The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1211: Missing (one more)

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Dahei's sudden promotion obviously made Yuan Feng happy. Two real Warcraft partners, Xiaoba is now very powerful, but Dahei has always been stuck in the level of Dongtianjing, and it is difficult to progress. Now Dahei has finally been promoted to Dongtianjing. From now on, his two Warcraft partners will be You can follow him around and continue helping him.

To pick up Dahei's mission, Yuan Feng gave it directly to the avatar, but he stayed behind and continued to subdue the house-level powerhouse of the French realm. Up to now, Yuan Feng has taken over the house-level powerhouses in the realm of law. However, there is no need for any pressure at all, because there is no one house-level person who can resist one formidable powerhouse and ten people in Dongtian Realm. Siege.

However, for the sake of insurance, Yuan Feng still adopted the strategy of secret shots, and did not really openly siege a certain government-level figure. Anyway, the main characters of the government all have their own way of doing things. For the sake of stability, it is more reliable to capture them instantly. If you give the other party a reaction time, maybe what kind of accident will happen!

It ’s not like you can reach your destination in a day or two. It ’s not like the strength of the avatar can't be compared to borrowing the power of the small eight, and it ’s bound to be full of hardships.

Fortunately, his goal is small, but he will not be noticed by the powerful men in the world of Mo Luo. Moreover, the strong men in the world of Mo Luo have just experienced a change of time not long, and now they have no mood to explore the heavens.

This road is also considered to be shock-free, and with the help of the cave world in the Moro Realm, the clone easily enters the Moro Realm and goes straight to the space storm area where Dahei is located.

Yuan Feng had returned to the Mo Luo Realm before and brought most of the cave realms of the Mo Luo Realm to the French Realm, but of course he would not leave some of the cave realms to monitor the Mo Luo Realm at all times. In fact, The last time he stayed in the magic world, there were definitely no less than a dozen.

Dahei's position is near the magical realm of Mo Luo Realm, and the avatar chooses the direction. It is almost full of firepower and flew away from Dahei's place. Anyway, the cave heaven he brought this time There are a lot of subordinates and caves in World of Warcraft, but I am not very worried about being discovered by the strong in the magic world.

With the power he brings, even if it is really discovered by the strong in the Moro Realm, she will definitely be able to kill it. Moreover, with the power of Jiang Qingwu, if she is really in danger, she will be in danger. I'll be there soon.

It took almost a few days, Yuan Feng's clone finally came to the space chaos area near the Demon Sphere, and then he summoned the Gorefiend ancestors, and returned blood with the Gorefiend ancestors. Magic palace.

The ancestor of the blood demon, as the first caveman who was conquered by Yuan Feng, has been taken care of by Yuan Feng. Like some battles that happened later, he has never participated. He is the hero of Yuan Feng. If such a character is sent out to kill or die, it would be really wrong.

From the Blood Demon Palace, Yuan Feng and the Blood Demon ancestors quickly reached the depths of the space storm where Da Hei was through the teleportation of Xuan Zhen.

However, when Yuan Feng and the Blood Demon ancestors arrived here and entered the cave where Dahei was located, what surprised them was still happening.

"Well? What's going on, how can this happen? This cave ..."

In the eyes, the cave opened by the Nether Dragon Beast had collapsed. Some rubbles were piled up there. It looked like it was shattered by a special force. It was supposed to be the place where Dahei lives. Deep in the cave, it was empty at the moment, let alone a dragon or a living person, even if it was a pant, you could not see it at all.


As soon as he raised his hand, Yuan Feng grabbed a handful of rubble on the ground, then frowned and looked up.

"Uh, these stones ... What kind of power would be so powerful, this is definitely not the power that a cave man can have !!!"

Holding the gravel, Yuan Feng can feel that there is obviously a very special breath on these gravels. This breath is not the power of the heavenly people, but it is not like the people who create the realm. The power of creation, as for what kind of power, he never felt.

"What about Dahei? Why is it gone?"

Throwing these rubbles aside, Yuan Feng's mind was released directly in all directions, and even in the gaps of time and space, he took a great risk to investigate. Unfortunately, at this moment, he could not feel the slightest breath of Dahei, as if the other party had disappeared.

"Small master, it seems that there has not been a fight here. As for these rubbles, it seems that only a weird energy is attached to it, and there is no second energy contained in it."

On one side, the knowledgeable Gorefiend ancestor suddenly stood up and frowned at Yuan Feng.

The Gorefiend ancestor is rich in experience. Although the scene in front of him seems to have experienced a war, he can see it. It is clearly destroyed by a superpower here, and it is definitely not because of fighting.

"It seems that the situation is not so good. He hasn't experienced fighting, but Da Hei has disappeared. Strange thing, really strange thing."

The avatar is obviously a bit embarrassing. He also feels that there has not been a battle here, but what happened before is really not good. It is a pity that the few remaining Warcrafts were directly annihilated as soon as Da Hei was promoted. Otherwise, he could rely on the memories of Warcraft to investigate.

"Theoretically speaking, this is a time and space chaos. Even if Dahei makes a lot of movement here, the strong in the magic world will never feel it, but why is Dahei disappeared? Did it lose itself? "

The mind turned, Yuan Feng was full of suspicion at this moment. When he left, he made an agreement with Dahei. Once Dahei was promoted to Dongtianjing, he stayed in place and waited for his arrival. According to Dahei's trust in him, that must be done.

Moreover, according to normal circumstances, after being promoted to the cave heaven, Dahei will inevitably stop at the same place for a while and then leave. Even if he leaves, he should definitely not leave in such a short time.

"It doesn't look good!"

A hint of bad premonition hit his heart, and the clone simply stopped being hesitant. Between the moments of his thoughts, a large number of Mo Luo world guardians, and the cave world of Warcraft, were recruited by him.

"Have seen the young master !!!"

There are literally hundreds of magic and magic circles to protect the law. When they first appeared, they saluted to Yuan Feng, and those caves of World of Warcraft were honestly on the ground waiting for Yuan Feng's instructions.

"It's all gone!"

He waved his hand, Yuan Feng signaled that everyone didn't need to be polite, and then continued, "Now give you a task, center here, spread to me in all directions, look for a black dragon, if you find If not, then go straight back to your respective domain owners and inquire about the latest movements of those domain owners, understand? "


The crowd was neat and tidy. When Yuan Feng's words came down, the protection of hundreds of caves was answered in congratulations. Then, they spread out in all directions and executed Yuan Feng's orders.

"Scattered !!!"

After the people in these caves began to act, Yuan Feng waved again to these hundreds of Warcraft. Suddenly, the hundreds of caves in Cave World also spread out and began to look for Qi Yuanfeng. Pass to their targets.

At the same time, in the realm of law, in the quiet country of the strong man in the house, Yuan Feng, who had just conquered the strong, had just finished conquering the strong, and now he was furious.

"Gone? Dahei is gone. Who is it, and who actually took Dahei away?"

Conquering the joy of the house-level powerhouse again, this time has been completely dispelled by Da Hei's disappearance. When searching for Da Hei without success, he already felt that the situation was not so good.

"What's wrong, Fenger? But what's wrong?"

Jiang Qingwu, who has just completed his shot, hasn't had time to return to Qingwu Palace to rest, just to see his son's complexion. Seeing his son was so anxious and angry to this extent, Jiang Qingwu's heart was a little anxious.

She's just this baby boy, she doesn't want to make her son unhappy.

"Mother should remember the other Warcraft companion that the baby told you. It was promoted to Dongtian Realm before, but just now, the avatar has already disappeared before it, but now it is no longer there . "

Yuan Feng naturally had no concealment from her mother, and she spoke out the whole thing and told it to her mother.

"Such a thing like that? Well, should I go and see?"

Jiang Qingwu can see that Yuan Feng clearly values ​​the so-called Warcraft partners, so she doesn't mind running this trip.

Today, the Mo Luo world is not a big threat to her. Even if she is hindered there, she and Yuan Feng can control each other completely.

"No, the avatar is already processed there. Even if the mother is gone, it is useless. Look at the situation there first. If there is no way, I will go over with the mother and see."

There is a detachment treatment in the Moro Realm. In fact, it is the same as his deity's personal treatment. As for some improper situations, the deity can communicate with the avatar at any time, so there is really no need to run over.

"Mother, let's go ahead. I believe that the avatar will do everything over there. If there is really a problem, we should not be too late."

With his eyes narrowing, Yuan Feng at this moment was really full of nervousness.

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