The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1244: All in one shot (two more)

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The twelve caves in Jialanfu are not all focused on the openings of the sky. In fact, among the twelve people at this time, some people are facing away from the openings and will pay attention. The force was placed on the periphery to be prepared.

However, the shadow villains sent out are super strong, their strength is better than the other side, after hiding, the other side is difficult to find, it can be said that at the moment when the decision was made, in fact, everyone in Jialan House The ending is already doomed.

Outside the entire cave, the atmosphere was silent, and the twelve Jialan Houses did not seem to feel the danger approaching, still waiting for the changes inside the cave entrance.

The dozen or so people in the Shadow Shark Palace are getting closer and closer to the target position. They have always been kings hiding in the shadows, and they have never had big emotional fluctuations. Like this small battle, they have experienced too much.

Therefore, when seeing that they were about to succeed, these dozens of people, whether they were boys or many elders, did not have the slightest emotional fluctuations. Instead, they approached carefully to try to find the best shot distance.

"Everyone listens to my orders and we will do it together."

The voice of the archduke Luo Ning came again, and at this moment, their distance from the target has already entered the range that can be shot, and once they enter the attack range, their actions can definitely guarantee success, and This time, it will also be the most successful shot by Shadow Shag Palace to Jialan House.

The eldest son Luo Ning was slightly agitated, because he knew very well that if he could go back with the heads of more than a dozen Jialanfu protectors, his father would definitely be rewarded.

"It ’s almost there. The twelve guys in Jialanfu are just delivering food for me. After destroying these 12 people, the power of Jialanfu will definitely be greatly reduced. Then they will shoot at Jialanfu. The difficulty can also be made smaller. "

The mind turns, and the oldest son, Luo Ning, thinks a lot, and between thoughts, he continues to order, "Everyone finds a good target, and the seventh day of the cave heaven is given to me, and the second day of the cave heaven is the second child, and the rest Yes, everyone shots close, and they must hit in one shot. "

At a certain moment, the people of Shadowshade Palace finally came to a position where they could carry out attacks, but here, the archduke Luo Ning stopped first and arranged for the crowd.

Such a collective assassination must have a unified command, otherwise, even if it can successfully kill several people, it is difficult to kill all of them. For them, as long as they do not kill all of them, their actions have failed.

"Brother, you order it, and we'll do it together."

The voice of the second son, Luo Xin, entered into the ears of the oldest son, Luo Ning. It was a performance of taking care of the overall situation, and did not mean to **** commanding power from the other party, and to grab credit.

"Okay, everyone is ready. I'll count three and let's take a shot together." Luo Ning naturally couldn't shirk, and he just started to adjust his breath and began to count.


As the breath turned, Luo Ning began his final preparations, and when he heard his instructions, the others hurriedly began to adjust his breath.

The reason to count three is to let everyone adjust their status to the best. This is not only the practice of the Shadow Shag Palace, but the truth that every warrior understands.


Luo Ning's voice has become a bit low, and even a little bit excited. At this moment, he has already thought about the multiple shots, and immediately picked out the most suitable shot, only to wait for the last order. At that time, you can let the opposite guys fall in front of them one by one.


However, just as Looning counted to two and was about to issue his final order for a shot, all of a sudden, a low drink was ringing in everyone's ears. This low drink is not a sound, but a loud drink that is not hidden, and the owner of this sound is not someone else, it is the voice of the second son of Shadowshake, Luo Xin.


The sudden sound made the granddaughter Luo Ning look very excited. His breath had not been adjusted to the best yet, but at this time, Luo Xin was even one step ahead of him. For the first time, he thought it was Luo Xin. I was nervous and shouted accidentally!

However, what happened next was completely beyond his expectations.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

When Rosin's cry drank and fell, the six Shakespeare palaces, led by Rosin and Luo Xueyue, shuddered, and then went straight to him and killed the other six elders. At the same time, just like the twelve people in Jialanfu who hadn't found anything, at the same time, they were breathless, and they all besieged up to them.

Originally, there were 13 people on their side, but there were only 12 people in Jialan House. They had both the strength advantage and the number advantage, but now it is better. However, it has become a living target for nearly twenty people, and they were unprepared until they were attacked.

"Brother, sorry, kill !!!"

Luo Xin took the lead and cut off directly with Luo Ning. Although his strength was not as good as the opponent, in the case of such a sudden attack, it was enough for Luo Ning to drink a pot.

"Rosin, are you crazy?"

The eldest son, Luo Ning, never dreamed that Luo Xin would jointly calculate with the people of Jialan House. Although there is indeed a competitive relationship between them, how can we say that everyone is a brother, and together with the enemy, he counts himself This kind of thing should never happen to those in the Shadow Shaman.

Moreover, even if Losing could do such a thing for the sake of it, Colossal Blood Moon and other elders would definitely not do it, so from the beginning, he had never been prepared for this situation.

"Aren't you crazy, you'll know in a while, kill !!!"

Luo Xin ’s answer was also quite simple. With a grin, all his powers were exerted. At this time, the twelve people in Jialan House, plus the six people on Losin ’s side, had completely changed The son of the son of Luoning was surrounded by as many people as possible, leaving the other seven without any chance to escape.

"Damn !!"

The archduke Luo Ning was really angry. If he was simply calculated by Luo Xin, he could understand and accept it, but the other party even counted the people of Jialan House to calculate him. This was something he could not tolerate.

"Loxin, I'm going to kill you and clean up the portal for my Shadowshade Palace!"

Obviously, the angry Luo Ning was really angry, and his sword fell, but he was a killer to Luo Xin. Collaborating with outsiders to count their own people, this is already a felony to kill without pardon.

"Om !!! Brush !!!"

However, just before the battle between Luoning and Luoxin, but it was not enough time, the space of dozens of miles was suddenly shaken. Then, all the people who were fighting, whether it was Shadow Shark On the one side, or the Jialan House, they all felt the flash of light around them. By the time they responded, everyone had already appeared in an illusory space.

"Not good, it's Xuanzhen !!!"

When the grandfather Luo Ning was about to exert his strength, he felt that his whole strength was a slight meal. The original overbearing strength was greatly affected in an instant, and 10% of the strength was probably not enough. .

"Well !!!"

But when the great-prince Luo Ning was shocked by the present scene, he originally showed a desperate look at Luo Xin and others. At the moment, they all backed away, but they did not lie in their struggle.


When the crowds retreated, the figure of a young man in the space of Xuanzhen slowly showed up, and looking at his posture, it seemed that he had always stayed in place and never acted the same.


Luo Xin, who was very angry just now, looked at the young man who suddenly appeared, but he suddenly looked stunned and had no intention to be angry.

"Here, this is ......... No shadow magic work? How could you possibly have no shadow magic work?"

The sudden appearance of the young man has made Luo Ning feel threatened, and now he has seen that the other party is performing shadowless magic, and it is obviously to strengthen the horizontal shadowless magic more than him. Luo Ning's heart is full of shock. .

"Hehe, Lord Shakespeare Palace, it's not bad. It is indeed a lot stronger than Luo Xin. I want you to be able to have a heavier weight in the heart of the Lord Shakespeare Palace!"

Yuan Feng's face was full of joyful smiles, and the shadow-shaking palace grandson Luo Ning in front of him, as well as a large number of shadow-shaking palace masters, each looked not weak, and counted as the second son, Luo Xin. Everyone, it seems that the number one powerhouse in the middle of Shadowshade Palace is almost converged by him now.

Undoubtedly, the days of his overhead shadow shaman are getting closer. Once you have taken all these people down, then you will take down the three elders under Losin's hands and the seven elders hidden in Jialan House. Then the top ten elders will almost be able to control him.

"Who is your Excellency? Did you and Rosen work together to count me?"

It is obvious that the youngest son, Luo Ning, is the young man behind him who calculates this, but even so, he still does not understand why his second brother is united with outsiders. .

"Well, you don't need to know these things, because soon, you will understand everything in it, come out !!!"

Yuan Feng was too lazy to talk to each other. Between the moments of thought, the giant mysterious giant suddenly appeared in the mysterious space, and the breath of the powerful creatures directly changed Luo Ning and others. Shrouded.

"What? This, this is ..."

The original grandson Luo Ning, who was still lucky, saw his face appear suddenly, especially when he felt the energy fluctuations released from the opponent, but his face became pale. He knows that this time, I'm afraid he's really in big trouble!

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