The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1174: Guarding Warcraft Three Heads (three)

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The puzzlement that had troubled Yuan Feng for a long time was finally answered at this moment. Only then did Yuan Feng know that the original World of Warcraft in the underground world of Montenegro turned out to be her mother's seal.

After learning about this situation, Yuan Feng naturally inevitably sighed, especially after hearing his mother's explanation of the original war, he had more understanding and evaluation of the original situation.

There is no need to say right or wrong, because things have passed too long and too long, and almost all of the original parties have died, and even the Tianlian Magic Palace and the Star Palace have disappeared. Going to talk about these is no doubt Some don't make sense.

However, after listening to his mother's explanation of the original thing, Yuan Feng still heard many situations from the other party's words, and these situations, he could not help but need his mother to answer.

"Mother, your so-called magic beast, the baby already knows it, but I don't know what the other Warcraft said by the mother, that is, the three-headed Warcraft three-headed guardian of the Mo Luo world, and what is the existence of the mother? Sure, is that so-called Moroccan guarding the Warcraft three-headed dog really dead? "

The original battle should be a battle between Jiang Qingwu and two powerful Warcrafts, but the final result is probably not so easy to conclude.

"The three-headed dog is the guardian of Warcraft, and in fact, almost all the worlds like the French Realm and the Magical Realm have their own Guardian Warcraft. They also existed before the French Realm, but they were only hit by the Star Palace. In the end, he was beheaded, and the three-headed Warcraft three-headed warrior who defended the magical world chose me to explode.

She also knows a lot about the three-headed Warcraft three-dogs that are guarding the Mo Luo world. At the time, the three-headed dogs were dying to fight back. If it wasn't for her being a little farther away, I'm afraid like the three-headed dogs, the soul is out of heaven Already.

"The three-headed Warcraft three-headed guardian of Mo Luojie ... this ... shouldn't it be just a coincidence ?!"

When it comes to the three-headed dog, Yuan Feng first thought of the strange two-headed dog he encountered in Fengtian County. Although the two-headed dog was very weak, its two magic crystals actually made Chu Tianyu has transformed from a mortal person to the super strong of Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian. Obviously, the two-headed dog must be weird.

At this moment, when it was learned that the guardian of Warcraft World was a three-headed dog, it was natural that he linked the two together.

Speaking of which, at the time of the magic world, he also heard Chu Tianyu said that there should be only three magic crystals like the double-headed dog. This is also the double that made him kill. The head dog has some connection with this so-called three-headed dog.

"The original three-headed dog was indeed dead, but frankly, that level of World of Warcraft is of unimaginable power, and it is not surprising to say that it has a means of resurrection."

Jiang Qingwu's eyebrows were raised, and I could not help recalling the scene. Now think about it, the three-headed dog's self-detonation at that time was very decisive, and after the self-detonation, nothing was left. The situation is very strange. Maybe its self-detonation should also be a means!

"Without concealing the mother, before the baby was out of Fengtian County, he had once killed a World of Warcraft, but that World of Warcraft was a double-headed dog with two heads."

"Two-Headed Dog? Is this still the case?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help but stunned slightly, his face flashed with surprise.

"Yes, it is a double-headed dog with two heads. More than that, the mother did not know. After the double-headed dog was beheaded, the child got two magic crystals and a token from its body, and The two magic crystals gave me a good brother to the baby. With these two magic crystals, he also became a strong man in the cave heavenly world from a mortal person. "

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng could not help but secretly sigh. It seems that his mother really left a lot of opportunities for him!

"With two magic crystals, you have reached the realm of Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian? Fenger, where is your friend now?"

Jiang Qingwu was also interested. From Yuan Feng's commentary, it seems that the double-headed dog in his mouth seems to be related to the original three-headed dog.

"Oh, my life and death brother has experienced some things before, and is now in the Qingwu Palace." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng contacted Chu Tianyu directly in the Qingwu Palace. "Brother Tianyu Come out and let out the air! "

In the time spent talking, there was an extra young man in the enclosed space where the two were.

"Ha ha ha, brother Yuan Feng, is there going to be a big war, I all feel ... Uh ..."

As soon as he came out, Chu Tianyu couldn't help but laugh a long laugh, but only half of what he said, he just stuck there and couldn't say any more.

"So beautiful, so noble woman, there is such a noble woman in the world, it's an eye-opener, an eye-opener!"

Looking at the woman across from Yuan Feng for a while, Chu Tianyu felt a sense of loss at this moment. Whether it ’s France ’s world or Moluo ’s world, there are a lot of women he ’s met, but compared to the women in front of him, the others are simply Firefly and Haoyue, and they have no competitiveness at all.

"Brother Tianyu must be rude. This is Jiang Qingwu, my mother. Brother Tianyu has seen it quickly."

Seeing that Chu Tianyu was actually calmed down by his mother, Yuan Feng shook his head, and then hurried to remind Chu Tianyu softly.

"Ah? Brother Yuan Feng's mother? This ..."

At the introduction of Yuan Feng, Chu Tianyu even exclaimed, and the whole person jumped up.

In Chu Tianyu's memory, Yuan Feng seemed to have only a common man's father, but in Fengtian County, he had never heard of Yuan Feng, who had such a fairy-like mother.

"I've seen my aunt, and Chu Tianyu, a junior, is a friend of Brother Yuan Feng. Today, I can see my aunt. The junior is really lucky to have three lives."

Although he was surprised, Chu Tianyu hurried back to God and saluted Jiang Qingwu.

Yuan Feng's mother is equivalent to his mother. Of course, the necessary respect is certainly impossible. Moreover, he could feel that the mother of Yuan Feng was so utterly weak that I was afraid that even his master might not be able to compare with this woman.

There was no way to ask more at this moment, but when he was alone with Yuan Feng, he must ask clearly where the mother of Yuan Feng came from.

"No need to be polite."

Jiang Qingwu waved her hand to signal that Chu Tianyu could relax, and at the same time, her eyes began to glance at Chu Tianyu's body, and soon, her eyes flashed a clear color.

"It turned out to be the breath of a three-headed dog. It seems that the original three-headed dog did not die, but was reborn through other means. Unfortunately, in the end, it failed to escape and died. Into my child's hand. "

Shaking her head and sighing, Jiang Qingwu's eyes couldn't help looking at Yuan Feng. For a moment, her heart was really full of wonderful feelings.

Both Super WoWs were not beheaded by her at the beginning, but in the end, they both died in the hands of her son and became her son's help. It seems that she was invisible for her own children Paved a very wide road.

"Oh, little guy, can you avoid it first? Fenger and I have something to say."

With emotion, Jiang Qingwu looked at Chu Tianyu again, and then whispered authentically. Although there is no intention of order, anyone who listens to her will never give up defying thoughts.

"Yes, the juniors went back to practice first." Chu Tianyu didn't have any reluctance. When Jiang Qingwu's words came down, he returned directly and honestly.

"Eh, okay, Brother Yu went back to practice that day, and I'll talk to Brother Tianyu later."

Yuan Feng didn't say much. He could see that his mother obviously didn't like contacting outsiders. In this case, it wasn't necessary to leave Chu Tianyu in front of him.

Speaking, he took Chu Tianyu back into a space in Qingwu Palace and let him continue to cultivate.

"Fenger, your child is really lucky. If I didn't guess wrong, the two-headed dog that you beheaded and killed should be the guardian of Warcraft, the reincarnation of the three-headed dog. The law of rebirth did not escape the fate of death. "

After the two of them and Yuan Feng remained, Jiang Qingwu sighed sighingly, feeling very excited.

"Really that three-headed dog?"

Getting Jiang Qingwu's answer, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look stagnant, but with the same emotion. Who would have thought that the little Warcraft that was hiding in the country of Montenegro would turn out to be the guardian of Warcraft, how incredible it is!

What's even more incredible is that such a powerful World of Warcraft eventually died in his hands, but at that time, he was only a small innate, even a small role in Ningyuan Realm.

"The world is unpredictable, and some things should have been destined for the heavens long ago." Shaking his head, Jiang Qingwu suddenly thought of something, and suddenly turned, "Yeah Fenger, you said, In addition to the magic crystal, a token was obtained from the pair of dogs? Where is the token now? "

No matter how powerful the three-headed dog is, eventually she is dead, and there is nothing to study for her, but she is a little curious about Yuan Feng's so-called token.

"Here, the baby stays with him all the time, and the mother sees."

Nodded, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. When he raised his hand, a dark weird token appeared in his hand and appeared to Jiang Qingwu's eyes.

ps: The third one is coming, tears for flowers! !! !! Everyone has flowers, give it to Xiaoyan, and make Xiaoyan full of power! !! Roar! !!

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