The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1169: The prestige of nature (two more)

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Yuan Feng, with his three caves in the Heaven Realm and the Sixth Heavenly Power, appeared directly in the portal city of Chaos Demon Realm, and deliberately made a huge noise, but the purpose is self-evident.

And their actions were soon fulfilled. Almost immediately when the Sixth Heavenly Powerful in Sandadong Heaven Realm let go of their hands and fought with the gatekeepers of the portal city, the super strong in Chaos Realm, the domain master in Chaos Realm, was from an unknown space. Advent.

"Booming !!!"

As the domain owner of the chaos domain, it must be a level of characters with the houseowners of the thirty-six provinces, and the strength must even be above the houseowner-level strong, and when this level of strong comes, the dynamics are definitely not. Ordinary people can imagine.

"That's it? It seems that the domain owner of the Chaos Demon Realm is an acute child."

Yuan Feng, who was standing behind, was flashing a bright light under his eyes. What he wanted was such an effect, but he did not expect that the action had just taken place and the other party could not wait to appear. It seemed that So it's not unreasonable to be so popular.

"Three of you, come back !!!"

Feeling that the super strong in Chaos Realm is about to come, Yuan Feng hurriedly waved his hands and greeted the people in the Three Heavens Heaven Realm under the seat to step back, so as to avoid unnecessary injuries.

The three cave heavens and six heavenly men are his strongest subordinates at this stage. Although it is optional for him, of course, it is better to have these people under his command.

"Brush brush !!!"

The three also knew the danger of the situation. When Yuan Feng's words fell, they hurried out of the circle of war and returned to Yuan Feng's side.

"Hahaha, Lord Lord of the Lands has arrived, your death is here, hahahaha !!!"

Without the opponent, the gatekeeper of the portal city, Daobatian, couldn't help laughing. He had felt the advent of the chaos domain master, and in front of the master of the chaos domain, these people now looked like little ants, believing that a slap could be shot dead by the chaos domain master.

Of course, for this kind of betrayal by the three of Hua Xinyang, I am afraid that it will be an extremely extravagant idea to die quickly.

"Well !!!"

Almost at the same time as Daobatian let out a long laugh, in front of him, a huge space crack appeared, and then a man with a pale complexion, covering his body with black robes all over, was Stepped out of the space.

The man's breath in the linen was cold and cold, and the whole person was like a thousand years of ice, which made people dare not look straight. Through the black sackcloth, you can see the scarlet eyes of a man, no matter how you look at them, these eyes are definitely not like what humans should have.

"See Master Owner, Master Owner's Life and Tian Qi !!!"

When the man in the black linen appeared, the sword fighter behind the back held the laughter for the first time, even if he bent down to the ground, respectfully asked the man in line with the linen.

"Get up !!!"

Regarding Daobatian's salute, the man in linen didn't even look at it, but he just heard it casually, but his eyes were always staring at Yuan Feng in front of him, and the three strong men in front of Yuan Feng.

"Hua Xinyang, He Yingkui, Dou Tianxiao, the three of you are very good. It seems that you are living impatiently."

The voice of the man in linen is very difficult to listen to. With the cold atmosphere inside, I believe that anyone can never like it. By the time he heard what he said, the three of Hua Xinyang had shrunk their necks subconsciously, and their faces were obviously pale. However, this response is much better than the normal response.

If this is a normal change, if the man in the linen says this, then the three of them may already be scared to kneel and admit their mistakes.

"Lord of the Chaos Demon Domain, huh, huh, I finally saw it today, yes, really good."

Just as the man in Ma Pao threatened the three of Hua Xinyang coldly, Yuan Feng finally stood up at this time and opened his mouth quietly. In speaking, he had already stepped forward, and walked in front of the three of Hua Xinyang, facing the cholera master of the Chaos Demon Domain on the opposite side, facing face to face.

Although he was too far away from the other side in terms of cultivation, in terms of momentum, Yuan Feng almost did not lose to the other side. That momentum was as if he had become a strong player of the same level.

"It seems that the three of them dare to be so bold, it should be your ghost, boy, are you ready to die?"

The eyes of the horror of the chaos monster domain domain naturally recovered from the three of Hua Xinyang, looking at Yuan Feng who went up to the front desk, and his voice was cold and authentic.

As the domain owner of the Chaos Realm, he rarely actually shot it in person, because in his name, almost no one dared to sell his face in the thirty-six houses of the French Realm. Therefore, for so many years, it was really true No one dared to run to his field to spread the wild.

However, this time, not only did someone run into the troubled realm to make troubles, but he even snatched his subordinates over it. Of course, he couldn't let it go.

Yuan Feng in front of him really surprised him. It seems that only the practice of annihilation is complete, and the amount of fluctuations may be as high as the five-day sky of the cave heaven. Such a weird person would not even want to be small. What's more, the other party was able to subdue his three cave heavens and six heavenly subordinates, which is not what ordinary people can do.

"Ha, Lord of Chaos Demon Realm, it really is a well-deserved reputation. He really treats himself like an emperor of the earth!" Hearing the other party's unceremonious threat, Yuan Feng did not have any fear, shook his head, and continued. "How to die, this is definitely not something I need to consider, but whether it is life or death, is definitely the biggest problem you face now."

Yuan Feng's heart inevitably sighed with enthusiasm and looked at the lord of the chaos in front of the chaos.

The domain master of the Chaos Demon Realm is not just famous. Although few people know the origin of the person, what he has done in the realm of the French Realm, even the major government owners have to serve. Now it seems that this person's strength is indeed very strong, he can even feel that even the original Sapphire Mansion owner, I am afraid that he can't catch up with this person.


When Yuan Feng's words fell, the other side, the chaos of the chaos of the demon domain, could not help but feel nervous.

He is very clear that Yuan Feng in front of him will never be targeted, and from the performance of Yuan Feng when he looked at him, the situation today is obviously not as simple as he imagined!

"Hum, boy, are you bluffing with me? Wait for me to kill you and see how arrogant you are !!!"

The feeling of awfulness under his heart made cholera not want to continue to talk to Yuan Feng at all. When he was thinking, he suddenly reached out and went straight to Yuan Feng and grabbed it.

In the current situation, Yuan Feng is definitely a key figure. As long as he captures the opponent or kills the opponent, everything will be solved. However, he really wanted to know what method Yuan Feng had used, so that his three cave heavens and six celestial subordinates were willing to surrender, even at the expense of confrontation.

Dong Tianjing's successful shot from the strong, the power is simply earth-shattering, and frankly, in the presence of strong players of this level, if you do n’t use Qingwu Palace, Yuan Feng is only a person who can be slaughtered Even if he used the Chixiao sword, he could not be the opponent of such a strong one.

Of course, if he is given enough time to prepare and arrange the Super Mysterious array in advance, it will be able to win a little by supplementing the Chixiao sword.

Seeing cholera grabbing at himself, Yuan Feng still kept a faint smile, and did not mean to dodge or fight back, looking at his posture, as if he was trying to let himself be captured.

"This kid ... is it still bluffing?"

Cholera is becoming more and more suspicious. Although his strength is countless times stronger than Yuan Feng, the other party is not even dodging force. Moreover, since Yuan Feng can order the three of Hua Xinyang, why is this? Don't you put the three in front?

Obviously, the scene at hand is absolutely problematic.

"Oh, Dong Tianjing's cultivation, even wanted to touch my child !!"

Almost immediately when cholera was in doubt, but had to make a shot, a chuckle was suddenly introduced into his ears. At the same time, a sharp and dangerous feeling was instantly spread to him. Up and down.

Long-term bloodbath fighting made him feel that kind of life-threatening danger, and a huge coercion that shocked him was also the first time to lock him up and let him have nothing to hide.

"Sizzle ...... make ... the powerful creatures !!! ''

As a super powerhouse with a great completion of the cave world, cholera is still unclear. At this moment, he was calculated by a person who created the realm. The formidable powerhouse even put down his posture and sneaked up on people of this level, which is a situation he would never think of.

According to common sense, those who create a strong realm should definitely not conceal a person from Dongtianjing, even if they are a great conqueror of Dongtianjing, they have absolutely no qualification to let them conceal.

However, everything is absolute, and at this moment, this tiny probability is really met by him.

"No, escape !!!"

The formidable realm is not something he can resist at the completion of Dongtian Realm. At this moment, he has no other way to think except to escape.

"Well !!!"

A space crack appeared on his side instantly, and the reaction of cholera was almost tolerable. Almost immediately after the crack appeared, he flashed into it directly, and the speed was almost staggering.

"Can you run away?"

However, just as half of the body of the cholera had entered the crack in the space, and when it was about to escape, a golden swordman light suddenly lit up in the air. Then, the crack in the space where the cholera was located at this time As the center, a golden lotus flower suddenly bloomed.

"Booming !!!"

The golden sword lotus bloomed as much as possible, and as the sword lotus opened, the cholera that was about to escape, only felt the whole body tightened, and then he was swallowed up by the sword lotus, his limbs, and he was immediately separated from the body. Wrapped with strange energy, they sealed directly.

ps: There are just four flowers left, for help! !! !!

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