The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1209: The overall situation has been set (three)

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The owner of the Taoyuan House never thought that the owner of the Houndstooth House, who has always had a good relationship with him, would suddenly launch a surprise attack on him. He was really not prepared for this at all.

Speaking of which, the friendship between the owner of Taoyuan Mansion and the Dog Fang Mansion was established in a very special way, and this friendship is definitely the strongest. No way, they know each other too well, and it is because they know each other that they have to trust each other.

In principle, there is absolutely no reason for the owner of the Dog Tooth Mansion to attack the owner of the Tao Yuan Mansion, because they have a common interest relationship, but there is no conflict.

However, there is no absolute thing in the world. The owner of Taoyuan Mansion would never think of it. Today's owner of Inuyafu is no longer the former owner of Inuyafu. Now the owner of Inuyafu can treat anyone, even his own loved ones. Shot. As for the reason, of course it is someone's order.

Under the sneak attack of the owner of Dogfang Mansion, the owner of Taoyuan Mansion did not have any accidents. Instead, he was directly subdued by Jiang Qingwu who appeared later, and Yuan Feng, who had been waiting for a long time, even conquered it. Quickly, Yuan Feng's cave heavenly realm was fully subordinate, from two to three.

Not to mention, the strength of the owner of Fangyafu is good, and the strength of the spirit is much stronger than that of Fangyafu. In order to overcome this, Yuan Feng spent a lot of energy.

The final result is bound to be no surprise. Under the joint calculation of a formidable powerhouse and a great celestial powerhouse, the Taoyuan government lost a little temper ...

Still in the pavilion of the master of Taoyuan House, at this time, Jiang Qingwu sat elegantly on a wooden chair in the pavilion. In front of her, Yuan Feng was holding her shoulders in her hands and facing her quietly. Stand up. And in front of Yuan Feng, the three main lords of the French Realm were lined up right now, just like ordinary people, standing upright and honestly, seemingly well-behaved.

Each of the three main figures of the main government is lame, which can make half of the French realm tremble. Unfortunately, at this moment, they are not qualified for lameness.

The same is the fallen man, and naturally the three major lords will not have any mutual complaints with each other, because they also know that all their actions and even their thoughts may always be under the supervision of Yuan Feng. Anything that should not be Ideas, they don't think about it as early as possible.

"Tao Yuan, under my control, then I must do things in accordance with my rules, come and bring all the babies you have accumulated over the years, and turn them in. I hope you don't clang like a canine tooth. "

Eyes swept over the bodies of the three major subordinates, Yuan Feng finally fixed his eyes on the body of the master of Taoyuan, and then laughed softly.

For this Taoyuan mansion master, Yuan Feng was secretly expecting something, because he knew very well that the more serious and secretive a guy is, the more hungry he is, the more profitable he is, the more he might be on this guy, he can still Some unexpected gains.

"Turn it over to baby? This ... okay !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the owner of Taoyuan Mansion, who had just been subdued shortly, couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

Under the eaves, a person had to bow his head. By this time, he had no trace of autonomy, and the treasure on his body could not be kept.

"Booming !!!"

There was a decision under his heart, and the owner of Taoyuan House did not hesitate. Between raising his hands, all his possessions were dumped by him from the cave world. Suddenly, the small mountain bags appeared in Before everyone's eyes.


Seeing that the owner of Taoyuan Mansion was dumping the baby outwards, aside, he thought that he was familiar to the owner of Dog Yuan Mansion, and now he raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of surprise.

The owner of Houndstooth Mansion never expected that the owner of Taoyuan Mansion would have so many resources, which was far too much from what he imagined.

Now it seems that the owner of Taoyuan Mansion is completely pretentious, and he is totally pretending to be out of the ground, and he doesn't know how many dirty things he has done to kill and overdo it!

"A lot, there are so many treasures of the owner of Taoyuan House, and the quality is absolutely not said, this guy turned out to be so deep, powerful, powerful!"

Not only the owner of Inuyafu was stunned, but even the owner of Helianfu, which is famous for its many babies, was unbelievable at the moment. His relationship with the master of Taoyuan can only be regarded as ordinary. Prior to this, the master of Taoyuan was also the kind of noble man in his impression, but now, the current situation undoubtedly subverts his point of view.

"The quality of these babies is so high, this is definitely not less than my possessions."

The owner of the Helian government determined that at present these things taken out by the owner of the Taoyuan government, whether in quantity or quality, were definitely not under those treasures before him.

"Wow !!!!"

As the last pile of Lingzhi babies was dumped by the master of Taoyuan, the latter finally stopped under the attention of the other people, and at this moment, the entire gazebo was already filled with various things. This kind of spiritual plant concentrate, terrifying energy, let the surrounding space be faintly turbulent.

"Young master, that's all. These are the treasures that the subordinates have spent thousands of years collecting. Now they are all dedicated to the young master. Please also use the young master freely."

The owner of Taoyuan House also quickly opened it up. These things are outside the body. Compared with his life, these things have no meaning at all. In the future, he will one day get out of the control of Yuan Feng and he can collect them again.

"Ahem, it's not bad, it seems you are very obedient, very good, very good !!!"

Yuan Feng had already been startled by these things brought out by the master of the Taoyuan Mansion. It wasn't until the other party spoke, that he recovered from the shock and coughed softly.

Although he had some speculations before, frankly, he really hadn't thought about it. The treasure on the owner of Taoyuan Mansion is even more precious than the treasure on Helian Mansion.

I have to say that the master of Taoyuan House gave him a big surprise.

"The three of you are here to study the next goal. I will do something first. After you have studied the goal, you will take a break here. After a while, everyone will continue to act."

After seeing so many babies, Yuan Feng said nothing, it was just a collection. Soon, the mountain peaks formed by Ling Zhi's babies were collected by him, and his entire body was also with him. With Jiang Qingwu disappeared together.

There were only three owners of the Taoyuan House in the entire field, and the three of them looked at each other at this moment without any discordant atmosphere.

"Two, everyone is now a grasshopper on a rope. From now on, we will really help each other, even if we trust each other with life and death, right?"

The three stood together, inevitably feeling a little under the heart. Suddenly, the emperors who have risen from the top have become small soldiers who are subject to people. This change is not ordinary. From now on, they are unlikely to have a happy and happy day!

"The world is impermanent. Since this is the end, the three of us have nothing more than to live in a different way."

"Oh, how can we only have three of us? Now that the three of us are the same owners of the thirty-six provinces of the French Realm, then the other guys, of course, don't want to be happy, are they right?

At this moment, the master of the Taoyuan Mansion did not conceal his treacherous and insidious side anymore, but then again, his words did say the aspirations of the Helian Mansion and the Dog Tooth Mansion owners.

They no longer have freedom, and even their lives are in the hands of others. Only by turning all the other owners of the 36th house into one of them can they feel balance in their hearts.

"Negotiate, and who's to calculate next? I have two candidates here ..."

The three major government leaders looked at each other, but they could not understand each other. Everyone, you and me, started to think about which goal is easier to start, and which goal should be put a little behind.

In short, after completely letting go of each other's mustard, the energy that the three of them can release together is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people. It can be foreseen that with these three people, the next thirty-three people will eventually escape the French Open.

Regarding how to calculate these three people, Yuan Feng was too lazy to care, because at this time, Yuan Feng was actually 100% sure that he could conquer all the government-level figures.

A formidable powerhouse, three house-level powerhouses, the next action, even if there is any accident, with this horrifying power, no one can escape, what he needs now is nothing more than It's just time.

There are indeed a lot of treasures handed over by the owner of Taoyuan Mansion. For these resources, Yuan Feng picked out some of the treasures that he might use in the future, and the rest were naturally digested by Xiaoba.

When a lot of resources were devoured by Xiaoba, the cave worlds of Warcraft were created one by one, and after all the resources were swallowed by Xiaoba, Yuan Feng ’s Warcraft army was added again. Number of thousand heads.

Counting this thousand-headed Cave Heaven Realm Warcraft, right now, Yuan Feng's Dongtian Kingdom Warcraft has a total of more than five thousand heads, but now he has already had the capital to make a fortune.

However, at this moment, he was not in a hurry. In any case, the formidable realm was stronger than his existence, and he did not want to take the risk without ensuring foolproofness.

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