The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1173: The original (second more)

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Jiang Qingwu never thought that her son could start from a small mortal world and grow up to the present state step by step. She couldn't even think of it before.

However, the fact is that her son has not only grown to such a powerful degree, he has also mastered a variety of powerful methods, even the advanced martial arts skills have been mastered, these are simply dreamlike and unreal.

After learning that Yuan Feng had mastered the martial arts skills when she was in the kingdom of Dan, Jiang Qingwu had fully felt the metamorphosis of Yuan Feng. Now, even if Yuan Feng shows astonishing conditions, she will definitely Smile a little, not strange.

However, although her mind did think so, when the amazing facts appeared one after another, I was afraid that her mind might not be as good as she expected.

After showing Jiang Qingwu the super magical skill of mirroring magic, Yuan Feng did not intend to show more magical martial arts for the other party to watch. It's not that you don't trust the other person, but if you surprise the other person too much, God knows if they will let them have some bad ideas for themselves.

The magic of one item and two items is okay, but if there are too many magic items displayed, he is really worried about being treated as a monster by his mother.

Having said that, sometimes, even he himself felt that he was a monster, a big monster.

"Mother, there is no other magical skill on the child's body. However, the child also has a Warcraft companion. I believe that the mother will feel very kind when she sees it."

Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu have returned to Qingwu Palace. The two were sitting opposite each other. After speaking a lot of house words, Yuan Feng suddenly thought of Xiao Ba.

"Partners of Warcraft? Will it make me feel kind? Oh, it's not forbidden to show me out."

Only after hearing Feng Feng said that there was no magical skill that could allow her to watch, Jiang Qingwu felt a little normal. Obviously, Yuan Feng did not show more magic, and this decision was absolutely right.

For Yuan Feng's Warcraft companion, Jiang Qingwu is a bit unclear. Therefore, she really can't think of any Warcraft that can make her feel kind.

"Hey, mother, look! Little eight, come out !!!"

With a mysterious smile on Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand, and then, a seemingly cute eight-claw Warcraft, appeared directly in this small space.

"Squeak !!!"

Today's Xiaoba has grown to the realm of Dongtian Realm and Five Realms. Such a realm is also considered to be at the top level in the realm of law. Unfortunately, when this guy came out of Yuan Feng's body and felt the breath of Jiang Qingwu, the guy was like a mouse when he saw a cat and screamed and hid behind Yuan Feng.

However, how could its huge body be hidden by Yuan Feng's small body? Although he tried to hide it, it finally appeared clearly in front of Jiang Qingwu.

"Ah, this ... this is ... the town palace magical beast of Tian Lian Mo Gong? No, it is not the other end, it seems to be more perfect than that one ...."

Although I have decided not to make a fuss before, when I saw Xiao Ba, Jiang Qingwu still exclaimed with uncontrollable expression, but the expression on his face was beyond words.

After dealing with Tian Lian Mo Gong for so many years, she is almost familiar with the Town Warcraft of Tian Lian Mo Gong, and, unlike other people, she is in harmony with the Town Warcraft of Tian Lian Mo Gong. There is definitely a different story. Therefore, when she met Xiao Ba, even if she wanted to be calm again, she could not be calm.

"Mother really recognized it. Yes, Xiao Ba is the Town Warcraft of Tian Lian Mo Gong, but it is not the original one. The big guy has been beheaded by the baby, and Xiao Ba is the big guy. Legacy of Warcraft. "

Seeing Jiang Qingwu's expression, Yuan Feng was instantly able to determine that her mother definitely knew the town palace of World of Warcraft, and naturally, she should not recognize Xiaoba.

"What? The inheritance of the magical beast of Warcraft? No wonder, no wonder it looks like the magical beast, but it looks a bit higher than the magical beast's grade."

Hearing Yuan Feng's explanation, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help showing a touch of sorrow, but at the same time, a sorrow flashed through her eyes.

"Hey, the magic beast. At the beginning of the battle, I originally wanted to keep it alive. If it shouldn't be killed, it is entirely possible to restore the old style of the past, but it was unexpected that it would eventually escape. "

In front of Yuan Feng, of course Jiang Qingwu would not let herself hide anything. When talking, she sighed quietly and did not hide her regret for the death of the magic beast.

"Well? I wanted to save it? My mother meant ..."

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Yuan Feng keenly grasped the key points in the other party's words and asked with amazement.

"Fenger, the World of Warcraft that you beheaded and killed should be in the underground space of Montenegro, and that World of Warcraft is still sealed by the energy chain, can't exert its due power, right?"

There was a hint of memory on Jiang Qingwu's face, and I didn't know what it was, but it seemed to be very emotional.

"Yes, yes, it's in the underground space of Montenegro. How could my mother know this?"

This time, Yuan Feng was surprised. Although he guessed that his mother could recognize Xiao Balai, he did not expect that his mother seemed to know more than him.

"Oh, of course I know, because the original magic beast was sealed by me in the underground space of Montenegro."

With a slight smile, Jiang Qingwu stood up while talking, walked behind Yuan Feng, raised his hand, held Xiao Ba in restraint, and touched it kindly.

The former magic beast was no longer there. At the time, she sealed the magic beast in the underground world of Montenegro in order to leave a way for the other party. However, in the end, this World of Warcraft was hung up. However, although the magical beast was hung up, it was clear that the super-Warcraft that had once completed her son virtually.

Now think about it, her kindness had left her son with an unimaginable encounter, which was really kind and rewarding.

She doesn't know how this Warcraft pet helped Yuan Feng, but judging from the relationship between Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba, and Yuan Feng's attitude towards Xiao Ba, the bloodline of the magical beast is definitely given. Yuan Feng helped a lot.

"It's ... my mother sealed the big guy in the underground world!"

Pulling the corners of the mouth, Yuan Feng also felt weird for a while. Judging from the situation at hand, his mother seemed to know that he would be in contact with the magic beast, so he paved the way for him early. No one knows better than himself how much he has helped him along the way.

"Mother, what the **** is going on here? How did the mother seal the World of Warcraft? And ask the mother to explain her suspicion to the baby."

Yuan Feng became more and more surprised and curious. It seems that he can immediately know how the World of Warcraft in the underground world of Montenegro actually appeared there.

"It's a long story, I'll just talk to you."

His complexion was slightly correct, and Jiang Qingwu quickly fell into the memory and explained to Yuan Feng at the same time.

"Since Feng'er got the Heavenly Refined Demon Palace and subdued the survivors of the Heavenly Refined Demon Palace, then he should also know the battle that started in the magic world!"

"The child knows that in that battle, the Star Palace secretly provoked and assisted the weaker Moro Realm to wipe out all the masters of the Tianlian Palace, and the Star Palace itself seemed to have been greatly affected. Wrecked. "

He is relatively clear about these situations, almost just opening his mouth.

"Yes, when the Astral Palace arrived in the French Realm a few years ago, when the Astral Magic Palace came, the Astral Palace had established a foothold in the French Realm. Later, the Astral Magic Palace also came to the middle world, and was next to the magic Luo Jie. In order to destroy Tian Lian Mo Gong and rob the **** crystal of Tian Lian Mo Gong, the Star Palace is secretly assembled, and let Tian Lian Mo Gong start a war with Mo Luo Jie, and finally help Mo Luo Jie to kill Tian Everyone in the Paladin. "

Speaking of this paragraph, Jiang Qingwu's face inevitably has a trace of remorse and can't bear flashing. At the beginning of the war, she completely disagreed. Unfortunately, the minority must obey the majority. She can only obey everyone. Opinions were involved.

"After the start of the war, I did n’t have the heart to join in, so I was always on the periphery. Later, the town of Warcraft in Tianlian Demon Palace battled with the guardian demon of the magic world, and I assisted the magic world. Guarding Warcraft and dealing with the magic beasts together, they also entered the chaos with time and space, and when they reappear, they will be in the Heishan Kingdom of the Dragon Empire. "

"At the time of the Kingdom of Montenegro, the three-headed Warcraft three-headed dogs of the magical beasts and the magical world were both defeated. At the last moment, the magical beasts killed the three-headed dogs, and the three-headed dogs counterattacked. It hurt me and the magical beast not badly, my condition is better, and the magical beast has almost no strength left, and it is very bad. In the end, I sealed the magical beast and hid it myself. Until the injury was almost recovered, I met your father ... "

Jiang Qingwu's ability to tell stories is really good, and with her telling, all the doubts under Yuan Feng's heart were finally answered, and the context of the whole incident became extremely clear.

ps: Today we work hard to add more, the third more hard work in the code word, brothers and sisters, at the end of the month, to help Xiaoyan help, let's kill back the top four! !! !! Roar! !!

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