The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1140: Abolished (one more)

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Just above Lingcui Mountain, which was still in a warm atmosphere, suddenly became deadly silent. Everyone stared at the same direction, there, a young man behind his hands, like a **** in the world, overlooking Small people.

For the people of the Tianlong dynasty, the annihilation powerhouse is simply the powerhouse standing at the top of the pyramid, and the ancestral ancestor of the cave, one level higher than the annihilation powerhouse, simply surpassed the top of the pyramid tower and reached Another height without enemies.

In their hearts, such an enemyless thing will never lose, even immortal.

However, on this day, they witnessed the innocent objects in the three cave heavens, like three little ants, stepped on the ground by a young man. This scene will surely become their lingering scene. Carved in their hearts forever.

"Old ancestors ... the old ancestors have all been abolished? Me, am I not dreaming?"

"Okay ... so terrible, is this ... is this the little guy back then? How could he, he be so powerful?"

"It's too exaggerated, too perverted. What has he experienced in the past few years?"

Many of the three sectarians present at the scene probably knew Yuan Feng. It was because they had met with Yuan Feng when they helped Yunlong protect the law to destroy the Moro's nocturnal protector. They even met Yuan Feng. Helped them, relieved the strange energy in their bodies.

However, Yuan Feng was so weak and pitiful at the time. Except for some special measures, his strength was nothing remarkable. Compared with today, it was almost ten thousand miles away!

"This ... Is this really the Yuanfeng little brother we know? This is too ... too exaggerated !!!"

Su Wenxin, the lord of the heavenly heart, and Bi Yun, the lord of the five elements, were hard to return to for a while. They have felt the power of Yuan Feng, and now, their feelings have undoubtedly become more intuitive.

Although it was the ancestors of the two gates that were bombed into the ground, at this moment, the two were not too anxious, just as they were not the Five Elements and the Tianxinzong at this moment. .

The ancestors of the Three Great Cave Heaven Realm, smashed three huge deep pits on the ground at this moment. Each of the deep pits did not have any breath. It gave people a feeling of gloom.

"Well, relying on my own strength, I am so old and confused. It is a waste of resources to keep such people, and it is better to get results sooner."

He smashed the ancestral ancestors of the three caves into the ground, but Yuan Feng didn't feel anything wrong. During the conversation, he lifted his hands and sucked directly, sucking out the three people in the pothole and grabbing himself Hands.

"Om !!!" After holding the three in his hands, Yuan Feng was so angry that he woke up all three of them. His shot just now seemed a bit heavy, which was a small accident. No way, he is too strong and too strong now, he never expected these three guys to be so vulnerable.

Speaking of them, these three men did not dare to use all their powers in the Tianlong Dynasty, and even did not dare to take a shot, for fear of attracting superpowers from a different world. However, Yuan Feng did not have such concerns at all. In the current Tianlong dynasty, many strong men have been subdued by him. Even if someone feels that he is making waves here, he will never dare to disturb him.

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if his existence was discovered by others, he had nothing to fear, and he would just run away from the Heavenly Refined Magic Palace to escape.

The ancestors of the Three Great Cave Heaven Realm quickly regained consciousness. However, when the three men woke up and saw Yuan Feng's cold face, the hearts of the three men suddenly burst slightly, almost again. Was fainted.

"Let's live, Yuan Feng's little brother!"

Among the three great cave ancestors, the five ancestors ancestor Yun Sihai opened the first, and when he opened, he directly begged Yuan Yuan for mercy. Where is the majesty of the heavenly power?

The strong and the strong have their own strong hands, they all know that within the scope of the Tianlong dynasty, they are all true top powerhouses. However, once the foreign powers come, they will be nothing at all. Coincidentally, Yuan Feng in front of her had just arrived here from the outside.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. This little brother, just the three of us, was confused. Don't be surprised by this little brother, we all know that it is wrong."

The second one was Ge Cunxing, the old ancestor of Tianxinzong. Like Yunsihai, he was obviously scared enough. At this moment, he felt that Yuan Feng was so easily grasped in his hands. He was really a little bit The resistance is gone.

"Yuan and Yuanfeng, brothers, we all misunderstood the previous things. We will immediately take people away without disturbing the cultivation of you all."

Jianzong's ancestor Zang Jiansheng made the last opening. It can be seen that his opening was made with great determination, but he had to obey anyway.

Regarding Yuan Feng's identity, they have already known from the three major suzerainians. However, if Yuan Feng had just greeted two of the three suzerainians, they could not believe it. It turned out to be such a terrible character. Knowing this, it would be impossible for them to run out to find excitement, even if they say flowers.

"Ha, even now I know repentance. Unfortunately, now that I understand, everything is too late."

Watching the three of them nodded and bowed to each other, Yuan Feng's contempt for the three was getting heavier and heavier. He's really downplayed in such bullying and scary roles.

"Three of you, as the superpowers of the Tianlong dynasty, have done such unreasonable things. It is really shameful. Therefore, capital punishment is unavoidable and living crime is inevitable. From now on, you still do n’t want to be a celestial body. It ’s gone, kill me !!! "

He raised his eyebrows, but Yuan Feng finally made a decision suddenly. Between raising his hands, he played a powerful force directly against the three of them.

"Boom boom boom !!!" Three booms, this time the ancestors of the three major cave heavens have not been bombarded, but they are set in mid-air, and they have not waited for psychological preparation, their cave world It was collapsed one after another, and was abandoned directly by Yuan Feng.

"Ah, ah, how can this happen, my cultivation is, my cave world!"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. I am a character in Dongtianjing, and it is absolutely impossible to become an ordinary warrior."

"No, none of this is true, absolutely nothing is true !!!"

The ancestors of the three major cave heavens never dreamed that Yuan Feng had made such a clear and clean shot and destroyed their cave world. At this moment, their countless years of cultivation have really become a dream bubble.

Suddenly falling from heaven into hell, at this moment, they really can't believe the truth in front of them. Fear, anger, remorse, and complex emotions appeared in their eyes, but they seemed quite tangled.

"Well, you can abolish the practice of the weak as you like. Similarly, you are also weak in my eyes, so I will naturally abolish your practice."

Seeing all three were crazy, muttering to himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help humming, but there was no sign of pity.

Qiu Wanjian's situation has actually made him kill the ancestors of the Three Great Cave Heaven Realm. Now he can save three lives, which is already his greatest kindness. Anyway, these three guys are here now. Alive.

"It's ... abandoned?"

Su Wenxin and Bi Yun were also startled, but didn't say much! At this moment, Yuan Feng had the final say. They did not have the right to speak at all. What's more, the three ancestors really disappointed and disappointed them. At the critical moment, they did not show up to help them, but in peace times, they even ran out to cause trouble. Not as good as not.

"Well, don't be ashamed of the three of you here. From today, I will seal you up. As for when I can release you, then it depends on how I feel, go in !!!"

Just like throwing garbage, Yuan Feng first opened a space crack in his hand, and then threw the three people directly into the space crack, but he didn't have the slightest hand softness.

The huge gap between realm and strength made him not take these three seriously at all. Now he has abolished the three and sealed them in the space of different dimensions. Speaking of this, it is the same as killing the three. There is not much difference. However, Yuan Feng did not want to slaughter their ancestors in front of the owners of the three major schools.

The three elders were thrown into the space of different dimensions during the talk. At this moment, no matter how regretful or annoyed they were, it was useless. Everything can only be blamed for their own fault.

When the ancestors of the Three Great Cave Heaven Realm were like ants, they were assaulted by Yuan Feng into the space of different dimensions, but the whole scene suddenly became needle-dropping. At this moment, no matter who they were, they felt their hearts cold. There is no sense of superiority.


When the three strong men were all cleaned up, Dan Xia Zong, the mysterious array that surrounded the entire Lingcui Mountain, was suddenly put away, and then, Danxia in Lingcui Mountain The people of Zong are all showing their stature.

However, when the mysterious array disappeared and the people inside showed up, the whole scene became even more weird. Whether it was the people of the three major gates outside or the people of the Danxiazong inside, they all stared at each other. With eyes wide, I don't understand what is going on.

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