The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1171: Share (four more)

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For Yuan Feng, the performance of the blood curse has already reached the point of being invincible. Now he conquers a strong and powerful man in the heavenly realm, which is basically a matter of minutes.

If you let Yuan Feng control it and conquer it, there might be a little bit of difficulty. However, with the help of Jiang Qingwu, Daobatian resisted for a while. I ca n’t even mention my ability to resist, even in the case of resistance. Under such circumstances, it is of course extremely easy to conquer.

However, the things that are easy for Yuan Feng, in the eyes of Jiang Qingwu, are definitely two completely different concepts.

What Jiang Qingwu sees is not difficult or not difficult. What she really cares about is Yuan Feng's method.

The blood curse is so exquisite that in her first half of her life, she has never seen such an exquisite method. Whether it was the perfect interpretation of Yuan Feng, or the strange beauty of each complex rune, it all made him feel so incredible.

"God knows his skills, it's just like his skills. Feng'er's methods can be so delicate ..."

Jiang Qingwu has nothing to say. Compared to the means used by Yuan Feng at this moment, her shot just now is so worthless. Now, he can understand more or less why his son can take over. There are so many cavemen.

Although it is not known what that blood-red image is, it is clear that after Yuan Feng took control of this thing, the accused person may be out of control.

"Mother, I'm not bad at this, right?"

When she saw her mother, she looked at herself like a gorilla. Yuan Feng subconsciously touched her face, and then she smiled at each other with a smile on her face.

"It's not bad. Your child is going to subvert my perception."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Jiang Qingwu had a feeling of crying and laughing. What she said is true. Yuan Feng's various performances and the treasures of him have really subverted her worldview.

In principle, these treasures owned by Yuan Feng, as well as their skills, are probably only things that can only be found in the world without being delusional, and even very rare in the world without delusion. But these things all appeared in the Nether, and they were all obtained by Yuan Feng. In this regard, she really did not know how to describe her mood.

"Hey, this is just a little trick of a child. If the mother wants to learn it, the child will give you the secret of this method later. I believe that with the strength of the mother, it will be stronger."

If Jiang Qingwu can practice the blood curse magic skill, then with her strength, there is absolutely no problem in conquering the Dongcheng Realm, and even the person who creates the realm can control it.

Of course, after all, the practice of blood curse is not easy. Although Jiang Qingwu's strength is overbearing, this has not much to do with strength. The person in Dongtianjing has enough skills to practice the blood curse magic skill. As to whether it can be accomplished, it depends on her qualifications and understanding.

"Okay, when you have stabilized, you must see this martial art."

Jiang Qingwu didn't shirk, she just promised. She really wanted to see and see. What kind of super technique is Yuan Feng's martial art.

"Mother should know this Chaos Demon Realm? Now the domain master of Chaos Demon Realm has been dormant, and everyone else has been controlled by the baby. Now the Chaos Demon Realm is completely under our control."

After Daobatian was conquered, in the entire chaos domain, there was only one person in the Heavenly Realm Seventh Heaven. This guy didn't know where he hid, but he didn't show up until now. However, for a person who is in the seventh heaven of Qidongdong, Yuanfeng today certainly doesn't care.

"It's not bad here, both sides are sporadic. As long as you keep the two exits, then it's a real natural danger."

Jiang Qingwu was overbearing. Naturally, she could immediately see the existence form of chaos, and she felt amazed at such a long and narrow area sandwiched between the chaos of time and space.

"Mother, I have set up in this chaos before, and dug an earth palace under the chaos of time and space. Now the mother will go to the palace to rest with her baby for a while, and then decide the next trip."

The entire chaos domain has been completely free of threats, and the previously arranged underground palace also seems to have completely become a palace. As for the evacuation effect previously thought, it is now completely unusable.

No way, with Jiang Qingwu as this super strong, who can let him escape?

"Oh? You are careful enough, you have left a refuge here."

Jiang Qingwu is more and more admired for his son. He doesn't say that he has overwhelming power, but he can still think so thoughtfully. Even if you look at the world without such delusions, there will never be too Many.

"Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. Before, there was no mother shelter, but the child had to be careful everywhere. After all, there are still many strong men who can't cope with this legal boundary."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's eyes glanced into the depths of the chaos and then said, "Mother, let's go in, baby's palace, no one else has ever gone in yet!"

After the words fell, he first recovered the subordinates of the Four Caves Heaven Realm and the Sixth Heaven, and then took Jiang Qingwu and flew away towards his own palace.

Before the arrangement, he arranged multiple teleportation arrays in the entire chaos domain. If he wanted to enter his earth palace, he had to transfer through multiple teleportation arrays.

After a short time, the mother and son turned several times and finally came to a spacious underground palace.

In this underground palace, Yuan Feng has not worked hard, and the most secure part is that he arranged a large Jiuqu Yellow River array in the entire underground palace. The existence of this mysterious array, Absolutely let no one want to explore the existence of this space, even the powerful ones.

"Fenger, did you arrange this mysterious array?"

In the fantastic mysterious space, Jiang Qingwu's facial muscles became stiff again, because the super mysterious array in front of her gave her a new understanding of her son again.

"Hey, don't hide your mother. When the baby was in the innate state, even if Xuan Zhen was very interested, as for this Xuan Zhen, it was the baby that was obtained with Chixiao sword. The mother may only see the performance, but it is You know, the power of this mysterious array is very terrifying. When the child is in the realm of dandan, he captures a strong hole in the heavenly realm, and this is the mysterious array. "

For others, every means of Yuan Feng can be described by divine skills, but for Yuan Feng himself, these internal and external things are actually nothing but his means, really There is nothing to praise.

"Hey, my son is so genius, I am Jiang Qingwu, and I'm really enough in this life."

Jiang Qingwu had already completely served. At this moment, she suddenly understood one thing, that no matter how appalling things happened to Yuan Feng in the future, she didn't need to be too surprised. On her son's body, it seems that nothing really is impossible.

"Does my mother have a research on the Xuanzhen? These nine songs of the Yellow River are very strange. If the mother wants to learn, the baby can teach you."

A family is a family. No matter what is good, you must share it. Frankly, he really wanted to let his mother learn all his methods. In that case, his mother would become stronger and he would provide more protection for him and his loved ones. Already.

"Xuan Zhen? Forget it, I don't have much interest in Xuan Zhen, and I don't have that kind of talent. I really don't know where your child's talent comes from."

Shaking his head, Jiang Qingwu directly rejected this time. Speaking of it, Xuan Zhen, no matter where it was put, was something that only a few people could practice, and she did not cultivate the talent of Xuan Zhen.

"Also, my mother doesn't like to practice mysterious formation, but there are other good methods on the baby's body. There is a method that the mother will definitely like and will definitely be willing to practice."

The practice of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is indeed difficult. Without the foundation and talents of Xuanzhen, it is really difficult to cultivate successfully. However, there is a magical skill. He feels that his mother must practice, and it should be possible to practice.

"Brush!" During the talk, a black scroll appeared in his hand. As soon as the scroll came out, the surrounding space moved slightly. When you saw this scroll, even the strength The arrogant Jiang Qingwu all changed his face instantly, and his face flashed with surprise.

"What a weird scroll. This scroll should be made of animal skin. But what kind of animal skin is this weird?"

Jiang Qingwu's heart swept across the black scroll, but unfortunately, nothing abnormal was found in the end.

"Mother, the martial arts recorded above are exquisite, and the child has already been trained. The mother will see if this martial art can be practiced."

The scroll was in hand, Yuan Feng threw it directly into Jiang Qingwu's hands, and then calmly said.

"Well? What martial arts has made Fenger so respected, let me take a look."

Opening the black scroll with a little curiosity, Jiang Qingwu watched the information on the scroll with interest, but just when she just saw the beginning, her pupils were enlarged sharply and her face was full. It was an incredible look.

"Mirroring magic? Actually ... there is such a martial art?"

With a tight palm, Jiang Qingwu's eyes suddenly looked at Yuan Feng aside. At this moment, she really felt that her son was definitely a monster.

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