in this way, the final credit will be theirs.

In addition, there is a baby that can interest Dongtianjing Qitiantian people in Jialan House. Naturally, it will not be an ordinary thing. This time, they will have both people and money to become the biggest winner. .

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