The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1175: Holy beast world (four more seeking flowers)

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For the Warcraft that he beheaded and killed, it turned out to be the three-headed Warcraft dog guarded by the Mo Luo world. Yuan Feng's heart was still surprised. However, I was surprised for a while. Even the World of Warcraft in the Temple of Heavenly Demon was killed by myself. Adding another three-headed dog was obviously not a big deal.

It's a pity that the reincarnation of the three-headed dog seems to have some problems. There are only two heads left. In this way, if there is one head missing, it will also lack a magic crystal. Otherwise, Yuan Feng is very bad. I want to find another magic crystal. In that case, maybe Chu Tianyu will be stronger.

For these, he doesn't need to think about it for the time being. In the next time, his attention is all on the token obtained after beheading the double-headed dog.

Holding this dark token in his hand, Yuan Feng looked up and down while letting her mother watch it to see what it was and how useful it was.

"Mother, the baby killed the double-headed dog at first, and it was directly refined into energy. In the end, there were two magic crystals and this token. The mother was very knowledgeable and should be able to know the token. Use it? "

After getting the token, Yuan Feng did not study it much, almost as if it was a piece of equipment, and was casually thrown into his nanocrystal ring. Later, his body became the world of the cave. He The nanocrystal ring was put into the cave world, but this black token has not been studied.

"What a strange token, the material of this token, even I don't recognize it?"

Jiang Qingwu took the black token in her hand, but for a while she didn't know what it was, especially the material of this thing, which surprised her even more.

From a quality point of view, the materials of this brand should never be produced by a world like the French Realm or the Moro Realm, and only in a world like the Unreal World can it be produced.

With a little curiosity, he flipped the black sign over, and Jiang Qingwu was a bit surprised, but suddenly became even more surprised.

"Well? Realm? There is a boundary?"

Shicai Yuanfeng handed the token to her. Since it was the token without words facing her, she did not see the full picture of the token, and found it after turning it over. Above, there is even a silver writ.

"It turned out to be a token? This ..."

Weighing on the black token in her hand, Jiang Qingwu's mind was turning, thinking about all the possibilities, and thinking about it, her face suddenly changed slightly, what seemed to be thinking!

"The token in the body of the three-headed dog, special materials, ancient fonts, is it ..."

His face was getting more and more exciting. At this moment, Jiang Qingwu thought of a possibility. However, even this herself couldn't believe it, because this possibility was really unlikely.

"Mother, do you recognize the source of this token?"

Seeing Jiang Qingwu's complexion changing, Yuan Feng thought he had recognized the token, so he hurriedly asked.

"I do n’t know how to recognize it, I just think of a possibility, or a rumor." Shaking his head, Jiang Qingwu did n’t know if he should say this to Yuan Feng, because do n’t say Yuan Feng, even herself, felt that this possibility was almost negligible.

"Oh? Hey, no matter whether it's a possibility or a rumor, the mother still tells the child, it should be to enrich the knowledge and experience of the child."

Yuan Feng's curiosity is not too strong, but Jiang Qingwu has spoken halfway, and of course he wants to hear the rest of the words.

"Well, let me talk to you casually." Shaking his head, Jiang Qingwu didn't think too much anyway. With Yuan Feng's strength and potential, the height in the future will never be below her, so Some knowledge, of course, must be instilled in him to let him know more about the secrets of this world.

"According to legend, in the unknown space world, there exists a place called Holy Beast Realm, where there is no human warrior, but it is completely occupied by Warcraft. Countless powerful Warcraft make up a huge Kingdom of Warcraft. Warcraft qualified to enter the holy beast world will have endless development potential. "

Jiang Qingwu's face was full of hope, she just heard the rumors of the holy beast world, but if this world really exists, or where it exists, then it is not her level What people can know, at least, must be cultivated for those who are above the realm of God, in order to know whether the Holy Beast Reality really exists.

"Holy beast world? All the World of Warcraft? Is there such a place?"

With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng also looked forward to it for a while, because he believed that if there was such a world, there would definitely be a wonderful world there.

Warcraft is a variety of things, there are all kinds, and if it is a world completely composed of Warcraft, it will undoubtedly be a more wonderful world.

"The existence of the Holy Beast Realm is very secretive, but every once in a while, the powerful Warcraft of the Holy Beast Realm will look for fresh blood everywhere and recruit them into the Holy Beast Realm. Some of the qualified ones will take them directly to the Holy Beast Realm. , And some barely qualified, but still to be inspected, they will leave special tokens for them. After the inspection period ends and fully meets their standards, the inspected Warcraft can rely on tokens. , Find where the Holy Beast Realm is, and join in. "

Jiang Qingwu told Yuan Feng all the rumors she knew in one breath, and by the time she finished, Yuan Feng's complexion was changing one after another.

"So it turns out, if all the mother said is true, then, isn't this token the token that leads to the Holy Beast Realm?"

Looking at the black token in his hand, Yuan Feng at this moment seems to have seen himself entering the Holy Beast Realm and dealing with a group of powerful Warcraft.

"These are just rumors. It is difficult to tell whether they are true or false. Moreover, even if they enter the holy beast world, it must be World of Warcraft. No matter how powerful a human warrior is, it is impossible to understand the token. Information. "

Seeing that his son was so interested in the sacred animal kingdom, Jiang Qingwu smiled, and hurried to the basin of cold water to pour Yuan Feng's enthusiasm.

"Only Warcraft can read the meaning of the token? This is easy to handle. I have Xiao Ba to help, and there is a very amazing Warcraft companion. So long as the Holy Beast Really exists, I will be there sooner or later. Take a tour. "

Yuan Feng is still full of confidence. He has not only Xiaoba's life-saving companion of Warcraft, but also a super beast like Dahei. He believes that with his two Warcraft companions, he can definitely reach the holy beast. boundary. Of course, today's little eight, no matter how big black, obviously has not yet reached the qualifications for the sanctuary to be recognized, so it seems too early to think about these now.

"Fenger, Niang knows that you have a strong spirit of adventure, but you have to remember that before your cultivation has reached the realm of creation, this holy beast world cannot go anyway."

Jiang Qingwu couldn't help but regret it. She was really worried that her son's head was so hot that he really ran to the vain animal kingdom. If this is changed, she may not think too much, after all, there is no way to verify the existence of the holy beast world, but this son of hers is really too magical. In her mind, it seems that nothing really happened. This is something her son couldn't do.

"Mother, rest assured, the child has his own size. Even if the Holy Beast Reality is really discovered at that time, at most, he will let the clone go, and he will never let the deity and the clone go together."

With a bright smile, Yuan Feng was enjoying this feeling of being cared for. For a long time, he was fighting alone, without a loved one, regardless of what he did, whether it was dangerous or not, he had to bear it all.

Now that I have recovered my mother, he has not only added a super guardian, but also a lot of concern, which has enabled him to get rid of the gloom of the killing and find himself after countless killings. The sunny side.

"Oh, I almost forgot you still have the magic of mirroring."

Jiang Qingwu also couldn't help but smile. Then she remembered that her own son had a super skill. As long as the deity is okay, he can completely do anything with the avatar. Even if the avatar falls down by then, It will not have any impact on the deity, and, without the avatar, it may be possible to shape another one.

"Mother, everything else is irrelevant. At this moment, the baby has something to ask the mother, and if it is convenient, ask the mother to talk to the baby."

Suddenly, Yuan Feng's complexion became extremely serious, apparently to say something really important.

"Stupid boy, as long as you want to know, your mother will tell you, if you have any questions, you can say hello." Patted Yuan Feng's shoulder lovingly, Jiang Qingwu sat back to the opposite of Yuan Feng, Waiting for Yuan Feng's question.

"Thank you mother!"

Nodded to Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng took a deep breath, and then hesitated a little, then he said, "Mother, the Hong Haitian from the so-called **** crystal that you asked for, and I was in the Temple of Heavenly Purification At that time, the descendants of the refining magic palace that day were also looking for the so-called **** crystal, but I wonder, what exactly does the so-called **** crystal look like? "

Everything else is small, what he really wants to know, but what is this so-called **** crystal!

ps: roar, brothers mighty, four hundred flowers are close at hand, asking for help! Little Smoke Acceleration Code Chapter 5 !! !!

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