The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1176: The usefulness of Shenjing (five more flowers)

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From Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng cleared up many situations that were difficult to straighten out before. However, whether these situations are straightened out or not actually doesn't mean much to Yuan Feng. What really keeps Yuan Feng at heart is the legendary **** crystal.

For the so-called **** crystal, the five forces escaped from the boundless realm and fled to the lower bound, but they suffered heavy injuries one by one. The other two major forces, Yuan Feng, are not clear, but now it appears that there are already three major forces, and they are now gone.

It is conceivable that if the so-called **** crystal can be obtained, it is bound to obtain unimaginable benefits, but what kind of benefits are there, it is not what he can know now.

No way, he has only heard about Shenjing for a long time, but he has never seen what Shenjing looks like!

When Jiang Feng was asked about Shen Jing, Jiang Qingwu's face also became involuntarily serious. Although she was in the Xuanzhen space and was still in Qingwu Palace, she was still looking to the left and right. I looked at it, as if I was afraid that the words mentioned by Yuan Feng would be heard by others.

"Fenger, everything else is a trivial matter. However, what I will tell you about Shenjing is definitely a matter of life. Therefore, you must guarantee that Shenjing is absolutely not allowed Anyone else mentions it, no matter how close they are, because as long as you disclose the matter of the crystal to others, you may be killing him. "

Jiang Qingwu's face had never been more serious, but it was countless times more serious than Yuan Feng's look. Looking at her so serious expression, Yuan Feng also realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Mother rest assured that the child will not mention anything to the next thing. God knows, you know I know, absolutely no third person will know."

The more serious Jiang Qingwu, the stronger the curiosity under Yuan Feng ’s heart. He really wanted to know what kind of treasure the so-called **** crystal was, which could make so many super powerful people Lost his life.

"Just know the stakes."

With Yuan Feng's guarantee, Jiang Qingwu nodded with satisfaction, but then she suddenly raised her hand and arranged a soundproofing enchantment around her and Yuan Feng again. In this way, in addition to Formidable powers, absolutely no one can hear their next conversation.

"Fenger already knows the boundless world, but shouldn't know the specifics of the boundless world, right? I'll explain to you today in advance, and when you go there in the future, there will be no preparation at all. "

After setting up the soundproofing enchantment, Jiang Qingwu sat down and started talking to Yuan Feng.

Yuan Feng also sat cross-legged and took Xiaoba back into her body, as if Xiaoba was not allowed to hear their next conversation.

"The boundless realm is very big, it is really big, because no one has ever reached the edge of the boundless realm. As long as you are strong enough, you can always explore the boundless realm, where there are all kinds of powerful There are countless races, and the various blessings are also countless, but they will be far apart and far away. As for how far you will be, you will know when you come to the boundless world. "

Regarding the boundless world, Jiang Qingwu wanted to tell Yuan Feng about it, but when she spoke, she discovered that the power and mystery of boundless world were not described by language at all. After Yuan Feng had the opportunity to get there, she could feel it herself.

"No margins? Countless races? What kind of world would it be?"

Although Jiang Qingwu didn't say much, in just a few words, he had mobilized all the interests of Yuan Feng. Obviously, the boundless world will be very exciting and wonderful, and there will be a lot of powerful characters. Of course, the so-called lack of margins, he did not agree.

In his mind, there is no world without margins. The reason why there is no margin is that no one can reach the margins. If it is really strong enough, then it can definitely reach the edge of the world.

"Mother, when can I go to Wuleijie? Also, does mother know how to get back into Wuleijie?"

Oblivious world is obviously very exciting, but at this moment Yuan Feng suddenly realized that no matter how wonderful the world is, he must be able to reach it.

"With your current practice, you can go to the boundless realm, but if you can go to the realm of creation, you should be more secure. As for the way to return to the boundless realm, isn't there no, but It's hard, it's useless to tell you now. "

Yuan Feng now has the strength of Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian. This kind of strength can survive in the delusional realm, but there are many strong ones in the delusional realm. After Yuan Feng has gone, it is definitely the bottom. presence. In addition, he has a lot of babies on his body and a lot of powerful skills, and he is bound to be very dangerous.

So, don't say that she can't get Yuan Feng up now, even if there is a way, she won't do it that way.

"If there is a way, as long as there is a way, even if it is difficult, we will be able to overcome it." Yuan Feng is not in a hurry. He is not yet familiar with the Nether, where will he rush to go to what is no delusion Suffer.

"In the world of no delusion, there are too many creatures like me, and there are also levels of creatures. The strength of the strongest creature and the weakest creature are far different. Of course, when you reach that realm in the future, you will slowly know, and above the creation realm, it is the so-called realm of God! "

Speaking of the state of God, Jiang Qingwu's face was full of longing, as if he could not wait for himself to be a strong person in the state of God.

Yuan Feng didn't bother her mother's narrative. He already knew that there was a state of God, so it was no surprise to hear the word again.

"Cultivation breaks through the realm of creation, after reaching the so-called divine realm, it will condense the divine crystal and achieve the Yuanshen. At that time, the Yuanshen is immortal. Even if the physical body is destroyed, it can be infinitely reborn. It is immortal realm."

Seeing Yuan Feng still kept calm, Jiang Qingwu didn't hesitate, he directly transmitted the concept of the realm of God to Yuan Fengdao. And this time, when her voice fell, Yuan Feng's face finally appeared hard to suppress the excitement.

"Condensation of the crystals, the achievement of the Yuanshen? Even the physical destruction can be infinitely reborn? This ... This is too powerful, right ?!"

Destroying the physical body without destroying it is definitely something that everyone dreams of. In this world, nothing is more desirable than immortality.

"No wonder that for the so-called divine realm, powerful forces such as the Celestial Palace and Tianlian Demon Palace have all perished. The original divine realm has such a seductive place."

What is Yuanshen? He doesn't say right now, but it sounds very powerful.

"Wait, mother, is the **** crystal that is called here the **** crystal that children want to ask?"

His face changed slightly, and Yuan Feng realized the key in Jiang Qingwu's remarks. Immortality and something are too far away. At the moment, what he wants to know most is what is the so-called **** crystal, because it seems that his mother should have the so-called **** crystal now. of.

In the previous conversation between Jiang Qingwu and Hong Haitian, he listened to his ears without any word. He could hear it. At this moment, Jiang Qingwu and Hong Haitian absolutely have the existence of the **** crystal. There is nothing to doubt.

"Yes, the **** crystal you want to ask is the **** crystal condensed by people in the realm of god."

With a slight smile, Jiang Qingwu directly affirmed Yuan Feng's guess.

"That was really the case." With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng nodded secretly, and then continued, "Mother, what kind of use is this **** crystal? Can you make yourself godless with this **** crystal? ? "

"Oh, Fenger is right. This so-called **** crystal can really make a person who is a **** of creation a **** !!!"

Just when Yuan Feng's voice had just fallen, Jiang Qingwu picked up the corner of her mouth and replied with a smile.

"What? Really ... can it be a god? This ..."

Yuan Feng just asked so casually, but he did not expect that this so-called **** crystal could really make people become gods. At this moment, his breathing was hard to be accelerated.

Becoming a god, this is what people yearn for. If the **** crystal can really help people become gods, would n’t it mean that as long as he swallows the **** crystal on Jiang Qingwu, then he can directly become a strong **** Is it a person?

"Oh, silly boy, it's not as simple as you think."

Seems to have seen through Yuan Feng's thoughts, Jiang Qingwu shook his head and motioned Yuan Feng to stop being excited before proceeding, "The so-called helping people become gods, not everyone can do it. In fact, what I said "Helping people become gods" means that after using Shenjing, the person who can reach the peak of the realm of creation can directly reach the realm of God without a bottleneck, but he can't reach the peak of the realm of creation. Shenjing is nothing more than a decoration. "

Jiang Qingwu's explanation became more detailed, and after her voice dropped, Yuan Feng could not help but open her mouth wide, and her face was full of black lines.

"This ......... for a long time, Shen Jing turned out to be useful only to those who are at the top of the realm of creation. It seems that Bai is excited!"

At the peak of the realm of creation, now he is almost eighteen thousand miles away from that realm. In this way, even if the so-called **** crystal is obtained, it looks like a chicken rib.

"I haven't finished yet. The **** crystals mentioned here are the lowest ordinary **** crystals. However, the **** crystals robbed before by the five forces are different. The **** crystals they tried their best to **** could make people Promoted directly to the realm of God, and is the treasure of the higher realm of God. "

Seeing Yuan Feng's straight pout, Jiang Qingwu smiled strangely again, but what he said made Yuan Feng's face change and become extremely wonderful.

ps: Five more completed, please ask for flowers, all support! !! !! Make a cup of coffee! !! Wait to break four hundred! !! wakaka! !! !!

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