The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1168: Entice the enemy (a more seeking flowers)

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In the realm of law, on the boundless vast territory, countless warriors are fighting and progressing according to their own way of living. For them, to live and then become stronger. This is a clear path. As for the others, They don't have that energy to think at all.

However, when everyone in the French Realm was living according to their own way of life, no one knew that the superpower standing at the highest peak of the French Realm had disappeared into the long river of history.

The thirty-sixth house of the first palace of the French phase, from now on, there is no longer the star palace.

The disappearance of the giant star-like star house is a big thing for the French realm, but it can also be said to be a small thing, because for the people of the French realm, the existence of the starry house is only known by a very small number of people Most ordinary people simply have heard of such a force, but they do n’t know what the star planet is and how strong it is.

Of course, the disappearance of the Star Palace is naturally an event that cannot be ignored for the owners of the thirty-six houses and the strong men under them.

The celestial palace exists in the realm of law. This is first of all an enrichment of the strength of the realm of law. At least, there is a celestial house in it. The strong in other worlds are definitely not dare to set foot in this world. The strong in the horoscope is absolutely Will not allow people from other worlds to run to the French realm to trouble.

However, on the other hand, the existence of the celestial palace is undoubtedly a constraint on the French realm. Because of its existence, the thirty-six houses in the French realm have lost a lot of vitality. There will undoubtedly be more competition, and only with more competition can the world make progress.

Regarding the disappearance of the Star Palace, the owners of the thirty-six provinces did not know for the time being. It is foreseeable that when they learn about this, there will be a shock, and the realm of law at that time will also undergo a qualitative change.

Having said that, aside from the disappearance of the celestial palace, it is enough that just the disappearance of all the people below the fifth heaven of the cave of the heavens of the French phase is enough to cause a major earthquake in the phase of the French phase. I believe the owner of the 36th house The strong players should soon discover this ...

Chaos domain, portal city.

For the people in the chaos domain, what happened in the 36th house of the French Realm has nothing to do with them. As an independent world outside the world, the chaos domain is actually a paradise to some extent.

Few people will come to trouble in the chaos domain. Over time, the environment of the chaos domain is quieter than the thirty-six houses, especially the portal city. Because of the prohibition of martial arts here, it is naturally quieter and more peaceful.

"Om !!!"

However, at a certain moment, the quiet portal city of Chaos Realm suddenly heard a sound of spatial shock. With this sound, a huge spatial gap in the city of the portal city suddenly appeared. Come out.

The gap in space seemed to be intentionally large. After the huge gap in space appeared, the figure of a young man walked out of the gap.

"Bold, who dares to come to Chaos in Chaos Devil and become impatient?"

When the gap in space appeared, a loud roar sounded suddenly above the portal city and enveloped the entire portal city.

"Boom!" With the sound of the drinking, a burly man with black mist wagging on his body, as if waiting for a long time, appeared to the young man almost instantly.

The burly man had a rough face, and his body was full of cold killing intentions. In his hand, a **** sword, as if still bleeding, looked scared.

"Well? Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, it seems that the rumors are really unbelievable. There is a third Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven person in the Chaos Realm."

When the burly man appeared in front of the young man, the latter was without the slightest fear, and he could even smile with a smile while speaking, and spoke to the burly man.

"Well, where did you come from, it seems that you are still familiar with Me Devil Realm. It seems that you are deliberately looking for fault?" Hearing the words of the young man, the burly man could not help but raise his eyebrows, and his blood was long. The knife was also tightened subconsciously.

As the gatekeeper of the Chaos Demon Realm, he has been in the portal city of the Chaos Demon Realm for countless years, and rarely encounters any faults. At this moment, the young people in front of him are obviously bad comers. At this moment, he , Naturally have to be cautious.

"Ha, I really made you right. I came here today to find the difference, but with your strength, I'm afraid I'm not qualified enough to find the difference."

Looking at the rough man in front of him with interest, Yuan Feng naturally showed a slight disdain.

Coming again to Chaos Demon Realm, his mood is quite different from before, because at this moment, he is no longer fighting alone. There is no character in this Chaos Demon Realm that can make him afraid.

For the entire French realm, he doesn't want to move other provinces now, but this chaos domain seems to be completely under control. As for the disobedient ...

"Presumptuous, wherever the kid came, even dare to ridicule me, I will destroy you today!"

How has a rough man ever been so ridiculed? He has always been a butcher who takes human lives, but today he despised a young man who was weaker than himself. In this regard, he only used blood to wash his shame.

"Om !!!" The blood-sworded sword trembled suddenly, but Daobatian was going to do it directly.

"Well, there are really guys in Chaos Realm who don't know this, but it doesn't look like a big deal!"

"After a long time in trouble, the portal city of Chaos Demon Realm turned out to be a reckless husband guarding. It seems that the domain master of Chaos Demon Realm is really confused."

"Blades, right, no matter where you came from, now it's best to apologize to the young master, otherwise, you won't even be able to kneel for mercy later."

When Daoba ’s weather was so horrible that when he was about to do something with Yuan Feng, he snorted, but suddenly passed by Yuan Feng's side. Then, three men lined up. The ground appeared in front of Yuan Feng, protecting Yuan Feng behind her in an airtight manner, but the immense momentum directly locked him.

"What? This ..."

As soon as the sword was about to be used, the hand holding the knife was subconsciously tightened tightly, because the scene in front of him made him feel incredible. At this moment, he suddenly realized that something seemed to happen. Already.

"Hua Xinyang, He Yingkui, Dou Tianxiao? You ... you ..."

Dou Tianxiao does not know Daobatian, but as one of the gatekeepers of the portal city of Chaos Demon, Daobatian cannot possibly not know these three, and for the strongest of these three Chaos domain, this He was standing near a young man at the moment, and it was a complete obedience. He really couldn't react.

In addition to Dou Tianxiao's deeper concealment, Hua Xinyang and He Yingkui are both vicious people with a long history. Even if he is, he will never provoke them at will, but it seems that the situation is obviously beyond his control Within range.

"You ... are the three of you going to rebel?"

For a long time, Daobatian returned to God a little, and asked coldly to the three strong men. It is a pity that when facing three strong men who are not weaker than himself, his momentum is not strong anyway.

"Rebellion? What rebellion? Chaos Demon Realm is everyone's Chaos Demon Realm. What kind of rebellion do we need?"

The three strong men are full of confidence. They have Yuan Feng as the backing, and more importantly, there is a larger and larger backing behind Yuan Feng. Under the shelter of this, the entire chaos domain, really Nothing to fear.

"You guys ..." Daobatian has nothing to say. One to three, he is now in a defeated situation. It seems that at this moment, it is already difficult for him to solve the situation alone.

"Well, don't tell him more, do it !!!"

At the time of the theory of the three strong men and Daobatian, behind him, Yuan Feng's voice came lightly, and when he heard his order, the three people of Hua Xinyang who had been waiting for the order almost wanted to I don't want to do it.

"Om !!! Brush !!!"

Almost all of the three strong players took out their greatest strength as soon as they shot, and the posture was like a deep hatred with the opposite Daobatian. Moreover, the three seemed to worry that others could not feel them, and they almost spread their momentum into the depths of the chaos.

"I fight with you !!"

Daobatian couldn't think too much, because until now, he didn't know what was going on. Why these three people suddenly turned away from the realm of chaos and went to a humble young man.

"An enemy has attacked. An enemy has invaded the chaos. Everyone will send a distress signal."

"Send a signal? Didn't you see all the strong men in Dongtianjing guarding the portal city appear? Who is calling for help now?"

"No matter what, just run away and don't become a pond fish because of the fire at the gate."

The people in the portal city suddenly fry the pot. The original safest portal city was because of the battle between the strong and powerful Dongtianjing. All of a sudden it became extremely dangerous. Quite a few of the strong were dead.


However, almost at the beginning of the battle here, the entire chaos domain was trembling slightly, and an extremely horrifying force spread directly from the depths of space.

"Hua Xinyang, He Yingkui, Dou Tianxiao, you three are so brave."

Huge power came, and a shout of earth-shattering thunderous sounded through the entire portal city at the same time, and it was able to have such a mighty power. Obviously, there was only one domain owner in the entire chaos domain.

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