The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1210: Dahei promotion (four more)

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When there were three strong holes in the heavens and the strong one was conquered by Yuan Feng, he was already full of confidence in the next action.

Yuan Feng's heart is very clear, with the help of three prefecture-level strong men, then whether it is to outsmart or storm, you can definitely win any one of the prefecture-level figures. Although the lord-level powerhouse is overbearing, there is still not much resistance in the face of those who create the realm. When Jiang Qingwu shot, the lord-level powerhouse's only hope of escape was already three times. Dadong Heaven Realm is erased.

After a short break, Yuan Feng led the Three Great Cave Heavenly Realm to complete the strong. Accompanied by his mother, he began to launch a wide range of shots against the governor-level figures in the realm of France, and the situation was just as Yuan Feng expected. In this way, under the cooperative operation of Jiang Qingwu and the three Dadong Heavenly Realms, there was no target that could escape their calculations.

There are thirty-six houses in the French Realm. Each of the house owners has more or less inextricable connections. Maybe the two house owners are not familiar with each other, but maybe they will have a relationship with one person OK, and as a result, as long as any one of these three people is captured, then the three people who are close to each other will not escape the hand of Yuan Feng.

With the increasing number of government-level figures controlled by Yuan Feng, slowly, the government officials of the thirty-six provinces of the French Realm have almost entered the scope of his calculations, although many government officials have not yet been arrested. But this is nothing more than a matter of time.

The sun rises and the moon rises day by day, slowly passing by in the constant walk of Yuan Feng and his party. Soon, in a month, they quietly slip away from everyone's fingertips.

This month is definitely a crucial month for Yuan Feng, and for the entire French realm, the changes in this month are also of great significance.

During this month, Yuan Feng patronized the kingdoms of the seven major government officials, and in each of these seven actions, Yuan Feng was successful every time.

In other words, at this moment, Yuan Feng's master-level powers under his control have reached ten.

The ten Dongtianjing great perfection level super powers, of course, are not a small number, and when these ten Dongtianjing great perfectionists are in their hands, Yuan Feng's actions have reached an unscrupulous level.

This is a clean and beautiful country. At this moment, in this clean country, Yuan Feng and his party have just finished rest and are ready to find the next goal.

"People, whoever has a better goal there, let's talk about it. It's really not too far away from pulling all the people at the main level into our big family."

Yuan Feng's body was standing in the air, and she looked down at the ten strong men, her eyes filled with relief.

The blood curse has become more and more perfect. Ten characters who have achieved great perfection in the heavens have no disobedience at all. Frankly speaking, at this moment, he is actually the true ruler of the phase of law.

However, being a ruler is not the original intention of Yuan Feng. He does not need to be a ruler himself. The reason why he wants to subordinate the governors of the French realm is only to increase his own chip. Hung Haitian, the master of the palace, contends. Maybe when he really wins Hong Haitian, he will consider the freedom to return to everyone.

Of course, even if he does not lift the shackles of the blood curse, he will never interfere in the future life of these cave-dwellers. The existence of the blood curse may bring long-term stability to the Fa phase. For the industry, it may not be a good thing.

"Young Master, I am most familiar with the Quark House Master, and my subordinates feel that the next step is to incorporate the Quark House Master, which can absolutely guarantee nothing."

"I also have some friendship with the quark governor, but the quark governor is powerful and cautious. I don't think I should start with the quark governor. I have a better relationship with the Houcen governor. Shoot, absolutely one shot at a time, there will be no accident at all. "

"No, the Lord Hou Cen's government has many powerful dead guards. If there is any difference, it will pose a threat to the personal safety of the young master. Fatal friendship, he will not have the slightest alert to me, and then suddenly shot, and will definitely hit in one shot. "

Each of the top ten government officials talked openly and expressed their opinions. Although they have all been subdued by Yuan Feng, and there is no needlessness between each other, they certainly won't miss any good opportunities in the area of ​​grabbing credit.

Everyone knows that if they can make a good impression on Yuan Feng, it will definitely have unexpected benefits for them to hang around Yuan Feng in the future.

As for talking about their relatives and friends, they don't think it's a calculation now. According to their current thinking logic, since they are good friends, of course everything should be the same.

"Young master, his subordinates feel that they should take action against the master of the jadeite jade. I have a close relationship with the master of the jade jade house, and as far as I know, the master of the jade jade house is slightly weaker and treats friends very sincerely. He will be assured of his words. "

Another governor stood out and proposed his own target candidate, but just when he first proposed his target candidate, Yuan Feng's face could not help but change slightly. The original smile also converged. stand up.

"Sapphire Master? Are you friends with Sapphire Master?"

Suddenly his face became a little complicated. At this moment, Yuan Feng didn't know what he was thinking!

"Exactly, his subordinates have been friends with the Sapphire Mansion for a long time. They have been very close friends over the years. This person is also one of the best-known among the 36 mansions. The governor never had to escape. "

Hearing Yuan Feng's sudden opening, the strong who proposed to set the next target on the host of the Blue Jade House apparently thought that his proposal had been selected by Yuan Feng, but he hurriedly determined his way.

"It turned out to be this way? It turns out that the owner of the Sapphire Mansion has such a good reputation. It is rare, rare!"

Eyebrows were raised, Yuan Feng didn't say much, but in his heart, he couldn't help sighing.

Sapphire Mansion, which was the first mansion to come after he came to the French Realm, is also the mansion where he has spent the longest time. For Sapphire Mansion, his feelings are still deep.

At first, under the circumstances of last resort, he had already taken Yunlong's protection into his hands. Now, these subordinates have proposed to subdue the Sapphire Mansion owner, but in this case, he can't go anyway.

He can have such achievements today. The owner of Sapphire Mansion can be said to be a guide to him. The relationship between him and the owner of Sapphire Mansion should not be the relationship between the master and his servants. Maybe if it is a last resort At that time, he can make clear with the other party, and then let the other party help him.

"Master Qi Xuanfu, the sapphire master you proposed, let's go back first. This person has some relationship with me. You can consider him for the time being."

After a little hesitation, Yuan Feng didn't hide it, but he was directly facing the humanity.

"Uh, this ..."

Hearing that Yuan Feng said that he was old with the Sapphire Mansion Lord, he just proposed to count the strong man of the Sapphire Mansion, could not help but look pale, and then hurriedly took a step back and did not dare to speak.

He didn't expect that the character he proposed was actually a friend of Yuan Feng. In this regard, he had a feeling of hitting the muzzle.

"Well, everyone continues ... eh?"

Excluding the Sapphire Mansion master, Yuan Feng wanted everyone to choose the target, but at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed slightly, and then, a ecstasy color suddenly surged up. His face.

"Promoted? Dahei, Dahei has been promoted !!!"

Regardless of the doubtful gaze of the people around him, Yuan Feng suddenly became extremely excited, because just in the moment, Xiao Ba in his body passed on a message to him--when he stayed in the guardian of the Mo Luo world A few of Black's heads of Warcraft were blown away by a force at the moment, and the power to blow them off was just from Black's body.

"Okay, haha, I have finally been promoted to Dongtianjing. It seems that my fellow fellows in the Three Realms will finally start striding to the highest peak of this world."

With the news that Dahei was promoted, it was simply exciting for him. Dahei's qualifications are there, but after coming to this world, he has not found a way to advance to the heaven of the cave, and once it has made a breakthrough, it will grow rapidly.

Moreover, nowadays he is already very powerful, and he can help Dahei in many ways. Aside from the others, just the dozen or so mature Yunshen fruits can make Dahei promote to several Realm of this.

In addition, her mother was extremely powerful, and she could help Xiaoba reach the realm of Dongtianjing and Eighteen Heavens, so naturally she could help Dahei to advance. No matter what, Dahei in the future can be said to have no future.

"You keep thinking about my next goal, and I'll be right back."

With a positive look, Yuan Feng informed the ten subordinates, and then left without saying anything. By the time he appeared again, he had already returned to his Qingwu Palace.

"Separated, let's take a trip this time. Dahei has completed the promotion and can now bring him back."

Back in Qingwu Palace, Yuan Feng said nothing, it was the first time to find a clone and work with the clone.

The reason why I didn't bother Dahei before was that I was afraid of delaying the opponent's promotion. Now that the other party has completed the promotion, of course, he will bring it back.

"Although the deity stayed and continued to conquer other people, I went to Morajie."

The avatars are not hesitant. First, they selected some of the cave world's cave world subordinates, and brought a group of cave world warcraft army, and then they embarked directly on the journey to the world.

The Mo Luo world is still more dangerous. Bringing more helpers can also ensure the safety of the avatar. Speaking of it, Dahei has been promoted to Dongtian Realm. I don't know if it will cause any trouble. It is better to prepare.

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