The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1172: The secret of God (one more)

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Holding the black scroll in his hand, Jiang Qingwu's eyes switched back and forth on the black scroll and Yuan Feng's body. Frankly speaking, at this moment, he almost had to doubt Yuan Feng's identity.

From the point of view of breath, Yuan Feng is definitely her child, and she is still very confident. However, a child who grew up in the initial world, after only three or fifty years of work, not only cultivated extremely fast, but also collected so many treasures, which is really not scientific at all.

Mirroring the magic, this thing is a bit too much against the sky, and the grade marked on this martial arts makes him feel shocked from the heart.

God-level martial arts, perhaps Yuan Feng did not know what the so-called god-level martial arts meant, but she was very clear in her heart. Anyone who is associated with the word of God can be said to be supreme. In the world of no delusion, as long as God is mentioned, it needs to be awed from the heart.

"Fenger, you, where did you get this mirroring magic? This is a real magic skill, definitely not a magic skill that ordinary people can contact !!!"

For a long time, Jiang Qingwu slowly returned to God, and then asked Yuan Feng seriously.

"This ...... without concealing the mother, this mirroring magical power was still a gift from an innate realm of the Danxia Sect when the child was in the Kingdom of Montenegro, but the child at the time was only in the realm of Ningyuan Realm, which was almost fair. Not a warrior. "

For his mother, Yuan Feng really didn't say anything, he wouldn't hide it at all, hesitated a little bit, and he told the other party about the mirror magic.

"What? A congenital person? And you haven't arrived in congenital? This ..."

Hearing Yuan Feng's explanation, Jiang Qingwu was almost speechless. Such a treasure is actually from the hands of a congenital person, and finally falls into the hands of a little doll in the Ningyuan Realm. If the powerful people in the realm do not know, I am afraid that they will vomit blood. It's dead!

"God-level martial arts. I didn't expect to see god-level martial arts in the Nether, and it seems that this mirrored magic power definitely has a god-level advanced level, or even higher."

God-level martial arts also has high and low quality. She can feel that this mirrored magic is definitely a higher level of god-level martial arts. Maybe it is more than high-level goods.

"Mother, god-level martial arts, shouldn't it appear in the realm of law?"

Yuan Feng is also interested. He only knows that mirroring magic is very magical and powerful, but he does not have a deep understanding of the skill of martial arts. As it happens, his mother is a powerful person without arrogance, and she should have some understanding of it.

"Of course, it should not appear in the lower realm, let alone the realm of law. Even if there is no delusional realm, the martial arts of the **** order are hard to see. Moreover, the martial arts of the **** order can only be cultivated if they have reached the realm of the god. Otherwise, even if It is a person who creates the realm, and the possibility of training is very small ...... Uh ... "

Jiang Qingwu stabilized his mind and explained the meaning of martial arts skills to Yuan Feng. However, before she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered something, but she couldn't say anything later. Come.

"Wait, Fenger, you just said ...... you ... have you done this mirroring?"

Normally, martial arts of the **** order can only be practiced by those who have condensed the realm of the gods of the gods. Under the realm of the gods, even the strongest in the top of the realm of creation, they are likely to practice a thousand miles. And anyone who can practice the martial arts of the **** order is definitely a real genius who has no delusion, and is a genius who has a deep chance with the martial art of the **** order.

Therefore, for what Yuan Feng said, he has already practiced this mirror magic skill, and her instinct is not to believe it.

"Without concealing the mother, when the baby was in the realm of dandan, he began to cultivate the magic of mirroring. Now that the avatar has been completed, it has the power comparable to the body. The mother should look at it."

Yuan Feng still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. He was in a state of mind when he talked, and then, beside him, a young man who looked exactly like him except that he wore different colors of clothes appeared in Jiang. In front of Qingwu.

The two Yuanfengs, whether they are looks or gestures, are almost carved out of a mold, even when they laugh, they are exactly the same, a frequency of smile.

"Children have seen their mothers. But is it possible for an adult mother to tell which one is the child's deity and which one is the child's clone?"

This time, naturally speaking, it was Yuan Feng's clone, but when the voice of the clone fell, Jiang Qingwu's brain almost felt dizzy, and he was almost fainted by the scene in front of him.

"It's ... how is that possible? It really turned out !!!"

Looking at the two Yuan Feng's bodies, Jiang Qingwu found that these two Yuan Feng clearly had her breath, and they were definitely her children. However, she only gave birth to a child of Yuan Feng in her life, and she is more sure than anyone else.

There is no doubt that there is only one explanation for this scene right now, that is, Yuan Feng really practiced this mirroring magic skill, which made him have a strong avatar.

"Such a thing like this? This ... this ..."

Jiang Qingwu's brain is completely messed up, and the cultivation of Dan Danjing has become a martial arts skill. This is an unheard of thing that has never been seen before! Not to mention that the martial arts skills were practiced at the end of the dandan realm. Even if it was the martial arts skills of the cave realm and the creation of the realm, they were never encountered in a century.

For a long time, there is a well-known truth in the world of no delusion, that is, it is almost impossible to cultivate god-level martial arts if you are not in the realm of God. Whatever the reason, it is doomed to a bright future for this person.

However, at this moment, in the realm of law, her son, an ordinary person who grew up in the original world, even practiced the god-level martial arts at the end of the Dan kingdom. This is such an incredible thing. !!

Proud, shocked, incredible ... At this moment, Jiang Qingwu's mood is extremely complicated.

Happiness came too suddenly, and she was rescued from her cage by her son, which has made her feel so unreal, and now her son has broken the truth of the vain world. At this moment, she really Feels extremely proud of having such a child.

"At the time of Dandan, you can practice advanced martial arts of the **** order. My child, really is going to go against the sky!"

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Qingwu worked hard to calm down the excitement in her heart, but the fact in front of her made it difficult for her to calm down for a long time.

She doesn't know what the situation like Yuan Feng means, but she believes that she can practice martial arts at the time of the Dan Realm. Her son will definitely be able to advance to the realm of God in the future. Once promoted to the realm of God, Then the blood of the Yuan family will certainly be part of those higher bloods, and even the Jiang family who drove her out of the house would bend down and lower her head, begging her to return to the family.

The realm of God is a trembling word, and it is also a realm that countless people yearn for and desperately reach. It is a pity that there are countless powerful men and geniuses everywhere, but those who can reach the realm of God are few and poor.

You should know that the first five forces, including her star house, wanted to reach the realm of God, so she took the risk to **** the **** crystal of the five elements and beasts. Of course, in the end, almost all of them lost their lives for this.

Finally, her eyes stayed on Yuan Feng's avatar. She believed that if two Yuan Feng disappeared together and then appeared one by one, then she would never be able to tell which Yuan Feng was the avatar. Which Yuan Feng is his deity.

"Fenger, hurry up and hide your copy. I'm afraid I won't be able to tell which one is the real you later."

She smiled and shook her head, Jiang Qingwu was afraid to look at it anymore, because if she looked at it again, she would really faint.

"Haha, no matter where the mother is, the deity, or the avatar, it is actually a child. As long as there is one of the deity and the avatar, the child is immortal."

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's remarks, Yuan Feng couldn't help but make a laugh, but he still put away his avatar.

He knew in his heart that the existence of the clone was his second life. Therefore, in the future, he must separate the deity and the clone. Only in this way, when the deity or the clone is in danger, the other party can guarantee the safety and security. Finally, the goal of saving lives is achieved.

"Mother, this mirrored magic, can the mother practice it? If the mother can practice this martial art, then her strength will be more than doubled. When you see that Hong Haitian again, do n’t let him find his teeth full. , Can't even his mother recognize him? "

With a whole look, Yuan Feng couldn't help but seriously speak to Jiang Qingwu.

"I? Forget it, let alone the advanced martial arts of this class and above, even if it is the most common martial art of martial arts, it is not something that anyone can practice, except for qualifications and understanding, chance It is the most important. However, this mirroring of magical powers requires not only opportunities, but also the people's spirit of the realm of God. Without the realm of God, it is impossible to practice. "

In the end, her eyes couldn't help revealing a color she didn't understand, because it was such an impossible thing, but it was done by Yuan Feng, and she probably never wanted to understand it.

The martial arts above the **** level must definitely be practiced by the Yuanshen of the person in the realm of the gods. However, it is absolutely impossible for a person in the heavenly realm in the Yuanfeng district to have the **** of the gods.

With his eyes narrowed, Jiang Qingwu finally sighed.

"Fenger, what other means do you have? Take them out and let the mother take a look. I'd like to see, how good is my Jiang Qingwu's son!"

Yuan Feng's strength, she has seen no wonder, but the next time, he just wants to know everything about Yuan Feng, it is equivalent to exercise their mental capacity.

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