The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1170: Almighty son (three seeking flowers)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

The entire city of portals was quiet in almost an instant. Above the sky, a woman held a golden sword in her hand, standing like a goddess of war in the air, and on her opposite side, scattered bodies and limbs, this It was shaking violently now, as if to break free from fetters and escape directly.

It is a pity that although these broken arm stumps constantly wanted to break through the restraint, no matter how hard they tried, they were eventually unable to break through the restraint.

"You'd better be honest, otherwise, I won't try to seal you."

Just as the stumps of the broken arm trembled fiercely, the woman's voice fluttered, and when she heard her voice, the stump of the broken arm fluttered slightly, and then it became honest.

"Fenger, seal him to Qingwu Palace, remember to seal them separately, don't let them have a chance to reunite."

After all the broken limbs were honest, Jiang Qingwu ordered to Yuan Feng not far away, and heard her order, but the latter was not hesitant. It was when a lot of broken arm stumps approached, and when he raised his hand, he collected pieces of corpses into the Qingwu Palace, and the seals were suppressed.

"The Great Perfectionist, I actually sealed a Great Perfectionist, Huh, this is really cool !!"

When the body of the chaos monster domain cholera was printed by him one by one, Yuan Feng's face inevitably flashed an indescribable excitement.

For him now, Dong Tianjing's great consummates are still absolutely out of reach. After encountering them, they must hide as far away as possible. However, at this moment, he even chopped up a cave perfectionist and sealed it directly in his Qingwu Palace.

A strong and powerful person in the Heaven Realm, even if there is no baby on top of the other person's body, it is definitely a treasure alone.

It is conceivable that if such a powerful man is swallowed up, God knows where it can grow. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for him to devour a living person, and even if he does, it is absolutely useless to him. But for Xiao Ba, a hole in the Heavenly Realm is definitely a super tonic.

Xiao Ya's ascension is his ascension. With his body that is now turning nine to five and turning Xuan Gong, even if Xiao eight has really achieved the great power of Dongtian Realm, he can fully borrow the strength of the other party, and then relax. This is the **** of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong.

"Fenger, where did you get this sword? Such a rare magic weapon is really an eye-opener for mothers."

Just when Yuan Feng was excited, Jiang Qingwu, who had completed his shot, slowly came to Yuan Feng's front, stroking the golden sword in his hand, and exclaimed with admiration.

Jiang Qingwu was really surprised at this moment. As the daughter of a large family without arrogance, and also the star character of the Star Palace, she has seen too many magic weapons. However, she never I never thought that there would be such a terrible magic sword in the world. She believes that with this magic sword, she can definitely defeat any opponent in the same level, even if it is to kill the opponent.

Just now, she hardly exerted much force, and she just destroyed a super strong man who had a great sky. If she used a little more force, she could easily wipe out the opponent.

"Mother, this exquisite sword is called Chixiao Sword, which was obtained by a child in a Jedi in the realm of law. Speaking of this sword, it really has a lot to offer. When it's free, the child will talk to the mother Say."

Depressing the excitement in the bottom of his heart, Yuan Feng couldn't help looking at the Chixiao sword in Jiang Qingwu's hand, and his eyes were full of obsession.

The strength of the Red Xiao Sword is not what he can imagine at first. Originally, this magic sword in his hand could not even exert a thousandth of its power, but in the hand of Jiang Qingwu, this handle The power of the sword finally began to show.

The gladiolus just now looks so charming. Naturally there is a factor of Jiang Qingwu's sword skills in it, but more, it seems that the power of Chixiao is due to it.

Not to mention, just at the moment, he actually learned a new sword trick. With his qualifications and understanding, as long as he diligently practices, he can certainly master this trick easily.

"It's a peerless sword. My child is able to get such a magic weapon. It is really a favor from heaven."

He put his finger on the Chixiao sword, but Jiang Qingwu finally gave the sword to Yuanfeng's hand, and signaled Yuanfeng to put away the sword.

If other people have this sword, then she would have taken the first shot and snatched the first time. There is no way. Such a magic weapon, no matter who it is changed, it is impossible to remain attentive, even if she is desperate. No exception.

However, this thing belongs to her son, and of course she can't rob her son's things. Moreover, the Excalibur is in Yuan Feng's hands. She wants to use it at any time, and she can use it at any time.

"Fenger, this sword is definitely not ordinary, and once it is used, it will inevitably be noticed by the super strong. From now on, if you don't have me by your side, you must use this sword as little as possible, you know?"

Suddenly his complexion changed. At this moment, Jiang Qingwu was serious beyond words.

"Relax, mother, the child knows that the sword is good, so it is rarely used. If I had to save my mother from poverty, I would not let the sword live."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng retracted the Chixiao sword and replied obediently.

"You can understand these things, and mother will be relieved."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Jiang Qingwu nodded with satisfaction, and the thought of Yuan Feng's adventurous use of the Excalibur because she wanted to save herself, she couldn't help being moved.

"Mother, please also ask my mother for help, and the child will subdue this person."

After talking about the Red Xiao Sword, Yuan Feng's gaze couldn't help but look aside. There, just now, the sword dazzled by the emergence of cholera. At this moment, the whole person's face was scared. Indescribably pale.

For Daobatian, the Dongtian Realm is no longer able to provoke it. As for the legendary good realm, it is almost a godlike character. In front of such a person, he even has the right to breathe. Has been deprived.

Although Jiang Qingwu didn't hit him, he didn't even think about escaping, because he knew very well that even if he had wings in his hands, he would never escape the palm of his hand. Heart.

"Conquer? Well, although Fenger wants to do something, he will not resist in the slightest, even if he is done."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and there was a bright light in his eyes. For a long time, she was very curious, how exactly Yuan Feng conquered those cavemen, but now she can just see it.


When the voice fell, she raised her hand casually, and immediately, Dao Batian, who stood there foolishly, was caught by her uncontrollably, and the latter was obedient, but she did not dare to move, honestly Let her fiddle on the ground.

"Blades, right, you are very good, originally you wanted to kill the magic pet you fed me, but I read it because of your courage. From now on, you will follow me!"

Yuan Feng was also not polite. He came to Daobatian, and looked at the other side up and down first, and then condescended the authenticity.

This sword tyrant has great strength, it seems to be fiercer than his other three cave heavens and six subordinates. It is also a great help for him to have such a person under his hand.

"I ...... I'd like to follow you, like the three of them, I will be sent before the saddle."

Knowing the current affairs officer is Junjie, watching the domain owner of Chaos Demon domain be killed, where can he still dare to resist? Now that Dou Tianxiao can surrender, what else can he not do?

"Oh, verbal promises don't take effect here, so let's make it more affordable !!!"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's face condensed suddenly, and between the words, his hands began to form unusually complex handprints, and the special runes appeared from his hands, and finally One by one into the body of Daobatian.


When Yuan Feng started to move, Jiang Qingwu's face, which had just calmed down, suddenly became very exciting.

"This ... what is this means? These runes ... are so complicated, so delicate, even in the realm of imagination, I am afraid it is difficult to see such a delicate means!"

Jiang Qingwu felt that her heartbeat was speeding up, and by this moment, she had been scared by her son.

A person can be excellent and very genius, but if genius reaches this level, it is simply a sin! She has never practiced for so long, and she has never been able to match her own son.

"Om !!!"

Just when Jiang Qingwu was shocked, the seal on Yuan Feng's hand was at the last minute. As a significantly larger rune was condensed by him and penetrated into the body of Daobatian, a blood red soul ghost above the body of the latter was directly detached from the body, floating In the air.


After seeing the Scarlet Soul appear, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand. Then, the Scarlet Soul ghost was directly sucked into the palm of his hand. All the moves were done in one go without any delay.

"Get the job done !!!"

After doing all of this, Yuan Feng clapped her hands with satisfaction, and then looked back at his mother. However, when he looked back at the other person, the latter's face was already filled with a dull color, just like the scared Daobatian before.

ps: for support and motivation, these two days at the end of the month, at least have to increase even more! !! !!

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